Hijacking the Declaration of Independence

While you can’t judge a book by its cover, you can judge it by those who endorse it. Consider Alan Dershowitz’s Blasphemy: How the Religious Right is Hijacking our Declaration of Independence. ((Alan Dershowitz, Blasphemy: How the Religious Right is Hijacking our Declaration of Independence (Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc, 2007).)) The book is endorsed by at least two high-profile p [...]

It's Time to Revive the Black Regiment

The clergy helped lead the resistance and independence movement in America in the eighteenth century. They were often described as the “black regiment” because of the black robes they wore while preaching. Before marching off to join Washington’s army, Lutheran pastor John Muhlenberg delivered a powerful sermon from Ecclesiastes 3:1–8 that concluded with these words: The Bible tells us there is a [...]

Billionaires Want to be Taxed By Politicians Who Don't Know Anything About Economics

A very small minority of rich people want to pay more in taxes. Eighteen billionaires signed and sent a letter to the 2020 Democrat presidential contenders saying they want to pay more in taxes. That means that only 3% of the 607 billionaires in America signed the letter. These 18 billionaires are idiots, and the people who think they are doing a noble thing are fools. Keep in mind that these peop [...]

The State Has Become Our Nation's Real God

“In God We Trust” is our nation’s national motto. It’s on our money, appears on numerous government buildings and in courtrooms, and is the official motto of the state of Florida. The North Carolina House of Representatives passed a bill that would allow the motto ‘In God We Trust’ to be displayed in public schools in the 2019-2020 school year. But what God is it? It could [...]

The Left's Love Affair with Tyrants and Dictators

“Hasta la victoria, siempre.” The current mayor of New York City, Bill de Blasio, said this to striking workers at Miami International Airport. “The phrase — which translates roughly to ‘Ever on to victory!’ — was a mantra for Guevara, who became one of Fidel Castro’s top lieutenants. Raúl Castro uttered the quote on Cuban television in 2016 when he announced to the world that hi [...]

Golden Asteroid Could Make Us All Gazillionaires. But There’s a Problem.

News of an asteroid worth 10,000 quadrillions in precious heavy metals has scientists, gold bugs, and journalists all atwitter. “That means if we carried it back to Earth, it would destroy commodity prices and cause the world’s economy – worth $75.5 trillion – to collapse.” How is this possible? I mean, everyone would be a gazillionaire. But with gold becoming a common commodity, the price o [...]

The Supreme Court Gets One Right

In October 2017, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled that publicly funded maintenance of the Brandenburg Peace Cross Memorial was unconstitutional because it “excessively entangles the government in religion because the cross is the core symbol of Christianity and breaches the wall separating church and state.” Beginning in 1774, Congress appointed chaplains for itself and the ar [...]

Biden Says You are a 'Terrorist'

The Internet has a long memory. Joe Biden has an Internet trail of gaffes with praises for segregationists and more sinister racial problems. In a 1975 Senate hearing, the legendary civil rights lawyer Jack Greenberg had something to say to freshman Sen. Joe Biden. Greenberg, longtime director of the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, took Biden to task for sponsoring a bill that would limit the power of c [...]

Climate Alarmism is the Left's Apocalypticism

On Rush Limbaugh’s program yesterday (6.24.19), Rush spent some time discussing the HBO show Big Little Lies and how a teacher was scaring children that the world was going to end soon because of Climate Change. One student is so distraught that she hides in a closet and faints. “She’s lying unconscious in the closet. She has attempted to escape the classroom. So they find her, they go [...]

The Self-Destructive Nature of Leftist Culture: Guns Aren't the Problem

Twenty-six-year-old rookie police officer “Tara O’Sullivan had been shot with a rifle while responding to a domestic violence call. As O’Sullivan and other police were helping a female victim gather her belongings and leave the home where the domestic violence allegedly occurred, the assailant opened fire.” The aftermath demonstrates how our society’s moral foundation has eroded. Offic [...]

Madonna Claims Jesus Would Support Abortion

Madonna wants to meet with Pope Francis to discuss abortion. She claims that Jesus would support a “woman’s right to choose,” that abortion does not end a human life. She needs to stick to singing and dancing. She doesn’t know what she’s talking about even if she calls herself Madonna. “Madonna was raised Catholic and although she was later excommunicated from the church, she tol [...]

Reparations Will Only Turn Poor Blacks into Bigger Slaves to the State

I don’t owe anyone anything except what I’ve contracted to pay. I’ve never owned a slave. I’ve never denied a black person a job. Who are these Democrats to demand reparations from me? Trillions of dollars have been paid out to poor people for nearly 60 years. It’s only made many of them poorer and slaves to the State. They live on Uncle Sam’s Plantation. Democrats and Republicans are guilty of de [...]

The Importance and Sacredness of the Here and Now

On June 5-7, 2019, I spoke at the Biblical Worldview Student Conference held at Milligan College in Johnson City, TN. Two of my messages were on eschatology. I emphasized the importance of biblical optimism during attack and persecution. Young people need to believe there is a future waiting for them, that not everything is gloom and doom and escapism. To be overly preoccupied with the future at t [...]

Bible Prophecy in the White House

Mike Pompeo told an audience in Cairo that “he had come to the region as ‘as an evangelical Christian.” That’s OK. Glad to hear it. But then there’s this: In his speech at the American University in Cairo, Pompeo said that in his state department office: “I keep a Bible open on my desk to remind me of God and his word, and the truth.” Again, good for him. Here’s the disturbing part: [...]

Democrat Calls for Implementation of ‘Democratic' Socialism “By Any Means Necessary.”

Candi CdeBaca — who won a runoff election for a seat on Denver’s City Council describes herself as “a Democratic socialist.” She said, “Communism is when the government owns everything; socialism is when people have control of the distribution of ownership. People have more power.” She wants to implement socialism “by any means necessary.” That was Fidel Castro’s methodology. “Malcolm X also [...]

Hodge v. Horton: Two-Kingdom Schizophrenia

Michael Horton, the J. Gresham Machen Professor of Theology and Apologetics at Westminster Seminary (California) since 1998, Editor-in-Chief of Modern Reformation magazine, and President and host of the syndicated radio broadcast, The White Horse Inn, describes Reconstructionists as “zealous postmillennialists” who “are in danger of turning law into gospel” and “confusing salvation and earthly uto [...]

Should Presidents Use the Bible to Take Inauguration Oath?

We need to stop presidents from taking their constitutional oath with their hand on the Bible, swearing before God that they will uphold the Constitution all the while knowing they won’t. Their campaigns and policies tell us that they will not follow the Constitution to the letter. The Constitution is a prop. It’s no different with Congress and Supreme Court Justices. Taking an oath before God is [...]

Are There Verses in the Bible that Support Abortion?

Michael Brown has published a good article on abortion and the Bible: “Are There Really Verses in the Bible That Support Abortion?” It’s worthwhile reading. It’s a relatively short article and covers a lot of ground. He writes the following about a critical text about abortion: The question, then, is simple: Does the Torah consider the unborn baby to be a human life, in whi [...]

Ray Comfort Claims the Bible Prophesies that 'Russia Will Attack Israel'

A few years ago, I wrote a series of articles about Ray Comfort’s comments on Bible prophecy. You can read them here, here, here, and here. I spoke with Ray about his views on prophecy. He was receptive to my critique and told me that he would not be addressing the topic again. It didn’t take him long to forget what he said and produce the film Noah and the Last Days (see my response here). [...]

‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Author Says It’s ‘Slavery to Force Women to Have Children they Can’t Afford’

Margaret Atwood, the author of The Handmaid’s Tale (1985) that’s in its third TV season on Hulu, is a radical secularist and abortion advocate. This is how Wikipedia describes the plotline of the series: In the near future, fertility rates collapse as a result of sexually transmitted diseases and environmental pollution. With this chaos, the totalitarian, theonomic government of Gilead estab [...]