Defense Only Christianity

Does the Church need protection from society? Should Catholics, evangelicals, and non-believers join forces to defend moral absolutes? How should Christians engage the world? Gary addresses the Manhattan Declaration and what religious leaders debate is the jurisdiction of The Church and the manner in which Christians should engage positive values in society. [...]

Harry Reid Wants to Reinstitute Slavery

Sen. Harry Reid of Nevada has described opponents of the controversial government healthcare bill as equivalent to those who opposed an immediate end to slavery. “You think you’ve heard these same excuses before? You’re right,” Reid said. “In this country there were those who dug in their heels and said, ‘Slow down, it’s too early. Let’s wait. Things aren’t bad enough’—about slavery.” The anti-sla [...]

Israel in End Times Bible Prophecy

Gary describes the different views of interpretation in Bible prophecy in relation to the nation of Israel. Some Christians believe Israel is set apart from the Church; others think the Church is added to the “children of God” and the outgrowth of “God’s people” since the time of the apostles. Learn how to make sense of all the views and see what is consistent with th [...]

Dealing with Straw Man Eschatology

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) In the Preterist view, God has canceled every covenant with Israel. There is no future or significance for the Jewish people or Israel as a nation. There is no fulfillment of the Davidic covenant. There is no reign of Messiah from a throne in Jerusalem. All of God’s promises to Isra [...]

Preterism Found in the Book of Acts

What dispensationalists think preterists believe usually is not true. There are several misconceptions about preterism that are commonly spread by dispensational scholars. Gary tackles the subject to give you a better understanding of how preterism is supported by Bible prophecy. [...]

Answering a "Replacement Theology" Critic

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) “My primary problem with the Preterist view,” Robert Heidler, a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary writes, “is that it is a blatant example of replacement theology.” If you want to end a debate over eschatology when you can’t make a cogent biblical case for your position, just [...]

Preterism in the Witness Box

Gary counters more dispensationalism with Bible-based facts. The New Testament lays out a “soon” judgement of Israel, and how it was fulfilled was through the fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. Dr. Heidler interprets Preterism as replacement theology, but as Gary explains, there’s not a replacement at all. [...]

The First Question to ask a Climate Scientist

Scientists live or die by grant money. In order for a teaching scientist to keep his job, he has to publish a certain number of peer reviewed articles every year. Ph.D. students choose a university based on the prestigious reputation of its faculty. The published articles and books are indicators of the school’s academic achievement. Over time, many of the articles took on an ideological ben [...]

Prophecy Past vs. Prophecy Future

Gary uses scholarly biblical hermeneutics to make an honest interpretation of Bible prophecy. Bible prophecy supports more fulfillment of Revelation than not. The fall of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 must be explained by dispensational scholars to validate futurist apocalyptic prophecy. [...]

Reading Into Bible Prophecy

Gary debates the dispensational views of Bible prophecy. Dispensational scholars have said the burden of proof is on the preterists, but as Gary demonstrates, it’s quite the other way around. [...]

In the Black: Some People Only See Race

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) There’s a scene in the film Malcolm X when Malcolm Little (later to take the name Malcolm X, X standing for his unknown African heritage**[1]**) is in prison and is introduced to the philosophy of the “Honorable Elijah Muhammad” and the Nation of Islam (N.O.I.) by a fellow prisoner [...]

Stop Power Politics NOW!

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) American Vision is putting together a collection of books that have defined the conservative movement for the past 60 years. One is Phyllis Schlafly’s A Choice, Not an Echo, an insider’s guide to the back-room dealings of Republican insiders to gain control of the taxing power of th [...]

Thanksgiving and God

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) On Thursday, September 24, 1789, the First House of Representatives voted to recommend—in its exact wording—the First Amendment to the states for ratification. The next day, Friday, September 25, Congressman Elias Boudinot from New Jersey proposed that the House and Senate jointly r [...]

Remember the Chicago Seven When You Think of the New York Five

“The five men facing trial in the Sept. 11 attacks will plead not guilty so they can air their criticisms of U.S. foreign policy. . . . ‘Dean Boyd, a spokesman for the Department of Justice, said Sunday that while the men may attempt to use the trial to express their views, ‘we have full confidence in the ability of the courts and in particular the federal judge who may preside over the trial to e [...]

Richard Dawkins and the "Nothing Butters"

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Atheists and evolutionists do not like to be compared to people like Adolf Hitler. Of course, I don’t blame them. Just because someone shares a similar ideology with a tyrant in one area does not mean that he shares everything that tyrant did. It’s not that atheists generally are an [...]

Why Scientific Prediction is a Fatal Disease

Christian prophetic prognosticators aren’t the only ones who have an addiction to predicting the future and getting it wrong. Scienists have a similar addiction. This is why it is hazardous to trust the latest scare tactics over global warming, especially since laws will be implemented to make our lives miserable. Consider the predictions that were made about oil: “In 1914, the Bureau [...]

Losing Patience with Frank Schaeffer

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) It’s hard living in the shadow of a famous father. Some sons have done well (John Quincy Adams), while other sons have done very badly (Joe DiMaggio, Jr.). Hank Williams, Jr. was typecast as a “Hank Williams clone” of his famous father. His mother promoted him as “a Hank Williams im [...]

Alleged Muslim Terrorists Presumed Guilty

One of the arguments being used to justify bringing the 9/11 terrorists to New York City to be tried is to show the Muslim world how just our courts are. The Muslim world will see how we treat people accused of crimes and thereby Muslim radicals won’t want to kill us anymore. In a rational world, such a theory might work. But we don’t live in a rational world. But there is a problem with the presu [...]

Avoiding Doomsday Hype and Hysteria

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) The doomsday film 2012 had a mega-weekend at the box office. It took in $225 million over a period of five days, a combination of $65 million domestically and $160 million internationally Wednesday through Sunday (Nov. 11–16, 2009). In anticipation of the hype and hysteria of the Ma [...]