Is Religion the Enemy of Science?

If we are to believe evolutionists like Richard Dawkins, religion is the enemy of science. He’s not the first atheist to make this claim. But when Dawkins speaks these days, people listen and react. For example, this tweet about Islam and science got a stern response: “[A]ll the world’s Muslims have fewer Nobel Prizes than Trinity College, Cambridge. They did great things in the Middle Ages, thoug [...]

The Isaiah 17 Damascus Bible prophecy has been fulfilled

Because of the latest developments in Syria, prophecy prognosticators are coming out of the woodwork . . . again. The same thing happened in 2011 when prophecy hobbyists were claiming that Isaiah 17 was being fulfilled right before our eyes. Here’s an example from a video that was uploaded on July 21, 2011: Damascus in Isaiah 17 is going to be destroyed in 1 day. This is about to occur in our life [...]

Richard Dawkins Can’t Condemn ‘Mild Pedophilia’

The blogosphere is all a twitter over comments Richard Dawkins made about pedophilia. Personally, I don’t understand the outrage. Dawkins and his fawning acolytes are atheists. An atheist doesn’t have a basis to condemn anything as right or wrong. Consider that evolutionists like Dawkins contend that kill-or-be-killed is the operating premise of survival of the fittest. What’s a little evolutionar [...]

Iowa Democrats Pray to God so they Can Keep Killing Pre-Born Babies

I thought religion and politics don’t mix. How many times have we been told that the there’s a separation of church and state? Liberals have been pushing city council meetings to do away with prayer to open the meetings. If you know anything about liberal politicians, they are not against religion as long as they get to control it. Liberals have used black churches for decades to support their can [...]

Shouting 'Allahu Akhbar!' is NOT the Same as Christians Saying ‘Thank God!'

It wasn’t too long ago that John McCain referred to Senator Rand Paul, Senator Ted Cruz, and Rep. Justin Amash (all Republicans) as “wacko birds.” He later apologized. Do you want to hear something really “wacko”? Sen. McCain accused Fox News host Brian Kilmeade of being Islamaphobic because he said that Syrian opposition groups were shouting “Allahu Akhbar! Allahu Akhbar!” as rockets hit governme [...]

Court Ruling Could Nullify First Amendment

Judge Michael Ponsor has ruled in Sexual Minorities Uganda v. Lively (2013) that Scott Lively, through his talks in Uganda in opposition to homosexual behavior was in fact “aiding and abetting a crime against humanity.” Lively, an evangelical pastor, was sued in a Massachusetts federal court by a foreign group called Sexual Minorities of Uganda (SMUG) based on provisions in the Alien Tort Statute [...]

I’m an Angry Narcissist Who’s a Danger to Others and Needs Psychological Help

My articles on the nonsense of modern-day prophecy writers got a few people upset. Jan Markell wrote a response article to which I responded by pointing out that she never dealt with the substance of the article. You can read my articles here and here. My articles really got under the skin of one end-time prophecy writer. Like Markell, he would not respond to the detailed factual points I had made [...]

Persistent atheists come out of the woodwork...again

There’s one thing that can be said about liberals. They are persistent. They never surrender. They never give up. They work hard to wear down the opposition. Case in point. “Two secularist organizations are working together to end legislative prayer before city council meetings in a northern California municipality." “For years, Chico city council members have invited local religious leaders [...]

Scientists lie about evolution of bacteria

Evolutionists have never seen anything evolve, as the word is technically understood. Change, yes. Evolve, no. There’s a difference. Developmental changes within a species takes place all the time. My grandfathers were barely 5’ 5” tall. I’m a high inch over six feet. I did not evolve. I’m still a human being. My youngest son is an inch taller than I am, and my older son is a tad shorter. [...]

Our Government is Playing With Monopoly Money

The game of Monopoly debuted in 1935 during a time of financial recovery after a steep economic downturn called the Depression from which we’ve never really recovered since government intervention created the Depression and every economic downturn since. A similar game was developed Elizabeth (Lizzie) J. Magie Phillips in 1903. The Landlord’s Game, as it was called, was self-published in 190 [...]

Ignorant Baptist Pastor Duped by ACLU

Most pastors these days are not well studied in history, logic, the Constitution, or common sense. It wasn’t always this way. Ministers used to be the most educated men in the community. Few ministers today compare to the intellectual, historical, and rhetorical proficiencies of a colonial pastor. “Unlike modern mass media, the sermon stood alone in local New England contexts as the only regular ( [...]

A Response to Jan Markell’s “Sowing Discord Among the Brethren”

A few weeks ago I wrote an article with the title “Another Prophetic Nonsense Conference.” It was about an upcoming prophecy conference sponsored by Jan Markell’s Olive Tree Ministries. I pointed out that these types of conferences have been going on for a long time and have done little to help Christians really understand Bible prophecy. In fact, they have done more damage than good. Without the [...]

Hulk actor extols the abortion of his brother or sister

Hollywood types get too much attention. They’re actors. They entertain us (sometimes). Their opinions are no more important than the check-out person at the local supermarket. Unfortunately, their public platform gives them a license to pontificate on subjects that the liberal media use to push a degrading agenda. Actor Mark Ruffalo’s comments on abortion is the latest example. Ruffalo played the [...]

Rewriting the History of Homosexual Sex

Finding justification for perversion is a full time job these days. Consider John Boswell, an admitted homosexual who died from AIDS. For years Boswell had been trying to prove that homosexuality is supported by the Bible. He tried to make a case for homosexuality in his poorly argued Christianity, Social Tolerance, and Homosexuality. Boswell entered the debate a second time in 1994 with Same-Sex [...]

Desmond Tutu: The Epitome of Liberal Insanity

“I would refuse to go to a homophobic heaven … I mean I would much rather go to the other place,” Tutu said. “I would not worship a God who is homophobic and that is how deeply I feel about this.” Insanity. Let’s play a game of Tutu fill-in-the blank: “I would not worship a God who opposed ________________ and that is how deeply I feel about this.” Fill in any liberal cause, everything from govern [...]

Evolution's response to the Trayvon Martin shooting

Journalist Virginia Heffernan has kicked the evolution hornet’s nest by declaring that she’s a creationist (see my article). As usual, the evolutionary cockroaches have poured out from behind the walls of ignorance and pounced on her. Here’s what one nutball evolutionist wrote: “Virginia Heffernan is a science-phobic angel-believing climate change skeptic. She just said that. That is what she just [...]

Journalist Admits She’s a Creationist and Drives Evolutionists Insane

In the midst of the George Zimmerman “not guilty” verdict, rioting, beatings, threats of violence, calls for “checking your white privilege,” and demands that we “give money to the Dream Defenders, to the Urban League, to the Southern Poverty Law Center… because racism is a natural disaster just like hurricanes and bombings and shootings are,” there’s a story going around about a journalist [...]

Greg Laurie Still Mixed Up about Bible Prophecy

Greg Laurie is a popular evangelist. Periodically he goes off topic and discusses Bible prophecy. A few years ago, another prominent evangelist went off topic and wrote an article on why we are living in the last days and how Bible prophecy is being fulfilled right before our eyes. I wrote a four-part series of articles critiquing his argument. He and I spoke on the phone about the topic and my po [...]

Atheists Can’t Find Atheists to Support Atheism

Atheists are in a full court press to take a public stand and declare their belief that God does not exist. The long-term implications of such a belief are horrendous to think about, but I’ll save my comments on that topic for another time. First it was the American Atheists who set up a monument to “no God” (a = “no” + theism = “god” [atheism]) but couldn’t find an America [...]

American Atheists Show They Need God to Survive

T.S. Elliott, wrote, “The greatest proof of Christianity for others is not how far a man can logically analyze his reasons for believing, but how far in practice he will stake his life on his belief.” True enough, but we can apply this same truth to atheism: “The greatest proof of atheism for others is not how far a man can logically analyze his reasons for disbelieving in God, but how far in prac [...]