The Theological Schizophrenia of Franklin Graham

Franklin Graham has come out with a broadside against pastors. He describes some of today’s pastors as “cowards” for not addressing the social evils of our day. Graham told a large gathering of pastors on [May 22] to address controversial issues from the pulpit, declaring that “God hates cowards.” Ouch! Graham, president and CEO of Samaritan’s Purse and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Associat [...]

Why John Kerry’s Flat Earth Society Slam is all Wrong

John Kerry said the following in a speech he gave at a graduation ceremony at Boston College: If the US does not act and if it turns out that the critics and naysayers and the members of the Flat Earth Society — if it turns out they’re wrong, then we are risking nothing less than the future of the entire planet. This isn’t the first time Kerry pulled the “flat earth” card to support the man- [...]

More Proof that Evolution is Impossible

“The debate is over. Evolution is a fact (even though no one has ever seen it take place.)” Evolutionists have never proved evolution. A something-from-nothing premise is not scientifically demonstrable. If it were, we would be seeing experiments on how nothing became something, but we don’t. Change within existing species is not evolution. When Tim Berra, professor of zoology at Ohio State Univer [...]

Liberals Push for Laws Against Hate Speech … as They Define It

Whoever controls the language controls the debate. Whoever controls the debate controls the laws. Whoever controls the laws controls the civil government. And then the people. To move along new social, cultural, and political trends, it is of the utmost importance to define and redefine words for the purpose of empowerment. Liberals have a long history of picking the right words to make pig slop s [...]

Newspaper Editor Fired for Criticizing Queen James Bible

The homosexual fascists are at it again. Christians who speak out against same-sex sexuality in the name of the Bible are the target. Here’s the latest: Bob Eschliman has worked as the editor of the Newton Daily News since 2012, and has served as the publisher of the Clarinda Herald-Journal. But he found himself out of a job this past week when he spoke his mind about the Queen James Bible on his [...]

“But It’s Not Happening in My Child’s School . . .”

Several years ago I was in a meeting with a group of prominent leaders in the fields of education and media. The discussion came around to public schools. I pointed out how public schools will only get worse and those who are trying to fix the problems will only be frustrated. I went on to point out that public schools are really government schools. The curriculum is designed to promote all things [...]

Florida School Bans Bible During Free Reading Time

Bite a Pop Tart so that it looks like a gun and you’ll be expelled. Read a Bible during free reading time, and it will be treated like Lady Chatterly’s Lover. Officials at Broward County Public Schools went along with a teacher who told fifth grader Giovanni Rubeo that he could not read his Bible during free reading time. Swornia Thomas, who teaches 5th grade at Park Lakes Elementary School in Lau [...]

Jars of Clay's Haseltine Sounds Off on “Gay Marriage” . . . Very Off

On the “Official Blog of Benjamin L. Corey,” Corey, who describes himself as a former Fundamentalist, claims that Dan Haseltine of the musical group Jars of Clay was only asking questions about “Gay” marriage and should not have been attacked. I’m aware of Jars of Clay but have never heard any of the group’s songs. I understand that the group has a large following and what anybody in the group say [...]

Hillary Clinton Uses Jesus to Promote the Welfare State

Liberals love the Bible when they can turn it into theological Silly Putty. They can find support for every leftist doctrine as long as they skip words, read verses out of context, and read their own views into specific texts. Even the Devil quoted the Bible (Matt. 4:1-11; Luke 4:1-13), so we shouldn’t be surprised if we encounter politicians who peddle the Devil’s wares with the Devil’s methods. [...]

Stop Twisting the Bible … to Make it Fit Same-Sex Marriage

I love a challenge. I’m competitive by nature. I hate to lose. Having made an admission of my competitive nature, it’s more important to get the facts straight than to manipulate the facts so you can be right. So when I saw the headline that there is no message against same-sex marriage in the Bible, I felt a challenge coming on. Has somebody come up with an argument I’ve never encountered? [...]

CNN Says Those on the Right More Deadly than Jihadists

Peter Bergen is CNN’s national security analyst, a director at the New America Foundation. The New American Foundation is funded by George Soros. Bergen also uses the mega-fundraising radical leftist organization the Southern Poverty Law Center as one of his sources. These associations in and of themselves do not mean that everything Bergen writes is incorrect, but it is important to note the sour [...]

The “Gospel of Jesus’ Wife” Papyrus Being Used as Liberal Propaganda

In 2012, Dr. Karen L. King, a professor at Harvard Divinity School, discovered a papyrus that seemed to imply that Jesus was married. Here’s how the discovery was reported: A small fragment of faded papyrus contains a suggestion that Jesus may have been married. The fragment, with just eight lines of text on the front and six lines on the back, is from a fourth-century dialogue, written in the Cop [...]

Are Psychopaths Just Consistent Atheists?

A recent article declares, “We think of psychopaths as killers, alien, outside society. But, says the scientist who has spent his life studying them, you could have one for a colleague, a friend—or a spouse.” Consider the serial killer Dennis Lynn Rader, known as the BTK murderer. “BTK” stands for “Bind, Torture, Kill.” He never raised any suspicions among his friends or family that he had a malev [...]

Blood Moon Day and We’re Still Here

The first of four Blood Moons has appeared in the sky. Millions of Christians have become fascinated with the phenomenon. Books have been written on the subject. Why all the interest and excitement? Because the lunar event is supposedly all about Bible prophecy and the end of the world or the so-called “rapture” of the church that these prophecy prognosticators claim will usher in the Second Comin [...]

Three Reasons for a Drop in Religion and One of Them is Not the Internet

There’s a new study out that is giving the impression to some people that the loss of religion is the result of the Internet. The UK Daily Mail article does not make a causal relationship, but some Christian sites give the impression that it does. Allen Downey, a computer scientist at the Olin College of Engineering in Massachusetts, “is careful to note that his research has revealed a correlation [...]

Asking and Answering the Wrong Questions in the Hobby Lobby Case

Should business owners be forced to pay for contraceptives or pay a fine if they don’t in the new ever-changing Affordable Care Act? Wrong question. The case before the Supreme Court “will determine whether Hobby Lobby, a Christian-owned craft store chain, and Conestoga Wood Specialties, a cabinet company, can be exempted from providing contraception coverage to female employees through federally [...]

Maryland County Commissioner Picks Jail Time Over Skipping Prayer

Judges are stepping in where they have no jurisdiction, no constitutional backing, no understanding of the limits of the federal government in relation to the states, and almost no knowledge of American history. A Carroll County [Maryland] commissioner said she was “willing to go to jail” opening up a board meeting with a prayer despite a federal judge in Maryland ruling the board has to stop open [...]

My Take on the Noah Movie

The new Noah film starring Russell Crowe is getting a lot of attention, some negative and some positive. My take on it is a little different. It’s hard to take a biblical story and turn it into a movie. It’s been tried many times with the meaning of the story lost in the layers that are necessary to develop a screenplay (e.g., Samson and Delilah, The Ten Commandments, Barabbas, Sodom and Gomorrah) [...]

Don’t Send TV Pitchman Kevin Trudeau to Jail

At first I thought the story was a joke. After reading that the death of Chumlee from Pawn Stars was a hoax (last year the hoax was that the “Old Man” had died), I was skeptical when I saw a news story that TV pitchman Kevin Trudeau was going to prison for ten years for fraud. Trudeau was sentenced to 10 years in prison for his “decades-long history of fraud.” U. [...]

Atheists Attack Christian Gov. Walker for Bible Tweet

Whatever happened to “freedom of religion”? According to the Freedom from Religion Foundation (FFRF), it does not exist. The latest anti-God tyranny concerns a Twitter post by Gov. Scott Walker of Wisconsin. Here it is. Get ready. It’s ominous. It’s devastating: “Philippians 4:13.” That’s it. Gov. Walker didn’t even cite the content of the verse which is, “I can do all things through Christ who st [...]