Does Coptic Papyrus Prove Jesus was Married?

Dr. Karen L. King, a professor at Harvard Divinity School, has released what she claims may be a 4th century papyrus that depicts Jesus as being. Here’s how the “discovery” is being reported: “A small fragment of faded papyrus contains a suggestion that Jesus may have been married. “The fragment, with just eight lines of text on the front and six lines on the back, is from a fourth-century dialogu [...]

Why Christianity is a Religion of Peace and Islam is Not

As we reflect on the anniversary of 9/11, I think it important for us to reflect on the contrast between how the genuine Christian faith is advanced with how the religion of Islam is advanced. Robert Spencer is one of our nation’s most articulate and spot-on critics of Islamic extremism. He is the author of The Truth About Muhammad, The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades), as w [...]

'Christians Just Want Jews Slaughtered and Converted’

You may have heard Mark Alan Siegel, chairman of Florida’s Palm Beach County Democratic Party, tell an interviewer the following about what he thinks about Christians and their relationship with Jews: “The Christians just want us to be there so we can be slaughtered and converted and bring on the second coming of Jesus Christ. “The worst possible allies for the Jewish state are the fundament [...]

A Call for a New Magna Carta

The Declaration of Independence was written in the long shadow of Magna Carta, a thirteenth-century document that maintained that even the king was bound by law, not only the law of the commonwealth but God’s law. King John reluctantly bound himself to the charter’s provisions by attaching his seal. To ensure that the king would abide by his word, “the leaders of the nobility held the [...]

A fun and interactive way to learn in the Presidents Revealed iPad app from The American History Guild

Can you recite the name all 44 of the American Presidents? Could your children tell you highlights of what each one did while in office? When the average person is trying to recite the names of the American Presidents, they usually get lost shortly after Jefferson, leaving a big gap in their understanding of history, then they remember Lincoln, followed by another big gap, picking back up on one o [...]

Whoever has the most babies wins

I’ll never forget reading an article in the December 6, 2004 issue of Time by Michelle Cottle, in which she concluded that the battle over morals is over, but the war continues to rage. She saw the pro-homosexual forces winning in the end. She based this on the way the American public is more accepting today of “lifestyle issues” like homosexuality. Will & Grace, a TV show with a flaming [...]

John MacArthur: “There is No Hope for a Better World”

If you tell someone he can’t do something, in most cases that person will stop before he even tries. Of course, there are some people who take the impossible as a challenge and use the impossible as an incentive to work hard to disprove the critics. Many of the advances in science, technology, and everyday life are the result of people who fought against impossible odds. Life is full of impossible [...]

What if a majority of Americans support slavery?

“I have never understood why it is ‘greed’ to want to keep the money you’ve earned, but not greed to want to want to take somebody else’s money.” — Thomas Sowell, Barbarians Inside the Gates and other Controversial Essays An article I read carried this headline: “Big NY voter majority favors ‘millionaire tax.’” Articles like this one are designed to show that people with money should pay more taxe [...]

Massachusetts and Some of Its God History

The atheist organization The Freedom From Religion Foundation is demanding that the Wayland High School band “stop playing ‘God Bless America’ at school functions because it violates separation of church and state.” The Massachusetts’ school officials are ignoring the group’s threats, and for good reason. First, the First Amendment prohibits “Congress” from establishing a religion. Congress is not [...]

Is There a Kingdom Context to the Olivet Discourse?

A friend sent me a video of John MacArthur preaching on Mark 13, the Olivet Discourse. There is no need for me to interact with it in detail since I’ve written a verse-by-verse commentary on Matthew’s version of the Olivet Discourse. Two items caught my attention. The first has to do with context. Here’s how Mark 13 begins: “As He was going out of the temple, one of His disciples said to Him, ‘Tea [...]

The Seven-Year Tribulation: Clarifying Tommy Ice’s Clarifications (7)

As I’ve shown in previous articles (they can be referenced here, here, here, here, here, and here), Tommy Ice has not supplied a single verse that supports either a pre-tribulational rapture or a rebuilt temple. Let’s move on to the third question that I ask of dispensationalists: 3. Where in Revelation is the seven-year tribulation found? Here is Tommy’s attempt to answer my question: The answer [...]

The Rebuilt Temple: Clarifying Tommy Ice’s Clarifications (6)

The second question that I often pose to dispensationalists after challenging them to give me a verse that teaches a pre-tribulational rapture relates to the rebuilding of the temple. Tommy Ice references it in his article “Answers and Clarifications for Gary DeMar.” You can reference the other five posts here, here, here, here, and here: 2. Can you point out one verse from the New Testament that [...]

Dating the Book of Revelation: Clarifying Tommy Ice’s Clarifications

This is the fifth installment of my response to Tommy Ice’s article “Answers and Clarifications for Gary DeMar.” You can reference the other four posts here, here, here, and here. Tommy brings up the dating issue of when Revelation was written. He takes the position that Revelation was written around A.D. 95 while I and many others believe with good exegetical and historical reasons that it was wr [...]

The ‘Rapture’: Clarifying Tommy Ice’s Clarifications

This is the fourth installment of my response to Tommy Ice’s article “Answers and Clarifications for Gary DeMar.” You can reference the other three here, here, and here. I don’t expect Tommy or Brannon Howse to read them as thoroughly as I tried to write them, but I don’t want it to be said that there is not an answer for the type of prophetic material out there that is passed off as s [...]

The Wonderment of the Impossible

In the 1920s, Walt Disney began a new career as a cartoonist. A rarity in those days since the industry had no large market. Once this new entertainment medium became profitable, Disney hired additional artists to draw the thousands of still pictures needed to produce a high quality animated feature. Disney’s early success was with an animated character named Oswald Rabbit. The copyright, ho [...]

False Christs: Clarifying Tommy Ice’s Clarifications

In his article “Answers and Clarifications for Gary DeMar,” Thomas Ice has been trying to set me straight on issues related to the Olivet Discourse of Matthew 24. This is my third response. You can read the first and second responses here and here. Of all the signs listed in the Olivet Discourse, Tommy Ice points to Jesus’ comments regarding “false Christs.” He doesn’t say anything about the abund [...]

Jesus and the 'Parousia': Clarifying Tommy Ice's Clarifications

Tommy Ice continues in his article “Answers and Clarifications for Gary DeMar” with a discussion of the Greek word parousia. (You can read the first part of my response here.) Tommy states that parousia is “used four times in Matthew 24 (verses 3, 27, 37, 39). The leading Greek Lexicon of our day says, parousia means “arrival as the first stage in presence, coming, advent,” and “of Christ, and nea [...]