Homosexuality, Slavery, and the Bible

In an interview with a homosexual Chicago newspaper, CNN’s openly-homosexual African-American anchor Don Lemon argued that the same Bible that was used to “keep us as slaves” is now being used against homosexuality and homosexual marriage. Lemon claimed: “We [in the African American community] have, in many ways, been a victim of the Scriptures and theology that have been used to keep us as slaves [...]

The Job of Political Cleanup

“Politicians are like diapers; they need to be changed often and for the same reason.”― Mark Twain Your husband hears your five-week old baby crying. You know the problem. She has a dirty diaper. You know what needs to be done. Her diaper needs changing. You’re tired. The baby’s been cranky all day, and you need a rest, even if it’s only a short one. Your ever-loving husband is i [...]

Church Bullied by Liberal Group to Shut Up or Else

Americans United for Separation of Church and State (AC) “is calling on the Internal Revenue Service to look into allegations that Bellevue Baptist Church in Cordova, Tenn., is violating restrictions for posting a link to a pro-family organization on its website.” What restrictions? The First Amendment does not prohibit churches from speaking out on any issue. The amendment is so clear that the pe [...]

Liberal Theologian Says “It’s not ‘class warfare,’ it’s Christianity”

I was wondering when liberals were going to bring Jesus into the discussion about taxing the rich. Christians are labeled ‘theocrats’ and ‘dominionists’ when they quote the Bible, but when a liberal appeals to Jesus she’s being compassionate. The latest is an article written by Susan Brooks Thistlethwaite who is a professor at the mostly liberal Chicago Theological Seminary. Apparently there’s Chi [...]

Atheist Takes City to Court Over Seal with Cross

Rob Sherman is an atheist. Any time he sees a reference to religion, mostly the Christian religion, he springs into action. This time his action is directed against the city of Zion, Ill., for using a banned version of the city seal that displays the design Zion’s evangelical founder selected more than a century ago, a banner with the words “God Reigns” surrounded by images of a dove, a cross, a s [...]

Teacher Ordered to Remove 'Religious' Banners After Nearly 30 Years

After an initial court victory, a high school math teacher lost his battle to keep his “God” banners displayed in his classroom. A federal appeals court ruled on September 13, 2011 that Bradley Johnson’s First Amendment rights were not violated when he was asked by the school district to take down a series of religious banners. Mr. Johnson had banners hanging in his classroom at Westview High Scho [...]

A Conservative’s Very Bad Idea

The article “Conservatism that Assures the Unthinkable: the Reelection of Barack Obama,” by Chuck Rogér, that appeared on the American Thinker website caught my attention: “As America flirts with permanent economic decline, certain GOP presidential contenders talk of gay marriage, Charles Darwin, and religiosity. Are we losing our minds? “While the current progressive regime is rife wi [...]

The Hidden History of Social Security

Social Security is in the news as presidential candidates jockey for political position. What you don’t know about Social Security may surprise you. Gary DeMar takes a look at the socialist history of this government pyramid scheme in this edition of Vantage Point! [...]

Defending Dispensationalism at All Costs

Dave Hunt continues to ask questions about a preterist interpretation of Scripture. They’re true by definition because they support dispensationalism. Mr. Hunt knows that he no longer has to defend his position because there is a willing audience that will believe any listing of them because they are dispensationalists and their belief system is dependent on the system. To breech any part of it me [...]

Is Jesus Going to Reign on Earth?

There are lots of things that people believe the Bible teaches that just aren’t there. I have developed a Bible test that makes this point. Here’s one of them: Did Noah’s ark land on Mt. Ararat? The answer is no. The ark came to rest on the mountains (plural) of Ararat (Gen. 8:4). There are other “that’s not in the Bible” beliefs, and many have to do with Bible prophecy. Ask a prophecy student to [...]

Government Sanctioned Ponzi Schemes?

The word ’economics’ is made up of two Greek words: oikos and nomos. House and law. Literally it means, the lawful ordering of a household, whether that household is small or large. Today’s civil officials believe that through legislation that they can break these divine laws. In today’s episode of Vantage Point, Dr. DeMar examines the economic principles behind social secu [...]

Jesus Already Stood on the Mount of Olives

The following question was asked of Dave Hunt on his Berean Call website: Question: You have criticized preterism and amillennial teaching as being unbiblical, but teachers such as R. C. Sproul present what clearly are reasoned conclusions for their positions. What do you say? Since 1988 I have been responding to the prophetic views of Dave Hunt. For example, Peter J. Leithart and I wrote The Redu [...]

False Prophecy Teachers are in the News Again

A ChristianPost.com article reports that two large and influential Baptist churches have special sermons planned for September 11th, the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States. “One sermon promises to discuss America’s ‘inevitable collapse’ while the other is to be delivered by Dr. Tim LaHaye, known for his popular end-times book series [Left Behind]. . . . First Baptist Ch [...]

Is The Earthquake In DC A Sign Of The End?

Is the earthquake that impacted Washington, DC a sign of the end? You might be surprised that it’s not the first earthquake to shake our nation’s capital, but it will undoubtedly lead prophetic speculators to conclude that we are nearing the end of all things. Dr. Gary DeMar discusses all this and more here on Vantage Point. [...]

George Stephanopoulos Says It’s Unpatriotic to Avoid Paying Taxes

George Stephanopoulos (Γεώργιος Στεφανόπουλος), the descendant of Greek immigrants, stated that companies that go overseas to avoid paying high taxes in America are “unpatriotic.” Was it unpatriotic for his Greek relatives to leave their home country to find a better life in the United States? When they left Greece, they ended up not paying any Greek taxes. How unpatriotic! Are today’s immigrants [...]

The Anti-Religious Secular Dominionists are at it Again

“Three Christian crosses that stood on state property next to a scenic overlook in north San Diego County for decades were removed by California Department of Transportation workers earlier this week.” Do you see the irony? The County of San Diego, that is, the County of Saint James? We keep hearing how some of the Republican candidates are Dominionists, that is, they want to impose their religion [...]

Leftist Dominionists Hate Competition

Dominionism is still in the news. Jack Cafferty brought it up on his rarely watched TV show. Then there are the current links to Katherine Yurica’s 2004 article “The Despoiling of America: How George W. Bush Became the Head of the New American Dominionist Church/State.” Quoting from J. J. Ligon Duncan’s 1994 article “Moses’ Law for Modern Government, that cites Kenneth L. Gentry’s book God’s [...]

Rick Perry Questioned About Evolution and Science

Did you see the video of Rick Perry being questioned about evolution? The Texas governor was responding to a question from a little boy in New Hampshire. The child is not asking on his own account. He was being used as a prop by his mother. You can hear the boy’s mother whispering questions to ask Gov. Perry. The first question was about the age of the Earth: “How old do I think the earth is? [...]

Bible Prophecy Discussion

Harold Camping was proved a false prophet (again) when his May 21, 2011 end-of-the-world predictions did not come to fruition. This didn’t stop Camping however, he simply moved his date, and it hasn’t stopped other prophetic speculators from getting in on the action. This edition of Vantage Point is the third and final part, of a three part panel discussion on Bible prophecy that aired [...]

Liberal Dominionists Go On the Attack

It seems that there are more nutball Leftists than there are grains of sand at Myrtle Beach. One of the kookiest is Michelle Goldberg. Here’s her latest “journalistic” screed: “Michele Bachmann and Rick Perry aren’t just devout — both have deep ties to a fringe fundamentalist movement known as Dominionism, which says Christians should rule the world.” Here’s a little known secret: It’s liberal Dom [...]