Never Apologize to the 'Rage Mob'

Never apologize to anyone if you didn’t do anything wrong, especially if you think it will gain you favor in a political dispute. Consider Mario Lopez’s comments about “transgenderism” in a recent interview with conservative pundit Candace Owens: “My God, if you’re three years old and you’re saying you’re feeling a certain way and think you’re a boy or a girl, or whatever the cas [...]

Homosexual Presidential Candidate Quotes the Old Testament to Support the Minimum Wage

Here we go again. A hypocritical Leftist quotes the Bible to support governmental theft. Forcing companies to pay a minimum wage is theft. In addition, noting is said in the Constitution that gives authority to the Federal Government to pass minimum wage legislation. The President and every member of Congress takes an oath to uphold the Constitution, therefore, passing a law to force companies to [...]

Rat Political Policies Make Rat Cities

You’ve heard the news. Cities like Baltimore, New York, Detroit, and Chicago have a rat problem. Pres. Trump isn’t the first politician to make note of the problem. It’s not racist to point out that there’s a problem unless rat problems are associated with a particular race. Race doesn’t have anything to do with it. Everyone from Bernie Sanders and the former mayor of Baltimore to Democrat Rep. El [...]

Gilroy Garlic Festival Shooter Was a Darwinist

Some ideas have fatal consequences. The Gilroy Garlic Festival shooter was allegedly enamored with the book Might Is Right published under the pseudonym Ragnar Redbeard. The book was published in 1890, and includes “principles related to social Darwinism that have been used to justify racism, slavery, and colonialism, said Brian Levin, director of Cal State San Bernardino’s Center for [...]

Zechariah 13:7-9: Future Or Fulfilled?

Recently I responded to part of an interview that Dr. Michael Brown had with Dr. Brock Hollett about his book Debunking Preterism: How Over-Realized Eschatology Misses the Not Yet of Bible Prophecy. Preterism refers to prophecies that have already been fulfilled. For example, the Hebrew Bible includes many prophecies related to the coming of a promised Messiah. Christians believe that these prophe [...]

Did Pres. Trump Just Expose the Biggest Political Lie of the Century?

You may have heard the comments that Pres. Trump made about Baltimore. While the Democrats are blasting the President over border policies, the cities that Democrats run are falling apart. Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) is one of Trump’s biggest critics, and yet the district he represents has been described as “rat infested,” not just by Pres. Trump but by a PBS documentary titled Rat Film. Across wa [...]

Have Christians Become Numb Over the Abortion Debate?

Liberals win because they fight. Liberals win because they don’t quit. Liberals win because they believe in what they’re fighting for. Over the years, I’ve noticed that Christians don’t know how to fight even though the Bible says that we are to put on “the full armor of God.” Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the full armor [...]

One of the First Places to Start to Fix the Nation

The elephant in the room is the public school system. It’s filling our nation with cultural toxicity. Public schools have added same-sex sexuality and transgenderism into the curriculum. Some will say, “but not in our schools.” California is the biggest consumer of textbooks. When textbook manufacturers are told to include these topics in future editions of their textbooks, they [...]

What You Don't Know About the Minimum Wage Will Hurt You

The Democrats want to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour. Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.) told “attendees at a One Fair Wage event that the federal minimum wage should actually be $20 per hour, not $15 as is currently being pushed by the Democratic Party.” Because governments pass laws that employers must pay a minimum salary, people with lower skills can’t compete for jobs by offering to do the [...]

Is the Bible 'All About Jesus'?

The Bible is not a simple compilation of disjointed stories. Everything is important to a particular end. What’s the focal point? Or should I ask, Who’s the focal point? From the first verse of Genesis to the last verse of Revelation, it’s about Jesus. Genesis 1:1 states, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth,” and Revelation 22:20-21 reads, “ [...]

Films About Scientists and Science that You and Your Children Should See

While Egypt might be famous for the Pyramids, Rome noted for its roads, aqueducts, coliseums, and Greece celebrated for its philosophers and contributions to medicine, invention and the scientific method are almost exclusively a western enterprise that grew out of a Christian worldview. While not all the great scientists were Christians, they did operate within a worldview that was developed by Ch [...]

The Race Card is Being Overplayed

The race card is being played so often that it’s losing its effectiveness. That’s both good and bad. There are still some race issues in our nation but playing the race card every time, someone disagrees with a person, is immoral. The latest comments by Pres. Trump have been declared to be racist. They are not. He was very clear in what he was saying. You don’t fix the USA by making it look like n [...]

Nancy Pelosi Doesn't Believe a Good Samaritan Faith Includes Unborn Babies

The political party that shuns and ridicules Christians has no problem appealing to the Bible when it suits their warped and twisted big-government purposes. Pelosi said the following in a Tweet: It should be a sign to us that today’s Catholic Gospel reading is the Good Samaritan, where Jesus teaches us to love our neighbors as ourselves and treat them with mercy. Trump’s ICE raids today tear fami [...]

If Animals Do it, It Must be Right

I saw the following on a Facebook post: “Who the hell CHOOSES to make their lives more difficult by going against what a majority consider “the norm”? People are genetically disposed to being gay. Further, there is homosexuality among animals. Are they choosing to be gay? Here was my short answer: “Who the hell CH [...]

Will the Antichrist be 'A Human Computer Hybrid'?

Mark Blitz is at it again. In 2014 he told us that Blood Moons were end-time signs even though there have been numerous times in history when the moon looked red. The prophet Joel was directed by the Holy Spirit to write the following: I will display wonders in the sky and on the earth, Blood, fire and columns of smoke. The sun will be turned into darkness [Isa. 13:9-11; 24:23; 50:3; Ezek. [...]

How to End Illegal Immigration, Stop Government Theft, and Save Billions

Hungary doesn’t have a migrant problem. Why do migrants not try to get into Hungary? Cal Thomas writes: Two summers ago on a visit to Budapest, I asked the spokesman for the Hungarian government about the growing problem of migrants coming into Europe. He told me Hungary doesn’t have a migrant problem because the nation doesn’t have welfare programs. So, he said, migrants continue their trav [...]

Was George Washington a Christian?

George Washington is getting a bad rap these days. One area where he is often attacked is in his religious convictions. The following is from the Wikipedia article on Washington and religion: George Washington attended the Anglican Church through all of his life, and was baptized as an infant. As a young man he also joined the Freemasons, which also promoted spiritual and moral values for society. [...]

Why Pay Equality is Irrational, Criminal, and a Job Killer

The USA women’s soccer team won the World Cup. Now they want to be paid what male soccer players are paid. Women’s soccer and basketball don’t draw the same crowds, interest, and money that the men’s teams do. The total prize money for the women’s 2019 World Cup was $30 million, with the champion taking away about $4 million. The total for the men’s 2018 World Cup was $400 million, with the champi [...]

To Exclude God from America’s Founding is to Deny History

The exclusion of one God opens the door for the inclusion of another God. There is no such thing as religious neutrality. In the end, there will be a sovereign. That sovereign could show itself in the One State or the many individuals. The philosophy of Georg F. W. Hegel (1770-1831), followed by Marxists, Fascists, Nazis, and unbeknownst to many liberals, expresses the argument with chilling consi [...]

Fight Eco-Catastrophe: 'Sterilize Yourself and Get a Horse'

“Extinction Rebellion.” Yes, it’s a real organization with radical views. Some women are paralyzed by fear of the future. For them, human-created climate change is real and most likely irreversible. After hearing a lecture by a representative of Extinction Rebellion, Blythe Pepino changed her desire to have children: “I realised that even though I wanted to have a family at that [...]