Episode 14: A Comedy of Prophetic Errors

Episode 14: A Comedy of Prophetic Errors

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 14 Gary discusses the history of failed “end times” and “last days” predictions. When we study the history of prophetic speculation, we soon realize that we’ve heard all of this before. For nearly 2000 years uninformed but assured Christians have predicted, in words similar to those of Hal Lindsey, that “they were the [...]

Is Satan Alive and Well and the “God of This World”?

Is Satan Alive and Well and the “God of This World”?

A popular minister whose sermons are broadcast on radio and television claims the Bible teaches that God has allowed Satan to be in control of this world until Jesus returns. He gave specific passages like Satan being labeled the “prince of this world” (John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11) and argued that when Satan tempted Jesus in the desert and offered him the kingdoms of this world, Jesus didn’t argue or [...]

The Worldwide Demand for Gold and Silver

The Worldwide Demand for Gold and Silver

Gary continues his interview with Gordon Van Wechel with Alchemy Precious Metals about the worldwide demand for precious metals and how countries like China and India are influencing prices. The debasement of Isaiah’s day (Isaiah 1:22-26) was kids’ stuff compared to today. That was because of the limits of deception. Pour too much dross into the molten metal, and it will no longer look like silver [...]

Ted Lasso, Curiosity, and Underestimating the Bible and the World

Ted Lasso, Curiosity, and Underestimating the Bible and the World

The Ted Lasso comedy-drama series premiered in August of 2020. The Ted Lasso character, an American college football coach, is recruited to coach a fictional English Premier League soccer team despite having no experience coaching soccer. And that’s the point. The team’s owner, Rebecca Welton, gained ownership of the team in a divorce from her unfaithful ex-husband, Rupert. She hired the ine [...]

The Importance of Owning Gold and Silver

The Importance of Owning Gold and Silver

Gary interviews Gordon Van Wechel with Alchemy Precious Metals. Part Two is here. The call for government intervention into market pricing is ancient. This call was resisted politically in the West until the decade before World War I began. After that war ended in 1918, the West saw the triumph of the isms: Communism, Fascism, National Socialism, Fabianism, and the smaller isms that arose in the w [...]

Episode 13: Israel as the Fig Tree Under the Microscope

Episode 13: Israel as the Fig Tree Under the Microscope

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 13 Gary discusses a popular interpretation by modern prophecy writers and pastors about Israel being the “fig tree” spoken of by Jesus in the NT. If Israel is the fig tree in Matthew 24:32, then Israel is the fig tree in 21:18–20 where Jesus says, “‘No longer shall there ever be any fruit from you.’ And at once the fig tree withered.” The fi [...]

Gary DeMar's Response to the Election

Gary DeMar's Response to the Election

Gary recorded a bonus podcast yesterday with his thoughts about the election on Tuesday. These are the notes he used for the episode. Listen to the podcast here -————————– Had no idea who was going to win. Told my wife to stop feeding me election result news. Reminded me of 2016. What happened to all the “voters” Polling was way off. Decided to [...]

Billionaires, the Economy, and Abortion

Billionaires, the Economy, and Abortion

Two huge topics that defined the Harris/Walz platform were taxing rich people and the right to abortion. Gary points out how both of these are misrepresented to appeal to uninformed voters. Most Americans are under the false impression that our system of constitutional government is a democracy. To be sure, there are certainly democratic elements present. The First Amendment to the Constitution st [...]

Planned Parenthood and Pagans Use Bible to Support Abortion

Planned Parenthood and Pagans Use Bible to Support Abortion

Do you know that Planned Parenthood used the Bible and religion to convince women they are morally justified to kill their unborn babies. Maybe that’s why some prominent “Christians” are supporting the pro-abortion Democrat Party like one of Billy Graham’s granddaughters. The organization’s so-called “Pastoral Letter” begins with this outlandish claim: “Many people wrongly assume that all religiou [...]

Not to Vote is Still a Vote

Not to Vote is Still a Vote

Many Christians are saying that they won’t vote because neither candidate appeals to them. Not voting is still a vote, and these same Christians will have to live in the world that results from whichever candidate wins. Throughout its history, the church has been in the forefront of establishing political freedom. In addition, there is a long tradition of the establishment of schools and hos [...]

Episode 12: Discussing Bible Prophecy With My 11-Year-Old Granddaughter

Episode 12: Discussing Bible Prophecy With My 11-Year-Old Granddaughter

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 12 Gary does a short Bible study with his granddaughter, who had a few questions about Mark 13 and Jesus’ coming. In terms of audience relevance related to a study of the Olivet Discourse, students of Scripture need to begin with Matthew 21:1 where we read that Jesus and some of His disciples had come “to the Mount of Olives.” By the time we get t [...]

Make Halloween Great Again

Make Halloween Great Again

It seemed appropriate to re-run this article, which points to the podcast on a Christian response to Halloween. Why do Halloween, the Day of the Dead, and Diwali all fall around the same time of year? Is this because paganism is so consistent and ubiquitous around the world, or is the answer much simpler? Christians seldom think in historical terms and assume that since Halloween has pagan origins [...]

Mass Election Hysteria

Mass Election Hysteria

Gary discusses a few of the nonsensical claims being trotted out by leftists about the election. The Enlightenment philosophers of the eighteenth century rejected special revelation (the Bible) as the ultimate standard of authority and declared reason to be supreme. Reason was elevated to god-like status. She was “carried shoulder-high into the cathedral by men dressed in Roman costumes.” The chur [...]

Meet the Real Fascists

Meet the Real Fascists

When you hear Leftists accuse conservatives of something you can bet that they are the ones who are doing it. Their accusations are a cover for their own beliefs and actions. In the parable of the speck and the log in the New Testament, Jesus warned against what is described today as “projection,” a defense mechanism in which an individual recognizes their unacceptable traits or impulses in someon [...]

Going Back to Find the Way Forward

Going Back to Find the Way Forward

Gary interviews author Mike D’Virgilio about his book, Going Back To Find the Way Forward. To truly grasp the promise ahead, we must unravel the threads of our past, uncovering the hidden opportunities that surround us. It may seem paradoxical, but amidst the apparent chaos, there’s a silver lining waiting to be seized. The metaphorical red pill, a ubiquitous symbol, has awakened millions to [...]

Episode 11: Putting It All Together

Episode 11: Putting It All Together

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope: Episode 11 Gary gives a quick lesson on how to do biblical hermeneutics, which simply means how to interpret the text. Many people grow up thinking the Bible says one thing when it actually says something else. For example, when asked who cut off Samson’s hair, a high percentage of people will say “Delilah!” By reading Judges 16:19, we quickly learn that she “c [...]

Is There a Problem in Some Black Churches?

Is There a Problem in Some Black Churches?

The racial divide in the United States is wider than it has ever been. Most Americans are not racists. They sympathize with Black Americans who have been treated unjustly. The history of Black suppression is real. It’s been a slow road to right past injustices. Unfortunately, the Black Lives Matter movement has hijacked much of the goodwill that has been growing in the past few decades and turned [...]

The Former Shock Jock as Liberal Political Tool

The Former Shock Jock as Liberal Political Tool

Gary discusses a few recent news items about the political hot-potato of abortion, or more accurately, the murder of pre-born children. The debate over abortion is not just about the evidence. It can’t be since the evidence is the same for pro- and anti- abortionists. The same is true in the creation-evolution debate. Biologists, anthropologists, chemists, and philosophers from both positional sid [...]

What We Could be Headed for Because We’re Nearly There

What We Could be Headed for Because We’re Nearly There

We’ve been taught that fascism is a foreign-born ideology that spawned the political aspirations of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. Fascism has had a long history in America and has been resurrected by people who believe that power guided by good intentions can do no harm. They are ignorant of history and human nature. We don’t have to go abroad to find examples of fascism. The political philos [...]

Christians, Kamala, and the Apostle Paul

Christians, Kamala, and the Apostle Paul

Political liberals, like Kamala Harris for instance, are more than willing to use every means necessary to get their message out, even breaking tax laws they supported. When, in 1800, President John Adams received a letter from Germany, proposing to send over to this country “a company of schoolmasters, painters, poets, etc., all of them disciples of Thomas Paine,” he made prompt and emphatic repl [...]