Bureaucratic Slavery
Gary discusses the current debates on the political scene, and interviews Joel McDurmon about the mortgage crisis. [...]
Gary discusses the current debates on the political scene, and interviews Joel McDurmon about the mortgage crisis. [...]
There is concern and reservations over the candidacy of Sarah Palin as a vice-presidential candidate, and not all of it is coming from the political left. A number of Christians have expressed their disapproval of a woman holding political office. The most articulate biblical appraisal taking this position has been written by William Einwechter. At first reading, there is little I can disagree wit [...]
With the leveling of religion, we are seeing the leveling of morality. All lifestyles are permitted in the name of diversity and pluralism. In nearly every case, Christians are the losers. Pluralism is the bait for Christians to embrace a distinctiveless Christianity. The call for Christians to adopt pluralism is just another way of diluting the truth. Pluralism becomes a club to pound out the the [...]
The American Civil Liberties Union is asking the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals to stop Cobb County, Georgia, from opening its meetings with prayers that mention Jesus or use other “sectarian” references, claiming the invocations represent government favoritism of Christianity. The simple solution is for any Christian who is called on to open a meeting with prayer to end it with these simple w [...]
In a 1979 message, Jerry Falwell presented his views on the end-times using Ezekiel 38 as a backdrop to his interpretation of the passage. Falwell asked why Russia would want to invade Israel. Quoting Ezekiel 38:12, he said the purpose is “to seize spoil and carry off plunder.” Here’s what he said next: “If one removes the first two letters from this word ‘spoil,’ he soon realizes what Russia will [...]
I predicted it! When Russia invaded Georgia, a former satellite state of the former Soviet Union, I knew there would be prophecy writers who would claim that it’s all part of God’s end-time plan. Contemporary prophecy writers, following a long tradition of interpreting the Bible through the lens of current events, use Bible passages that can be easily shaped to fit any geo-political change. Why th [...]
Everyone likes a good conspiracy. Conspiracies explain a complicated world. Probably the most infamous example of a manufactured conspiracy in order to explain the emergence of disorder in the world is The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion that circulated widely in the 1920s and 1930s. The documents that make up The Protocols are said to have been written by unnamed Jewish “elders” who atten [...]
The 105 colonists and seamen who set sail from England and settled in Jamestown, Virginia, in 1607 carried the Geneva Bible with them. The copious notes of this refugee translation, while identifying the existing papal government as the biblical antichrist, saw beyond its own generation to a more glorious future. Keep in mind that the editors of the Geneva notes believed that antichrist was a past [...]
I received the following email in reference to a statement that I made on my radio show that “taxation is stealing.” “I was discussing taxes with a person on FaceBook on the issue of the election and he brought up the argument that the government should be allowed to step into society and create social programs to help the people. He then argued that there is nothing wrong with using taxes to give [...]
We at American Vision are hearing rumblings from a number of people in the Christian community that Christians are being told not to engage the culture with a distinctly biblical approach to social and political issues. So what standard is a Christian to follow when evaluating the moral boundaries of society? Some Christians will claim that we aren’t to bother with what goes on in the world. Let t [...]
“February 20th, 2008, at Temple Mount in Jerusalem, Pastor Mark Biltz of El Shaddai Ministries in Bonney Lake Washington saw something, a total lunar eclipse also called a ‘blood moon’ for its reddish hue” (read article here). “I thought ‘wow’ that looks just like what the Lord was talking about in the last days,” says Blitz. Blitz is referring to Joel 2:31: “The sun will be turned into darkness, [...]
Many Christians are still locked into the conviction that the Bible speaks to a very narrow slice of life. Of course, all Christians believe that the Bible has some very specific things to say about prayer, Bible reading, worship, and evangelism. But many Christians are not convinced that the Bible has some very definite things to say about civil government, the judicial system, economics, indebte [...]
The latest economic proposal coming from Barack Obama is a socialist’s dream. The president-in-waiting wants to steal money from oil companies and, in an act of blessedness and benevolence, give a check of $1,000 to American “middle class” families, hoping, of course, that more people will vote for him in the upcoming election. The ripple effect of Obamanomics would be a disaster. Retirement portf [...]
Penn Jillette and Raymond Teller are atheists and evolutionists who also happen to be talented magicians. While taking on any number of liberal iconic beliefs, most recently environmental hysteria, they also have attacked the Bible, Creationism, and Intelligent Design, describing them as “impossibilities.” As stage magicians schooled in the art of illusion and diversion who are in the debunking bu [...]
Penn Jillette and Raymond Teller are stage magicians. Their act is a mix of comedy, irreverence, and skill. They are also known for exposing quacks, frauds, and claims of the supernatural in the tradition of Harry Houdini and James Randi. In their highly acclaimed and usually entertaining “Bulls***!” program that airs on Showtime, they have ventured into the realm of politics by taking on global w [...]
Today’s preoccupation with eschatology has led some to advocate a wholesale abandonment of this age, stating that there is no relationship between the temporal kingdom and the eternal kingdom. There is no prescription for the transformation of this world based on the certainty of the next, so some want us to believe. The transformation of the present social structure is built “upon the concept of [...]
There are no spoilers in this review. I saw The Dark Knight, the new Batman film, this weekend. It’s everything the reviewers have been saying about it and more. Heath Ledger’s performance is certainly worthy of an Academy Award and not because of sentimentality over his premature death. The role was a once in a lifetime opportunity, and he played it perfectly. You will believe he is the Joker. I [...]
Former theist and now self-avowed atheist Dan Barker, who is co-president of the Freedom of Religion Foundation, is promoting a “Beware of Dogma” campaign using billboards that also include the line “Imagine No Religion.” The line is taken from John Lennon’s atheist national anthem Imagine. I wonder if the FRF’s call for everyone to “beware of dogma” includes the dogma of atheism which is funded b [...]
A stone tablet written in Hebrew is getting a great deal of media attention. The tablet is unique because the inscription is written in ink rather than carved into the stone. It’s been dated to the first-century B.C. While broken, it’s about three-feet tall and contains 87 lines in two columns. As usual, there is debate on what it says and its meaning. Of course, this has not stopped the reports I [...]
Fred the Atheist continues to email me with his demands. He acts like a fourth grader who hasn’t had his nap. His ability to argue well has been muted by his constant use of unsupported internet sources and his unwillingness to consider counter evidence. I mentioned in an earlier article about how after 20 emails challenging him to send me the source from one of his cut-and-paste jobs, he still wo [...]