Episode 2: The Man of Sin Under the Microscope

Episode 2: The Man of Sin Under the Microscope

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 2 Gary responds to comments on Facebook about the man of lawlessness (or sin) from 2 Thessalonians 2. Is “the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ” a reference to the Second Coming, that is, an event that is still in our future, or is it a coming in judgment upon first-century Jerusalem that would be the event to bring the “last days” to a close (2 Thess. [...]

From the Top-Down and Bottom-Up

From the Top-Down and Bottom-Up

The emphasis of the Moral Majority in 1980 was about politics even though Jerry Falwell and other Evangelicals disputed this charge. What Falwell and others meant was that the Bible has something to say about politics. Of course it does. Politics was a necessary initial emphasis when one considers the damage that has been inflicted on our nation by our national government, special interest groups, [...]

What Happened in 2023? (Part Two)

What Happened in 2023? (Part Two)

In this concluding part, Gary continues giving his side of the story, as well as the biblical exegesis that informs his own views on eschatology. One of the most wonderful benefits of fulfilled prophecy, over against the speculations of self-appointed prophetic speculators, is that fulfilled prophecy can be used to support the Bible’s own claim that it is indeed the very Word of God. For example, [...]

Is the Church of England Right to Drop the Word ‘Church’?

Is the Church of England Right to Drop the Word ‘Church’?

A new study claims the Church of England is leaning towards a decision to drop the word “church” in favor of a more “relevant and modern sounding” identity. “The report from the Centre of Church Planting Theology and Research suggests when creating new places of worship, the Anglican church is more likely to discuss them as ‘communities’ and ‘congregations.’” I believe it’s the right move but for [...]

What Happened in 2023? (Part One)

What Happened in 2023? (Part One)

Gary is interviewed by Darren Doane about what actually happened during the 2023 “Three Questions” controversy. Traditionally, Christians have gotten their understanding of what passes for Biblical eschatology from the historic creeds, confessions of faith and catechisms of the Church, and from the various systematic theologies that have been written in the course of Church history per [...]

Episode 1: Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope

Episode 1: Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 1 Gary begins his new Friday series called “Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope.” A Christian should never fear having his “system” scrutinized by the plain teaching of the Bible. The rallying cry of the Reformation was ecclesia reformata quia semper reformanda est, “the church reformed because it must always be reforming.” This should be ev [...]

The Blessing and Cursing of Wealth

The Blessing and Cursing of Wealth

For many Christians fundamentalism is viewed as a reactionary theological movement that does not offer a transformational worldview. For fundamentalism and its sister movements within the charismatic and neo-evangelical world to progress from being a flash-in-the-pan phenomenon and a cultural curiosity to being a cultural transformer with staying power, a comprehensive and long-term commitment mus [...]

Be Prepared

Be Prepared

Gary discusses current financial conditions and the need to be prepared for short-term and long-term “disruptions.” Christians have time on their side. It may not always seem to be so, but it is. Time is under God’s sovereign control. He allots time to everyone, but He blesses those who conform themselves to His law. Long life and large families are both aspects of God’s blessings to t [...]

Is ‘Defense Only’ a Strategy?

Is ‘Defense Only’ a Strategy?

Jerry Falwell, along with Ed Dobson and Ed Hindson, wrote an interesting and helpful survey of fundamentalism, appropriately titled, The Fundamentalist Phenomenon: The Resurgence of Conservative Christianity. When a movement is described as a “phenomenon,” this immediately categorizes it as a temporary oddity, a minority position that should be studied with curiosity but not accepted as the answer [...]

What's Going On at American Vision

What's Going On at American Vision

Gary gives an update on the various projects and needs at American Vision. The mind is like the body. When it isn’t pushed into service, it does as little as possible to function. But when concentrated critical thinking is demanded, an untrained, atrophied mind behaves like an out-of-shape body—it falters under the demands of rigorous mental activity. Getting the mind into mental shape is no less [...]

Reading the Bible in its Own Context

Reading the Bible in its Own Context

In the concluding half of his interview with John Reddoch on The Wake Up Call, Gary discusses many different aspects of Bible prophecy and what it means to take the Bible at face-value. The Bible is the standard. If the Bible says the Beast (antichrist) appeared in the first century, then it happened, no matter what certain early Church Fathers assert. From the first century to the present, godly [...]

It’s Political Déjà vu All Over Again

It’s Political Déjà vu All Over Again

Little has changed when it comes to American politics. The names have changed, but the policies are the same. The same is true of voters. Prior to 1976, there was no designated Christian voting bloc. Christians were dragged into politics as a designated group kicking and screaming. They had all kinds of excuses: • Jesus didn’t get mixed in politics. • We can’t impose our morality on other people. [...]

An Unhopeful Eschatology

An Unhopeful Eschatology

In this first part of a recent interview with John Reddoch on The Wake Up Call, Gary points out the many problems with the popular prophetic system. While the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 was certainly a calamity for the Jews, futurists argue, it was not the great tribulation that will take place on a worldwide scale. The tribulation described by Jesus in Matthew 24 was local, confined to Judea th [...]

Exposing the ‘Moral Law’ Theory of Societal Ethics

Exposing the ‘Moral Law’ Theory of Societal Ethics

It must not be forgotten that under the Puritans in Massachusetts there was no religious freedom. They persecuted those who did not believe their way. Many of those calling for a return to “Christian America” have forgotten what this so-called “Christian” state was like. Ironically, some of them are Baptists, who have forgotten that Roger Williams—a Baptist preacher and signer of the Declaration o [...]

Guns Aren’t the Problem

Guns Aren’t the Problem

Gary discusses the tyrannical nonsense of wanting to infringe gun rights as a response to criminal activity. Once again, there’s talk about more gun control in the United States. It happens every time some lunatic decides he wants to kill people. Gun control laws do not affect people who want to murder people. Murder is a crime, and yet people still murder. The vast majority of people in the Unite [...]

The End Times and the Church Fathers

The End Times and the Church Fathers

Gary reviews a book by Ken Johnson called “The End Times and the Ancient Church Fathers.” Jesus predicted in the presence of Peter: “They will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you…” (Matt. 24:9; cf. John 21:18-19). George Edmundson summarizes the argument by asking why Peter and Paul are cited as examples of martyrdom “if Clement had just passed through the persecution [...]

The French Revolution, Rosemary’s Baby, and the Olympics

The French Revolution, Rosemary’s Baby, and the Olympics

People are shocked at the perversion at the opening ceremonies of the 2024 Paris Olympics. I wasn’t. France has lost its way. So have most sports conglomerates. Advertisers are equally compromised. It seems that no lessons were learned from the actions of the Nazi pagan regime and its near conquering of the French Republic in WW2. Let’s not forget France’s Revolution to cast out Christianity. The [...]

The Apologetics of Love and Existence

The Apologetics of Love and Existence

Gary discusses several topics and shows how biblical apologetics apply and pertain to ultimate questions. Archimedes (287?-212 BC) once boasted that given the proper lever and a place to stand, he could “move the earth.” His problem was that he and his fulcrum needed something to stand on for the lever to do its work. Archimedes couldn’t stand on the Earth to move the Earth. He needed a place to s [...]

How Commentators Interpret Matthew 16:27

How Commentators Interpret Matthew 16:27

“For the Son of Man is going to come in the glory of His Father with His angels; and WILL THEN RECOMPENSE EVERY MAN ACCORDING TO HIS DEEDS. Debates continue over which biblical passages refer to the AD 70 judgment coming of Jesus and those that refer to what is commonly called a yet physical Second Coming of Jesus. As I have pointed out, there is no agreement among scholars on this question, espec [...]

From 1864 to Now

From 1864 to Now

Gary discusses the historical conditions and motivations behind an important book written in the 19th century. Our forefathers in the faith did not retreat from involvement in society and politics. They did not turn civil government—the making, enforcement, and adjudication of laws—over to Satan and those who serve him. They did not surrender the ministry of civil government to those who are in re [...]