How Ray Comfort Should Not Answer a Skeptic: Part 1

Ray Comfort has put himself on the front lines defending the Christian faith by confronting the spirit of the age and those who promote it, especially atheists. One of the recurring arguments used by atheists against the reliability of the Bible is the claim that it falsely predicted the return of Jesus within a generation. A skeptic named Jonathan asked the following question on his blog: “Could [...]

How Ray Comfort Should Not Answer a Skeptic: Part 2

A skeptic named Jonathan asked the following question on Ray Comfort’s blog: “Could anyone of you believers tell me when the end times will happen, besides soon? It seems to me that the end times have been preached by man ever since the time they created their fictional deities.” Ray’s answer is similar to an article he wrote for Christian Worldview Network. Skeptics have pointed out the prophecy [...]

How Ray Comfort Should Not Answer a Skeptic: Part 3

Bible prophecy is an empirical discipline. It can be tested. Did a prophet’s prediction come to pass as stated? The Bible takes such predictions seriously. A false prediction is a reflection of a prophet’s authority and can have grave consequences: But the prophet who speaks a word presumptuously in My name which I have not commanded him to speak, or which he speaks in the name of other gods, that [...]

Prophecy Speculation and the Days of Noah

Ray Comfort’s film Noah and the Last Days isn’t so much about Noah and the flood. Instead, it’s a way to introduce the topic of end times’ speculation with the claim that there are 10 signs that are indisputable evidence that we are living in the last days. This is an old overused story. Comfort isn’t the only person referencing Jesus’ use of the Noah story as a jumping off point for prophetic spe [...]

Why Creation and Prophecy Can't be Separated

When I wrote my article “Why Young People are Leaving the Church” I knew it would generate some response. I was taken to task by a few Young Earth Creationists (YEC) because I did not point out the dangers of Old Earth Creationist (OEC) arguments and how they create serious theological problems such as disease and death before the fall. Some OECs have attempted to answer this objection exegeticall [...]

My Thoughts on “Thoughts and Prayers”

Liberals have attacked the use of “thoughts and prayers” when some tragedy strikes. Sometimes there’s nothing that can be done at the moment so people offer a statement of comfort in the only way they can. This does not mean that nothing is to be done. Thoughts, prayers, and well-wishing are not complete until they are backed up with action when there is some action that can be taken. The same is [...]

Hollywood Has Become the Bullies of Those Least Able to Defend Themselves

Self-righteous Hollywood is at it again. Hollywood decries and even runs AD spots denouncing bullying. The following an article titled “Bullying Prevention Month In Hollywood”: We hope you’ve noticed over the past year that we’ve been focusing on bullying and cyberbullying, a confounding national crisis that turns youths’ lives upside down with unimaginable angst and [...]

Secularism's March Toward Dehumanization. Who Will Be Next?

Evolutionists get more desperate every day. They spend billions of dollars to send space probes to distant places in the universe to find signs of life so they can once and for all declare that God does not exist. If they can show that Earth is not the only place where life could have evolved, then it proves that there is no god. So while one group of atheists is trying to find life out there so t [...]

Darwin’s Dangerous Idea and Its Real-World Consequences

The Christian begins with the presupposition that God created the universe and man as a special creation different in kind from both inanimate and other animate creations. In fact, man is so special, the Bible tells us that he is created in the “image of God” (Gen. 1:27). One of these image attributes is the existence of the mind and the ability to think rationally (Rom. 12:1-2; Col. 3:10) and to [...]

How 'Climate Change' Alarmism Is Ruining the Future for Some Young People

Climate alarmism is becoming climate fanaticism and extremism. In order to sell the belief that Earth is doomed so that governments can expand their taxing authority and power, outrageous claims are being made. Unfortunately, many people don’t know how to evaluate evidence. If enough authorities say something is true, then it must be true. I was watching a video of a woman on a plane who was [...]

More Anti-Culture-War Comments from John MacArthur

In Pastor John MacArthur’s anti-Culture Wars video, he said the following: “I don’t think it matters if you go to hell as a policeman or a prostitute. What matters is that you are going to hell!” Preaching the gospel so people won’t go to hell is the priority. The question is, what should the redeemed do in this life and does the world have meaning for Christians this side [...]

The Church’s ‘Savage Wolves’ Problem

How many times have you heard that today’s church needs to get back to the New Testament Church? Sounds good until you realize that the early church had its theological and moral problems. Jesus had more problems with His fellow-Jews than He did the Romans. Yes, the Romans crucified Him, but it was a cadre of Jewish antagonists that lit the fuse (Acts 2:22-23). Paul warned the Ephesian elders that [...]

DC Tornado and the Proof of 'Climate Crisis'

There is no excuse anymore for not getting history right. A simple search on the internet will set the record straight on most historical matters. The Bible requires two witnesses. This is no less true when investigating the claims of history when politicians and special interest groups are trying to pull the wool over our eyes with manufactured claims that that the earth is going to fall apart be [...]

The “Roe” in Roe v. Wade: A Forgotten Voice in the Abortion Debate

It’s taken a long time, but pro-life forces are gaining ground at the state level. While states like Virginia and New York have sanctioned child killing, states like Georgia and Alabama have outlawed most abortions. There will be another legal fight. Most likely the case will be sent to the Supreme Court where none unelected judges will make a life and death decision. The decision will most [...]

AOC and Bernie Use the Bible to Support One of Their Policies

Here we go again. Democrats are appealing to the Bible to support one of their policies. Here’s what New York Democrat Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said about a bill she is co-sponsoring with Bernie Sanders: Usury – aka high interest – happens to be explicitly denounced in the Bible (& in many other religions). Looking forward to having the religious right uphold their principles [...]

Should Christians Accept that an Anti-Christian ‘Secularized Society’ is Inevitable?

In an earlier article (“Christian Lawyer and Church Elder Says Christians Must ‘Surrender to Unbelievers at Every Level’”) I dealt with comments made by Carlos Chung who argued that “As soldiers of Christ, we are to surrender to unbelievers at every level.” Chung’s article appears on “The Master’s Seminary Blog.” If this is what seminarians are being taught, we are in big trouble. While not addres [...]

Christian Lawyer and Church Elder Says Christians Must “Surrender to Unbelievers at Every Level”

I saw an article posted on Facebook with the title “We Must Surrender.” It was written by Carlos Chung who serves as an elder at Grace Community Church in the Mainstream fellowship group and is a lawyer. The article is badly argued and dangerous. Here’s how it begins: As soldiers of Christ, we are to surrender to unbelievers at every level. We are to surrender in public and in private, at the macr [...]

The Most Bizarre Leftist Arguments for Keeping Abortion Legal (And I Thought I Had Heard Them All)

How many of you remember “Stupid Pet Tricks” on the David Letterman Show? Well, there are now Stupid Democrat Tricks. Here’s the latest from Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand who said that laws banning or restricting abortion are against “the Christian faith.” If you are a person of the Christian faith, one of the tenants of our faith is free will. One of the tenants of our dem [...]

John MacArthur and the Culture Wars: Part 3

In Paul Dallas’ novel The Lost Planet, a story about how two teenagers avert a war between their home planets, the main characters learn a crucial military lesson. The scene takes place just before the teenager from Earth boards a spaceship and travels to the distant planet Poseida: As he spoke, the general seemed to become preoccupied with thoughts of the military situation, and he absently deplo [...]

"So Help Me All Powerful State"

The article below by Dr. Jerry Newcombe that you are about to read describes how the Democrats are no longer going to use “So help me God" in their oaths. Many Democrats and secularist don’t want “In God We Trust” to be our nation’s motto. A more accurate statement would be “In Government We Trust” or “In the State We Trust.” Government is the new god for millions of Americans. [...]