Is There Secular Justification for Anything?

Stanley Fish, writing in the New York Times,[1] describes the way various traditions understand the “role of religion and public life.” He begins by pointing out that “Classical Liberalism,” not to be confused with a leftist political philosophy, “is that policy decisions should be made on the basis of secular reasons, reasons that, because they do not reflect the commitments or agendas of any rel [...]

Justification By Secularism Alone

Classical liberals hold to the idea that civil government should be based on secular absolutes. The thing is, secularists can’t agree on what the absolutes are! Gary DeMar gives perspective for why secularism simply cannot be the basis for morality without taking principles from religious ethics. [...]

Is the Chilean Earthquake a Sign of the End?

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) For decades now, modern-day prophecy writers have been claiming that the increase and severity of earthquakes are sure indicators that the rapture is near. Carl G. Johnson wrote in 1972 that “the greatest earthquakes that have ever shaken this world have all come since the close of [...]

Shaking Up Bible Prophecy

End times’ speculators look to the Bible for signs and wonders of the last days, then predict that the end is near because we experience the kind of natural disasters the Bible mentions. Earthquakes have always been happening—practically everyday. What make the earthquakes of the end times unique is what Gary DeMar sheds light on in today’s show. [...]

Socialist Healthcare's Power Grab

Socialism is nothing new in America. Americans have conditioned themselves to accept little parts of socialistic policies throughout the last 100 years. In the year 2010, Americans face federal socialized healthcare; yet one more government takeover of free enterprise. If America continues down this path, we will soon be no better off than Greece with more than half of the country working for the [...]

Liberty University Under Investigation?

The ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State are asking the IRS to investigate Liberty University for their encouragement of student voting. Gary dismantles the reasoning behind this complaints and talks about the hope for upcoming Christian lawyers to battle organizations like the ACLU and Americans United for Separation of Church and State. [...]

The Bill of Rights and Christianity

Gary DeMar Responds to an email from a lawyer who asks about the Constitution and James Madison’s influence. Gary also discusses John Jay and the debate over the Bill of Rights after the ratification of the Constitution. [...]

The Necessary Limits of Government

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) The first place to go to understand the proper relationship between church and state is to study the nature of jurisdictions. Jurisdictional separation deals with the legitimate boundaries of authority. A person who owns a piece of property has jurisdiction over his own property, bu [...]

The Relationship of Church and State

The Constitution and the Bible, contrary to liberal opinion, do not discourage the relationship of the Church and the state. The Bible and the Constitution encourage proper boundaries and jurisdictions for the Church and the state. Magistrates are God’s ministers. Gary DeMar explains the basis for this and more in today’s episode. [...]

Dispensationalists Want Lots of Jews Wiped Out

Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu recently proclaimed the fulfillment of the prophecy in Ezekiel 37. Dispensationalist Jan Markell is excited that an authoritative Israelite is on the Bible prophecy bandwagon. What dispensationalists are not telling Israelites is that they believe two-thirds of them are potentially about to be wiped out! Gary DeMar reports on this and reflects on the erro [...]

The Limits of Prayer for those in Authority

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Some of the inspiration I get for writing articles comes from emails I receive from supporters and antagonists. I received the following email the other day from a supporter who had a good question about a misunderstood and misapplied Bible passage: This may sound stupid, but I am h [...]

Praying for Civil Leaders

Gary DeMar reads an e-mail from someone asking about how to pray for President Obama and other civil leaders in accordance with 1 Tim. 2. Gary looks at the passage, discusses the context and the consequences of the liberal take on it. [...]

Uncovering Suppressed Facts in the Textbook Debate

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) The chairwoman of the Texas school board makes the point that the seven Christians on the board are not trying to inject into the historical record what isn’t there but rather to uncover facts that have been suppressed (see related article). “I don’t know that what we’re doing is re [...]

A Fight over Texas Textbooks

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) For nearly 40 years, Texas has been fighting yearly battles over textbooks for the simple reason that the choices Texas makes, the nation makes. The decision of the school board of Texas will most likely affect the textbook selection of your public schools in your state. Texas distr [...]

The Battle for America's Christian Heritage

The textbooks for all public schools hinge on the choices of the school board of Texas. Now with seven Christian members, this school board is confronted with liberals that object to the Christian record found in American history. Gary reviews the historical record to show what is the truthful conclusion that should be taken with America’s history textbooks. [...]

Taking on the Textbooks in Error

Public education has textbooks riddled with factual errors, revisionist history, and biased views of science. Some Christians are challenging the status quo, and the liberals are retaliating. Are conservatives in a position to make right the wrongs in these textbooks, and how will the opposition respond? Gary shares his insights. [...]

We Have Only Ourselves to Blame

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) Don’t blame “the government.” Don’t blame Democrats or Republicans. Pogo said it best: “We have met the enemy and he is us.” We get the government we want. This is the reason Ted Kennedy was in office for more than 40 years. A majority of people in Massachusetts voted for him. He wa [...]

The Liberal Agenda of Captain America

Marvel Comics recently ignited a controversy with some negative connotations toward the Tea Party Protesters in their latest Captain America issue. Gary DeMar sheds light on this and describes the rise of the liberal agenda in comic book publishing, and what our response should be in return. [...]

The Very Definition of Love

![“ArtIm:](“" ““ArtIm:”) American Vision received an email from a Christian who claims that it is unloving to condemn the homosexual lifestyle. His arguments are based on faulty science, bad logic, and a misreading of the Bible. His comments are in bold, my comments follow**:** Please accept the fact that g [...]

What the Bible Says about Homosexuality

Scientists say homosexuality is genetic, but God otherwise. Should criminals be exempted from justice because they are genetically geared to commit theft, murder, and the like? Gary sheds light on how God’s Word would handle homosexual ethics. [...]