Call It Kopechne Care

Death is the great equalizer. It’s the door that we all have to pass through (Heb. 9:27). In life, no one is really equal, not even before the law. Ted Kennedy used the tragedies of others to increase the power of the Federal Government. He has been described as a lion, but we were his prey. It’s easy to be beneficent with other people’s money. Recounting Kennedy’s legislative legacy is little mor [...]

"My Genes Made Me do It!"

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) The response to my article “Reba McEntire says “Don’t Judge Homosexuals” was encouraging. Not all agreed. That’s OK. American Vision is about exposing errors in reasoning in addition to putting forth a coherent biblical worldview. One poster wrote the followin [...]

Reba McEntire says "Don't Judge Homosexuals"

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Why do generally conservative people support liberal causes like homosexuality? Consider Ted Olson, the 42nd United States Solicitor General under George W. Bush, noted conservative, critic of Bill Clinton, and the attorney who delivered Bus [...]

Making and Controlling a Robotic Public

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) As I was making my way through the channels to watch an episode of King of the Hill, I stopped on a channel that was showing the film I, Robot (2004). One of my favorite scenes was about to come on—Dr. Calvin’s exchange with V.I.K.I., the supe [...]

So Now It's OK to Impose Morality

With the best-seller status of books supporting atheism and attacking religion in the news, it’s remarkable to see so much talk about religion by the president and liberals in general. Can you identify who said this?: “Science is a gift of God to all of us, and science has taken us to a place that is biblical in its power to cure.” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said this in favor of Senate Bill 5, th [...]

Indoctrination is an Inescapable Concept

A window of opportunity exists in our nation since families are being pressured by circumstances seemingly beyond their control to follow ominous historical patterns set before us in the atheistic regimes of Marx and Hitler. Education, for the most part, is centralized and controlled by civil government, at both the state and national levels with its Department of Education. Women are entering the [...]

The Enlightened Before the Enlightenment

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Almost every modern critic of America’s Christian heritage makes the claim that America was founded solely on Enlightenment principles as they get to define them. For evidence they refer to Benja [...]

Republicans are Socialists Too

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Lawrence O’Donnell, the stand-in host for loudmouth Ed Schultz of “The Ed Show,” put Rep. John Culberson (R-Tex.) on the spot with a series of questions about Socialism. O’Donnell, symp [...]

What Our Founders Understood About Human Nature

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) “He who refuses to rule is liable to be ruled by one who is worse than himself.” —Plato’s Republic The works of C. S. Lewis always seem to be undergoing a renaissance. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe has made it to the [...]

Why Health Insurance is Not like Car Insurance

Chris Matthews, the irritating host of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” was questioning Tim Phillips who is president of Americans for Prosperity on mandatory government sponsored healthcare. As usual, Matthews didn’t want to engage in debate; he only wanted to obfuscate. Matthews tried to compare auto insurance with health care. Here was the exchange: MATTHEWS: Do you like the idea of requiring people to have [...]

Who are the Real Brownshirts?

![“Artim:](“" ““Artim:”) Congressman Brian Baird, a Democrat from Vancouver, Washington, told the Columbian, a newspaper serving Clark County: “What we’re seeing right now is close to Brown Shirt tactics. . . . I mean that very seriously.” On Rachel M [...]

Making Bad Prophecy Predictions Vanish

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Ehrich Weiss (1874–1926), best known as the master magician Harry Houdini, lived in Appleton, Wisconsin, as a young boy where his father served as rabbi of the Zion Reform Jewish Congregation. Over the years, Houdini ast [...]

The RIGHT to Petition the Government

Sen. Barbara Boxer claims that “Well-dressed” protesters at Town Hall meetings are out to “hurt our president.” House Majority leader Nancy Pelosi claims protesters are “carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare.” A DNC attack ad calls those who oppose latest round of legislative agenda “angry mobs” and “extremists.” The President is calling on people to forward emai [...]

A Modest Proposal to Save the Planet

“For people who are looking for ways to reduce their ‘carbon footprint,’ here’s one radical idea that could have a big long-term impact, some scientists say: Have fewer kids.” This was the conclusion of a study by statisticians at Oregon State University. I offer my own “Modest Proposal” in light of calls for decreasing the number of children to save the planet. Population experts tell us that we [...]

The First Church of Christian Gnosticism

![“Artim:](“" ““Artim:”) Not long ago, I received an email from a woman who asked me if I could direct her to some information that refutes Gnosticism. She wrote that a friend of hers “ claims to be on an extraordinarily in [...]

Did Jesus Identify Obama as the Antichrist?

An article on WorldNetDaily’s website reports on an anonymous “Christian with a theological education and many years in the ministry . . . who claims Jesus might have revealed who the antichrist is.” Mr. Anonymous makes it clear in his five-minute YouTube video that he is not claiming that Barack Obama is the antichrist. He states that he is only pointing out how two Hebrew words have “striking” c [...]

The Private-Zoo Factor

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) There are numerous Christians who believe that a personal, private faith is all the gospel requires. Os Guinness described this as “The Private-Zoo Factor,”[1] a religion that is caged so that it loses its wildness. When true Christ [...]

"I Believe in God, Family and McDonald's. . ."

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) In terms of Christian theory, privatization means that the grand, global umbrella of faith has shrunk to the size of a plastic rain hat. Total life norms have become part-time values. In terms of C [...]

The Divine State in Action

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Obama and the Democrats want “more Americans to contribute today so that all Americans can do better tomorrow.” I’m sorry, but I’m already contributing enough, taking into account federal, state, prop [...]

Is a "Cashless Society" a Sign of the End?

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) I’m beginning to see that prophetic speculation is taking place on the fringes of the Christian publishing industry. Of course, you will still find the occasional prophetic pot-boiler. Mark Hitchcock writes a couple of [...]