Freedom From Religion Foundation remove “You Shall Not Murder” from school

The Freedom From Religion Foundation pressured Kentucky’s Breathitt County School District to remove a copy of the Ten Commandments that had been posted in the school for years. The FFRF said it had received complaints about the displays. This complaint thing seems to work only one way. What if a group of parents complained that their children were being taught that they are the product of million [...]

If Baby Killer Kermit Gosnell Had Been Dog Killer Michael Vick

The mainstream media have been relatively silent in reporting on abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell who was really involved in Nazi-style executions of live babies: “In Gosnell’s clinic police found severed baby feet of various sizes kept in see-through containers and bodies of babies in a freezer and in the basement. The upper spinal cords of some of the babies had been severed." Sarah Kli [...]

Emory University President Gets a Taste of Politically Correct Extremism

Emory University President James Wagner was trying to make a point about compromise in an article he wrote in the winter issue of Emory Magazine. He made his appeal by referencing the Constitution and the “three-fifths clause,” pointing out that the constitution was a compromise. As expected, liberals were outraged, as this news item from the Emory News Center shows: “During a faculty meeting of t [...] it 'this' or 'that'?

During the round-table discussion phase of the Reno, Nevada, Symposium on the Book of Revelation, each of us was asked what there is about the two competing positions that we say is a positive feature. When premillennialist Jim Hamilton was asked about preterism, you could tell he had a hard time coming up with something positive. Preterism is the biggest threat to premillennialism. To say anythin [...]

Liberal corrupts the morals of her 4-year-old child

On MSNBC’s “The Cycle,” liberal co-host Krystal Ball (her real name) discussed homosexual marriage with her five-year-old daughter, Ella. This is from MSNBC’s site on the video exchange: “Ella explains who a person can and can’t marry and how in New York a person can marry anyone they love. ‘Girls can marry girls and boys can marry boys in New York and a girl can marry a boy in New York too,’ Ella [...]

Kicking Against the Exegetical Pricks of ‘This Generation’ in Matthew 24

At the February 23, 2013 Symposium on Revelation, premillennialist Jim Hamilton (Hamilton) took issue with my argument that the phrase “this generation” refers to the generation to whom Jesus was speaking. During the critique session, Hamilton argued that “this generation” in Matthew 24:34 and elsewhere in the gospels means a “type of generation” rather than a particular generation. Of course, Jes [...]

Bill O’Reilly Bloviates Against 'Bible Thumpers'

[caption id=“attachment_7585” align=“alignleft” width=“209”] Copyright Angie Jordan.[/caption] Bill O’Reilly stepped in it the other day when he called those in opposition to homosexual marriage and who use the Bible to make their case “Bible Thumpers.” This is hardly the case, but it passes for good TV. O’Reilly is as familiar with t [...]

How Liberals Love to Mix the Bible and Politics (Sometimes)

[caption id=“attachment_7573” align=“alignright” width=“300”] Copyright 2013 Riley Yates -[/caption] Liberals will use the Bible with their politics when they believe it defends a position that supports their agenda. You’ll even find liberals using the Bible to support homosexual marriage by quoting familiar passages like Matthew 7:1–2 and Mar [...]

Professor Melissa Harris-Perry calls pre-born baby “This Thing”

**Melissa Harris-Perry** described a pre-born baby as “this thing” that costs money when born, implying that it’s better to kill him or her rather than give birth. Here’s what she said on her MSNBC morning show: “But the reality is that if this [as she holds up a marble-sized object representing the fertilized egg] turns into a person, right, there are economic consequences, right? The cost to rai [...]

Would you support stealing if your child was a thief?

Rob Portman an Ohio Senator is the first Republican in the Senate to support homosexual marriage. In 1996, Portman voted for the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), which prohibits federal recognition of same-sex marriage. Three years later he voted to bar homosexual couples in Washington, D.C., from adopting. Why did he suddenly change his position? Because one of Rob Portman’s sons said that he was [...]

If you believe in traditional marriage you're a segregationist

Traditional Marriage is a union between a man and a woman at the most intimate level. It’s Traditional Marriage not because a group of people decided to make it so. It’s traditional marriage because God made it so and made men and women biologically suitable that makes it so. The two become “one flesh” (Gen. 2:24; Matt. 19:5; Mark 10:7–8; 1 Cor. 6:16; Eph. 5:31). Just because people do something t [...]

‘Wars are Started by Heterosexuals’ not Homosexuals: Another ‘Gay’ Myth

For decades we have been hearing from the homosexual community that anybody who is anybody was probably a homosexual – from Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci to T.E. Lawrence and John Maynard Keynes. (It was Keynes who said, “In the long run we are all dead.”) Added to the wall of homosexual fame is the following from British singer Steven Patrick Morrissey or simply Morrissey. He is [...]

It’s Hate Speech to Tell the Truth about Economics and Islamic Terrorism

Once liberals define a word or give meaning to a political verbal weapon like hate speech, they own it. Abortion is about being “pro-choice” not pro-abortion. Homosexuality is not about sexual relations with people of the same sex; it’s about “gay pride,” whatever that means. And that’s the point. Ambiguity is the name of the game. The same is true of hate speech. If you disagree with libera [...]

It’s OK to Kill Your Children but Not Educate Them

[caption id=“attachment_7442” align=“alignright” width=“300”] Copyright 2011 Steve Breen. All Rights Reserved.[/caption] A number of countries are clamping down on family education of children, better known as homeschooling. Parents decide to educate their children in the home instead of sending them off to a government institution or a private school that must [...]

Aliens Say Richard Dawkins is an Adult Pig and Will be on Tonight’s Menu

I love it when atheists like Richard Dawkins become more and more consistent with their unbelieving worldview. They set a trap for themselves, as Proverbs 28:10 makes clear: He who leads the upright astray in an evil way Will himself fall into his own pit, But the blameless will inherit good. The goal in any apologetic endeavor is to force the unbeliever to live consistently with the implications [...]

Our Genes are Like ‘Ruthless Chicago Gangsters’

Atheists, materialists, and evolutionists are cranking out books trying to come up with ways that can account for morality. I have a shelf-full of them. Their first problem is that they assume there is such a “thing” as ethics. That morality is real. Let me be clear. I am not saying that atheists are immoral. They do moral things and act in moral ways but only in terms of a foreign worldview calle [...]

Richard Dawkins Is a ‘Cultural Christian’ Like Montezuma was a ‘Cultural Aztec’

Richard Dawkins, the high priest of atheism, has declared that he’s a “cultural Christian.” Of course he is. So is every atheist who doesn’t follow through with his atheistic assumptions. If I could set down with Mr. Dawkins, I would press him in being consistent with his materialistic, atheistic, and evolutionary assumptions. I would have him consider Canada’s Psycho Killer. Luka Rocco Magnotta ( [...]

A Biblical and Historical Perspective on Earthquakes

For decades now, modern-day prophecy writers have been claiming that the increase and severity of earthquakes are sure indicators that we’re living in the “last days” and the “rapture” is near. It happened again when an earthquake hit Haiti January 12, 2010 and also the March 11, 2011 earthquake that sent a tsunami to Japan has already revved up current end-time speculation. Tim LaHaye, the best-s [...]

Audience Double-Talk in the Olivet Discourse

During the Question and Answer session at the Reno Symposium on Revelation, Sam Waldron said that he followed John Murray’s interpretation of Matthew 24 and 25. Since there was no time for cross examination, I was not able to respond (we were all put in this position). So I have taken some time to work my way through Murray’s exposition. ((John Murray, “The Interadventual Period and the Advent: Ma [...]

Yale Hosts Sex with Anything Event

On March 2, 2013, Campus Reform reports, Yale hosted a “sensitivity training” event “where students were asked to consider topics such as bestiality, incest, and accepting money for sex. . . . The session was hosted by ‘sexologist’ Dr. Jill McDevitt, who owns a sex store called Feminique in West Chester, Pa.” For information purposes, Yale’s original motto, written in Hebrew (אורים ותמים) an [...]