Why We Need Rich People

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-030209.png" ““Article”) “I remember I was very sad for many days when I discovered that in the world there were poor people and rich people; and the strange thing is that the existence of the poor didn’t cause me as much pain as the knowledge that at the same time there were people who were rich.” [...]

One's Soul for a Political Pottage Mess

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-022509.jpg" ““Article”) “I am a Christian, I am a Protestant, I am a Baptist . . . [and] my own personal religious faith . . . has developed out of my own personal experience in life as well. . . . [T]he tradition of which I’m a part recognizes the importance of personal communication with the deit [...]

Premillennialism and Politics Don't Mix

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-022409.jpg" ““Article”) What is so troubling about Christian involvement in politics? Christians like John MacArthur, Cal Thomas, and Ed Dobson have written on the subject. MacArthur’s Why Government Can’t Save You includes the following subtitle: An Alternative to Political Activism. While MacArth [...]

The Rise of the Divine State

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-021709.jpg" ““Article”) While the extremes of Adolf Hitler’s regime may seem like a radical comparison to present-day America, there is much about our own social and political condition that should worry us. Herbert Schlossberg’s masterful study of power in his book Idols for Destruction is both pr [...]

Good Night America

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-021609.jpg" ““Article”) “We have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only f [...]

One Nation Under Darwin

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-021209.jpg" ““Article”) Today is the 200th birthday of Charles Darwin, and evolutionists are celebrating worldwide that they are nothing more than bags of meat and bone with electricity running through them. “Praise Darwin from whom all matter flows!,” their doxology goes. The religious character o [...]

Pagan and a Minister Agree on Abortion

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-021009.jpg" ““Article”) Tom Ehrich, an Episcopal minister and writer living in Durham, North Carolina, claims that the religious debate on the subject of abortion “is one best captured in shades of gray rather than . . . in black and white.”[1] Ehrich asks where God stands on the issue and then onl [...]

Billy Graham Association Goes Apocalyptic

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-020909.jpg" ““Article”) In 2009, the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association website tells us that it “will focus on the return of Jesus Christ—and how you can live a faithful life in the meantime.” This focus isn’t anything new. Graham has been preaching an end-time message since the 1950s. The arti [...]

Honoring a Dying Man's Request

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-020409.jpg" ““Article”) I was driving north on I-75 toward Knoxville in late May 2008 on my way to a speaking engagement in Morgantown, West Virginia, when I received a phone call from my office. “Gary, a man just called. He said that he was dying and that he had to talk with you.” I knew it was Ch [...]

Popular Culture as a Worldview Wedge

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-012709.jpg" ““Article”) The roads in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, are always in need of repair. In fact, anyone living in a city that gets large amounts of snow fall and encounters daily thaws and nightly freezes knows what I’m talking about. The snow falls and afternoon temperatures rise just enough [...]

They Never Said It

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-012009.jpg" ““Article”) For years Christian writers have attributed the following quotation to James Madison (1751-1836), the fourth president of the United States, in hopes of supporting the often repeated claim that the Ten Commandments were the foundational law system of the early colonial const [...]

A Defense of Dispensationalism

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-011309.jpg" ““Article”) John MacArthur is preaching series on eschatology that is being broadcast on WLQV, a Detroit, Michigan, radio station this week. Some of this material was published in his 1999 book The Second Coming: Signs of Christ’s Return and the End of the Age. Using a debater’s trick, [...]

Scapegoating Christians: The New Nazism

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-010609.jpg" ““Article”) The old principle: who does not work shall not eat, has been replaced with a new one: who does not obey shall not eat. — Leon Trotsky, The Revolution Betrayed (1936)[1] John Sack’s An Eye for an Eye is a disheartening book. It tells the story of Jewish revenge against their [...]

Economic Lessons from the 5th Grade

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-010509.jpg" ““Article”) “The Government’s view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it. And if it stops moving, subsidize it.” – Ronald Reagan Jeff Foxworthy became famous and made a fortune with Red Neck jokes and comedy [...]

Going Through Life with Vicodin and a Cane

At the center of every world view is what might be called the “touchstone proposition” of that world view, a proposition that is held to be the fundamental truth about reality and serves as a criterion to determine which other propositions may or may not count as candidates for belief.[1] “Apologetics” does not mean saying you’re sorry for being a Christian. Christian [...]

Who's Watching the Soothsayers?

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-122908.jpg" ““Article”) For decades, the National Enquirer and other tabloids have published predictions about famous people and events. Few people ever go back to check on their accuracy. Here are a few from 1996: Jay Leno will lose his Tonight Show job to Johnny Carson. O. J. Simpson will become [...]

Let's Abolish Christmas

The Christmas season brings out the best and worst in people; it also brings out the ACLU, Americans United for Separation of Church and State, and the Freedom From Religion Foundation (FFRF). In fact, Annie Laurie Gaylor, co-president of the FFRF, states, “The state shouldn’t have a Christmas anything. It’s not supposed to observe religious holidays.”[1] I wonder if she really believes this. I be [...]

Is Christmas a Celebration of Losing?

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-122308.jpg" ““Article”) When error comes, it always rides in on the wings of truth.[1] Nikita Khrushchev (1894-1971), Premier of the former Soviet Union, described a time in the Communist republic’s history when a wave of petty theft was sweeping through the government-owned plants. To curtai [...]

Is Christmas About a Homeless Couple?

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-122208.jpg" ““Article”) Every Christmas season we will hear the inevitable revisionist version of the Christmas story. Jesse Jackson was the first to turn Joseph and Mary into a “homeless couple” when he claimed that Christmas “is not about Santa Claus and ‘Jingle Bells’ and [...]

One-World Government Biblical?

![“Article](“http://assets.americanvision.org/mediafiles/article-image-121808-a.jpg" ““Article”) Some readers get upset any time I point out how modern-day prophecy writers misrepresent the Bible. My critics don’t seem to mind that Hal Lindsey has been wrong over the years in an area of study that has made his reputation and so much of Christendom has embraced as “gos [...]