The Rapture on April 23? Let's end the prophetic nonsense!

According to David Meade, a self-professed ‘Christian numerologist,’ on April 23, 2018, the “rapture” of the church will take place. He bases his claim on an astrological sign that he says is found in the Bible. The sun and moon will be in Virgo, as will Jupiter, which he says represents the Messiah. He assures us that it’s all found in Revelation 12:1-2: A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman c [...]

Frederick Douglass: a good revolver and a box of ammo

The more I read about Frederick Douglass, the more I like him. His white master’s wife taught him to read. A literate slave was a danger to the institution of slavery, especially when a literate slave read the Bible and understood its message that the spirit and the body are free in Jesus Christ. Douglass had begun to realize what his “master” understood: “There was power, indeed subversive, revol [...]

The Truth About the Rapture

The following is an excerpt from Gary DeMar’s, The Truth About the Rapture: A Biblical Study__. ********** Dr. Mark Hitchcock has written a free eBook for Dallas Theological Seminary with the title The Truth and Timing of the Rapture that has been promoted on Facebook. When Hitchcock writes about the “rapture,” he is referring to a pre-tribulation “rapture of the Church” prior to the start o [...]

Life, Liberty, and Property

God’s sovereignty includes ownership of all His creation. Melchizedek, in blessing Abram, said, “Blessed be Abram of God Most High, Possessor of heaven and earth (Gen. 14:19; cf. v. 22). The Bible continues the relationship between sovereignty and ownership by declaring to Israel that all the Earth is His (Ex. 19:5). God demands obedience from His people because they live in the midst [...]

How One Little Word Changes Everything in the Book of Revelation. Do You Know What It Is?

Prophetic speculation is rampant. Books dealing with the end times continue to flood the market. Is America part of Bible prophecy? What about Russia? Two recent books. Let’s not forget blood moons . . . earthquakes . . . ellipses . . . hurricanes . . . wars. Probably the most talked about and written about so-called end-time sign relates to Israel. We’ve been told to keep an eye on Is [...]

I was discriminated against for my religious beliefs . . . and I'm perfectly OK with it

I’m a writer by occupation and vocation. I write around 20 articles each month and publish them on I also write books—32 since 1982. For each title, I need a cover. Often I can find a royalty-free image from my vast collection of images. Sometimes I hire an artist because I want something very specific. My book Wars and Rumors of Wars is a good example. My upcoming book The Real Tru [...]

Are these hurricanes and earthquakes God's end times judgment?

When we experience devastating natural disasters, people often ask, “Why”? Some blame or give credit to God. Others make political statements, like Jennifer Lawrence who said, “You’re watching these hurricanes now, and it’s really hard … not to feel Mother Nature’s rage or wrath.” There is no such thing as Mother Nature. Nature is a thing, not a person. Nature does not have a mind or will to do an [...]

Wars and Rumors of Wars: An Introduction

Wars and Rumors of Wars Audio Commentary By Gary DeMar ******************** The first three audio presentations cover the Introduction to Wars and Rumors of Wars. I do not cover everything that’s in the book. You’ll want the book edition to study the Bible references and footnotes. The fourth audio in this series is a critique of Mark Hitchcock’s The Truth and Timing of the Raptu [...]

NEW: Wars and Rumors of Wars, by Gary DeMar

50 Nobel Prize winners have spoken. It’s the end of the world as we know it, but they don’t feel fine: In a survey, the brainiacs revealed fears that nuclear war, environmental disaster, and even Facebook pose a risk to the future of our species. War is always on the list of end-times events. But it took second place to population growth (even though there’s a birth dearth in much of the world) an [...]

The coming eclipse and Last Days Madness

On August 21, much of the United States will see a solar eclipse. In some areas, the eclipse will be total. Prophecy prognosticators are already making claims about the prophetic significance of this solar event. What is there to it? For the uninformed, there is nothing unusual about an eclipse. They happen on a regular basis around the world. Here’s a site where you can see a list of the various [...]

Telegraph forced to revise article attacking the Bible

The UK’s Telegraph claimed Friday that they had disproved the Bible: “Study disproves the Bible’s suggestion that the ancient Canaanites were wiped out.” The story and its fake headline have gone viral. ((“Study disproves the Bible’s suggestion that the ancient Canaanites were wiped out” (The Telegraph); “Bible says Canaanites were wiped out by Israelites but scientists just found their descendant [...]

Is it unbiblical to protest against unrighteous governments?

Pastor John MacArthur made the following comments about civil unrest in the Middle East: “I just think the upshot of all of this is more instability, more chaos,” the longtime Southern California pastor told The Christian Post in an interview. “I don’t think the future looks good.” He may be right, but he doesn’t really know. He uses Iran as an example of what happened when the government of the S [...]

How Christians should celebrate Independence Day

We don’t celebrate July 4th. We celebrate Independence Day on July 4th. What are we celebrating? Do most Americans know? The Declaration of Independence was a bold statement against tyranny. We live in a time of greater tyranny. The taxes were minimal in 1776, and yet the people were willing to take a stand against them. A number of states where the GOP is in charge are calling for massive tax inc [...]

The prophecy pundits are scaremongering again: Here's how to answer them from the Bible. . . .

Once again, prophecy prognosticators are predicting Jesus is going to wrap up everything in our generation because things are so bad the end must be near. A recent article by Britt Gillette on the Prophecy News Watch website says as much: “The signs of the Second Coming are all around us. When His disciples asked Jesus to describe the signs, He gave them several. The Jewish people back in possessi [...]

Prophecy mongers hail "Great Sign" and "End of Days" for sure . . . Again?!?

For more than 40 years I have been following the views of prophecy speculation and the claims made by people about end-of-the-world scenarios. People have short memories, or have no memory, about prophecy speculators who have assured an anxious public that Jesus would return by this or that date. His coming is always said to be “near.” Despite scores of failures, there is yet a new confident predi [...]

Theonomy: an extension of Calvinism's judicial theology

Dean C. Curry, in a review of Theonomy: A Reformed Critique, writes that John Muether’s “The Theonomic Attraction” is a “first-rate analysis of why theonomy is thriving.”[1] I beg to differ. Curry’s praise for Muether’s evaluation of the “theonomic mind-set”[2] tells me that Curry has done little if any reading of Reconstructionist works. The same can be said regarding Mr. Muether, as his footnote [...]

Does the martyrdom of Antipas in Revelation 2:13 support the late-date composition of Revelation?

FREE PDF eBook download of “Does the Martyrdom of Antipas in Revelation 2:13 Support the Late-Date Composition of Revelation?” One key argument in the debates over the interpretation of the book of Revelation is the date of its composition. Nearly all dispensationalists and other proponents of Last Days Madness and End Times Fiction demand the “late date” theory. The rival [...]

Zion Oil and Gas, Inc.: trust geology, not eschatology

I’ve been noticing an advertisement from Zion Oil and Gas, Inc. for Christians to invest in their company. The promotional video and offer for investment information are based on the claim that the Bible predicts that Israel will discover oil. The company is “drilling for the blessings of the deep” (Gen. 49:1, 25-28). Here’s my advice: If you want to invest in Zion Oil and [...]

Why it might be OK to torture your neighbor

A live-streaming Facebook posting of four blacks torturing a special needs white man has gotten universal attention. The outcry of what happened was so visceral that liberals had to declare it a “hate crime,” a designation that heretofore mostly only applied to those from legislatively designated minority groups who had been assaulted in the commission of a crime that included racial and anti-“gay [...]

"Fake news" is not as bad as fake exegesis and fake history that some end-times proponents use

I know where you dwell, where Satan’s throne is; and you hold fast My name, and did not deny My faith even in the days of Antipas, My witness, My faithful one, who was killed among you, where Satan dwells" (Rev. 2:13). I was checking out at our CVS Pharmacy when the young lady behind the counter noticed that my total came to $6.66. I assured her that the number was insignificant since i [...]