DC Tornado and the Proof of 'Climate Crisis'

There is no excuse anymore for not getting history right. A simple search on the internet will set the record straight on most historical matters. The Bible requires two witnesses. This is no less true when investigating the claims of history when politicians and special interest groups are trying to pull the wool over our eyes with manufactured claims that that the earth is going to fall apart be [...]

The “Roe” in Roe v. Wade: A Forgotten Voice in the Abortion Debate

It’s taken a long time, but pro-life forces are gaining ground at the state level. While states like Virginia and New York have sanctioned child killing, states like Georgia and Alabama have outlawed most abortions. There will be another legal fight. Most likely the case will be sent to the Supreme Court where none unelected judges will make a life and death decision. The decision will most [...]

AOC and Bernie Use the Bible to Support One of Their Policies

Here we go again. Democrats are appealing to the Bible to support one of their policies. Here’s what New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said about a bill she is co-sponsoring with Bernie Sanders: Usury – aka high interest – happens to be explicitly denounced in the Bible (& in many other religions). Looking forward to having the religious right uphold their principles [...]

Should Christians Accept that an Anti-Christian ‘Secularized Society’ is Inevitable?

In an earlier article (“Christian Lawyer and Church Elder Says Christians Must ‘Surrender to Unbelievers at Every Level’”) I dealt with comments made by Carlos Chung who argued that “As soldiers of Christ, we are to surrender to unbelievers at every level.” Chung’s article appears on “The Master’s Seminary Blog.” If this is what seminarians are being taught, we are in big trouble. While not addres [...]

Christian Lawyer and Church Elder Says Christians Must “Surrender to Unbelievers at Every Level”

I saw an article posted on Facebook with the title “We Must Surrender.” It was written by Carlos Chung who serves as an elder at Grace Community Church in the Mainstream fellowship group and is a lawyer. The article is badly argued and dangerous. Here’s how it begins: As soldiers of Christ, we are to surrender to unbelievers at every level. We are to surrender in public and in private, at the macr [...]

The Most Bizarre Leftist Arguments for Keeping Abortion Legal (And I Thought I Had Heard Them All)

How many of you remember “Stupid Pet Tricks” on the David Letterman Show? Well, there are now Stupid Democrat Tricks. Here’s the latest from Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand who said that laws banning or restricting abortion are against “the Christian faith.” If you are a person of the Christian faith, one of the tenants of our faith is free will. One of the tenants of our dem [...]

John MacArthur and the Culture Wars: Part 3

In Paul Dallas’ novel The Lost Planet, a story about how two teenagers avert a war between their home planets, the main characters learn a crucial military lesson. The scene takes place just before the teenager from Earth boards a spaceship and travels to the distant planet Poseida: As he spoke, the general seemed to become preoccupied with thoughts of the military situation, and he absently deplo [...]

"So Help Me All Powerful State"

The article below by Dr. Jerry Newcombe that you are about to read describes how the Democrats are no longer going to use “So help me God" in their oaths. Many Democrats and secularist don’t want “In God We Trust” to be our nation’s motto. A more accurate statement would be “In Government We Trust” or “In the State We Trust.” Government is the new god for millions of Americans. [...]

John MacArthur, Culture Wars, and Spiritual Conflict

This second installment is a response to a short video clip that Pastor John MacArthur did on Culture Wars. As I mentioned in the first installment, culture is an inescapable concept. See the video below for a more comprehensive response. There is no way to ignore it or escape it. You are either changing the culture or being changed by it. God’s creation and His sovereign rule over it are all abou [...]

Can Atheists Account for Rationality, Logic, and Morality?

Atheists are great at being atheists when they only talk to other atheists or construct a straw-man theist and show how easy it is to set him on fire. A recent example is in the premiere episode of the second season of HBO’s Crashing. A conversation develops between Penn Jillette and Pete (who appears as a Christian in the first season) over the existence of God. The conversation is scripted. I co [...]

When Homosexuals Fire-Bombed a Pastor's Home

A video is making the rounds of a Pennsylvania State Representative, a Democrat, who was mocking and harassing an elderly woman who was praying in front of a Planned Parenthood “clinic.” State Rep. Brian Sims’ viral mocking of anti-abortion activists shows the boldness of some homosexual activists. His initial video, posted to his Facebook page on April 18, shows the lawmaker approaching a woman a [...]

Fake News Reporting is Nothing New

Is it, “the proof is in the pudding”? Or is it, “the proof of the pudding is in the eating”? Fake sayings are like fake news or fake history. There’s some truth in what is reported, for example, some of the words may be the same, but there’s so much that’s untrue as to make the news reporting fake. For example, “proof” and “pudding” are common to both phrases, but it’s what’s left out that makes a [...]

A Tale of Two Revolutions

The storming of the Bastille was a catalyst for what became known as the Reign of Terror. “French society underwent an epic transformation as feudal, aristocratic and religious privileges evaporated under a sustained assault from left-wing political groups and the masses on the streets.” How bad was it? Internally, popular sentiments radicalized the Revolution significantly, culminating in the ris [...]

Former Baptist Pastor Says Bible Is Wrong While Homosexuality is Right

Oliver Thomas, a retired Baptist minister, has written, “American churches must reject literalism and admit we got it wrong on gay people.” It appears in USA Today where he is a member of USA Today’s Board of Contributors. There’s nothing new in churchmen rejecting God’s Word for the world’s word. False teachers inside the church were a problem in the first century. Paul describe [...]

Democrat Presidential Candidate Makes Huge Constitutional Blunder

California Congressman and 2020 Democratic hopeful Eric Swalwell took an oath to uphold the Constitution. Here’s the oath: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose [...]

Synagogue Shootings, Romantic Revolutionaries, and the Judas Effect

Evangelicals are trying to wrap their heads around why a young man from a Bible-believing Christian family that belongs to a Bible-believing denomination could think that it was his moral duty to kill Jews. There’s a Bible precedent for it. Jesus answered them, “Did I Myself not choose you, the twelve, and yet one of you is a devil?” Now He meant Judas the son of Simon Iscariot, for he, one of the [...]

Stop Complaining About Public Schools and Get Your Children Out!

The films Get Out (2017) and Rosemary’s Baby (1968) are disturbing but not as disturbing as today’s government schools. Public schools are corrupting the minds of the next generation of voters and leaders and it seems that a majority of Christians don’t care. They continue to send their children to the schools of their enemies. Then there’s this: The state of California is poised to adopt a [...]

Cultural Marxism’s Long Ideological History Had One Major Goal

Near the mid-point of the 20th century, writing in the Introduction to Carl Henry’s The Uneasy Conscience of Modern Fundamentalism, Harold J. Ockenga wrote the following: “A Christian world- and life-view embracing world questions, societal needs, personal education ought to arise out of Matt. 28:18–20 as much as evangelism does. Culture depends on such a view, and Fundamentalism is prodigally dis [...]

John MacArthur: “I Couldn’t Care Less About the Culture War”

The following is from a two-minute video clip “Should Christians be Focused on ‘Taking Back the Culture’?” by Pastor John MacArthur (see my video response below): I really couldn’t care less about the culture war. I wouldn’t give ten seconds to worrying. What are you talking about? Two temporal opposing moral philosophies? What is culture? Henry Van Til described culture as “religion externalized. [...]

Jesus, Guns, and Self-Defense: What Does the Bible Say?

The following article was written in 2016. The debate continues on how houses of worship should defend themselves. Does the Bible offer any help? Good Christian? Bad Christian? It all depends on who’s doing the evaluating. The reaction to Jerry Falwell Jr.’s comments on encouraging students at Liberty University to be armed in case there is an ISIS attack at the school has led to a great deal of t [...]