The Next Sexual Domino to Fall: Monogamy is Not ‘Natural’

For decades those opposed to homosexual normalcy and homosexual marriage have made it clear that there’s a larger agenda in view. Polygamy, pedophilia, and now the end of monogamy are on the table. Supporters of homosexuality didn’t want to talk about this slippery slope, but the logic of their position was inevitable given that there is no moral standard other than the desires of the individual. [...]

Glenn Beck is wrong about end-of-world predictions

Listening to Glenn Beck requires a good grasp of history, religion (especially the Bible), and general worldview thinking to filter out the misinformation. Too often Beck relies on misinformed “experts” whom he trusts without investigating their claims or at least seeking out other opinions. But since only the most sensational stories make the headline grade — a story only leads if it [...]

Atheist Monument Counts on Low Information Historians

The atheist monument that’s going to be dedicated by a group of American Atheists in Florida on June 29th has a number of citations engraved on it. In addition to Thomas Jefferson Franklin, John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and American Atheists founder Madalyn Murray O’Hair, there is a excerpted line from the 1797 Treaty of Tripoli. For a number of years I have debated atheists who claim that America [...]

What Toy-Gun Buyback Programs Teach Us about Liberals and Human Nature

A California elementary school is offering a toy gun buyback program. Liberal geniuses claim that “playing with toys guns, saying ‘I’m going to shoot you,’ desensitizes children.” So as they get older, it’s easier for them to use a real gun.” So now we know why liberals want to take more money from us in the form of taxes. Money “desensitizes” us to the plight of the poor. So through m [...]

Why American Poverty is a Self-Inflicted Condition

For decades Americans have been told that the way to help the poor is to redistribute wealth to the underclass. We’ve seen an increase in wealth redistribution since the Great Society anti-poverty programs of the 1960s under Lyndon B. Johnson’s administration. The amount of wealth redistribution in America today is staggering, and yet we still have an underclass, an underclass that is growing. Hum [...]

Pope Francis is Wrong about Money, Poverty, and Justice

Pope Francis has received numerous accolades from the faithful. One area where Pope Francis gets poor marks is in economics. It’s hard to take economic advice from someone who has taken a vow of poverty, never owned a business, and lives off the donations of people who have not taken a vow of poverty and who own and/or work for businesses that make it possible for the Vatican, College of Cardinals [...]

Pope Francis is Wrong about Money, Poverty, and Justice

Pope Francis has received numerous accolades from the faithful. One area where Pope Francis gets poor marks is in economics. It’s hard to take economic advice from someone who has taken a vow of poverty, never owned a business, and lives off the donations of people who have not taken a vow of poverty and who own and/or work for businesses that make it possible for the Vatican, College of Cardinals [...]

New Twin Study: People Not Born Gay

The argument is simple enough. If a person is born a certain way, who are we to judge what they are and how they act? A person born with black skin is that way because of his or her genes, but there is no behavior associated with skin color. Skin color is a benign genetic trait like hair color. We’ve been told that homosexuality is gene-directed. A person’s DNA determines sexual attraction and ide [...]

Atheists Want Their Unbelieving ‘Bibles’ Placed Next to Gideon Bibles

The governor of Georgia has ordered that Bibles that were removed from lodges at government parks throughout the state be returned. Gov. Deal’s order prompted American Atheists, a group founded in 1963 by famed atheist Madeline Murray O’Hair, ((Her son, William J. Murray, denounced atheism in 1980 and became a born again Christian. He is now president of the Religious Freedom Coalition, based in W [...]

Liberal Bullies Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine

Barronelle Stutzman is the owner of Arlene’s Flowers. When one of her customers, Robert Ingersoll, a homosexual, asked Stutzman to supply the flowers for his upcoming wedding with his male “partner,” she refused. She cited her religious beliefs. Stutzman never refused Ingersoll service when he ordered flowers for personal use: “When it came to doing his wedding, I said, ‘I could not do it because [...]

Angelina Jolie’s Mastectomy and the Abortion Debate

Angelina Jolie’s decision to have a double mastectomy because of a genetic marker that made her chances of getting breast cancer very high — 87 percent lifetime risk of developing breast cancer and up to a 54 percent chance of ovarian cancer — was front page news. TV news shows and gossip columnists led with her story. Her mother died from breast cancer. Jolie is not the first prominent person to [...]

Can the Boy Scouts Be Good Without God?

Tom Krattenmaker says that atheists can be good without God. His article in USA Today (“Good Boy Scouts Don’t Need God,” May 13, 2013) attempts to make the case that atheists are good people. They don’t believe in God and yet they perform good deeds. No they don’t and they don’t do bad deeds either. If there is no God, there are no morals for anyone. There is neither good nor evil. [...]

May 14, 1948 to 1988 to 2013: 65 Years of Bad Prophetic Timing

Sixty five years ago today, Israel became a nation again. Prophetic writers saw this event as the end-time sign that something called the “rapture” could not be far off. Within 40 years of that May 14, 1948 date, prophecy writers were telling us, Jesus would return and take His Church to heaven to be followed by a seven-year period where the temple in Jerusalem would be rebuilt, animal sacrifices [...]

Josephus Among the Christian Scholars and Commentators

A study of Church history shows that the works of Josephus were consulted by Christians very early. Heinz Schreckenberg and Kurt Schubert trace the use of the works of Josephus to the earliest of the ante-Nicene fathers beginning, possibly, with Clement of Rome (died c. 101), Melito of Sardis (died c. 190), Irenaeus (died c. 202), Tertullian (c. 160–c. 225), Hippolytus (170–235), and others. While [...]

Flavius Josephus and Preterism

James Hamilton, representing a hybrid view of historical premillenialism, said something like the following during the Symposium that he, Sam Waldron, and I participated in on February 23, 2013 in Reno, Nevada: “If preterists didn’t have Josephus, they wouldn’t be preterists.” I’m working from memory, but this is pretty close to what he said, and if it’s not exactly what he said, it accurately rep [...]

Internet Sales Tax and ‘Rendering to Caesar’

I received the following email from a well-intentioned by misinformed Christian about taxation: “Hello, I see that you are sponsoring an internet link to stop the Congress from passing a bill that would cause Americans to pay taxes on items bought over the Internet. “Surely I do not have to remind you that we were commanded by ‘Jesus’ Himself to pay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what [...]

Are We Hearing the Death Rattle of Liberalism?

It seems that liberalism is gaining the upper hand. In fact, it seems that liberalism has the upper hand. Not so fast. Empire-building is a tenuous business. Every empire that has tried to expand its borders eventually collapsed because the center could not hold. Adolf Hitler’s dream of a thousand-year Reich turned to dust in less than 20 years. The supposed inevitability of world Communism did no [...]

The Ten Commandments, Moral Anarchy, and the Secular State

Another Ten Commandments display has been removed from another school, and a nation is shocked when it reads stories about young people raping classmates and murdering school children and its government passing thousands of pages of new laws and regulations that will trample on our basic liberties. Should we be surprised that a fourth-grade student is told by his teacher to write the following?: & [...]

People pay big money to be told they’re evolved pond scum

The lecture was titled “The Origin of the Universe.” People stood in a quarter-mile-long line for hours and paid big money to be told that they are nothing but a conglomeration of atoms. One hopeful attendee was willing to shell out $1000 for a ticket. The people who got in to hear the wheelchair-bound man were told that they are alone in the cosmos. They share space with other biological units wh [...]

New Atheists Attacked by Fellow Secularists for ‘Islamophobia’

[caption id=“attachment_7743” align=“alignright” width=“300”] Copyright 2013 - Glenn McCoy[/caption] Atheists Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens, and Sam Harris are often described as the “Unholy Trinity of Atheism.” When you add Daniel C. Dennett to the mix, the Unholy Trinity becomes the Four Horsemen of the New Atheism. Even in their atheism these atheists [...]