Dominion vs. Chaos

This year is the 50th anniversary of the Manson murders. While the 1950s ended with the assassination of JFK, the 1960s began with the arrival of The Beatles to the USA in 1964. The 1960s reached their peak with Woodstock and ended with the Manson murders and the Kent State shootings on May 4, 1970. The world was ripe for change. The 1960s did not rise Phoenix-like from some neutral dawn. [...]

The 911 We Can’t Discuss on Social Media, In the Media, and from Members of Congress

September 11, 2019 was a day of remembrance. The question is, What were we supposed to remember? Certainly the lives of the victims of an attack. An attack by whom? That’s the question. Here’s how the New York Times led the day of remembrance: “Planes took aim”? How did they do this? By remote control? Who was controlling the remotes? There were people in the planes that hi [...]

She Who Is in Babylon

Ron Rhodes’ book New Babylon Rising: The Emerging End Times World Order claims that ancient Babylon will be rebuilt (see my brief review). A similar view was held by Charles Dyer in his book The Rise of Babylon: Is Iraq at the Center of the Final Drama? first published in 1991 (rev. ed 2003). Dyer linked Saddam Hussein with Nebuchadnezzar. The image below appears on the back cover of the first edi [...]

Pete Buttigieg Argues that Unborn Babies Are Not Human Beings until they Take their First Breath

Democratic presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg, a self-admitted homosexual who claims to be married to a man contrary to what the Bible says, argued that unborn babies can be aborted up until they draw their first breath. He bases this on the creation of Adam. Buttigieg might want to look at the Genesis account to get a better understanding about sexuality before he makes similar ridiculous comm [...]

Swedish Professor Says It’s OK to Eat Your Neighbor to Save the Planet

Here’s the latest craziness from the Lunatic Left: A Swedish professor in the field of applied behavioral science has suggested that we may need to rethink cannibalism and begin eating human flesh to save the planet from climate change. Instead of burying or cremating the dead, we should barbecue them and get over our aversion to cannibalism. In reality, we’re all just animals. But is it crazy giv [...]

Two Big Errors that are Neutralizing the Church

There are two big errors that have infected the Church. There are others but these two are especially destructive. The first error is that there is a sacred-secular divide. Too many Christians are under the false impression that Christians can only exist in the secular world, that there’s no transformative impact on the world with the Gospel and the application of the Bible to the world. Whi [...]

Six-Month American Vision Update: New Material on the Way!

I’ve been back at American Vision for six months since mid-March of 2019. The financial condition of American Vision was worse than we knew. The email list had gone from 70,000 names to around 15,000. AV was sitting on tons of inventory that was not being utilized. Since then, we have been able to stabilize the finances with book sales and donations. Many donors who stopped donating have come back [...]

The Bible Has Some Very Unsavory Political Figures that Would Upset a Lot of Christian Voters

Consider the following scenario: There are two people running for political office. You have inside knowledge of what these candidates will do in the future. The first candidate will expand the military, implement confiscatory taxes, enrich some of his trusted political allies with property stolen from the people. The second candidate will commit adultery, be an accomplice to murder, be identified [...]

Alyssa Milano Battles Over the Bible and Guns

Alyssa Milano said the following about Republican Texas state Rep. Matt Schaefer’s tweet that he was “NOT going to use the evil acts of a handful of people to diminish the God-given rights of my fellow Texans. Period.” Can someone cite which passage of the Bible God states it is a God-given right to own a gun? This guy is unbelievable and is clearly owned by the gun lobby. Can someone cite w [...]

When You're Losing a Debate, Keep Changing the Subject

This is the third installment of a three-part exchange I had with a man who disagreed with me on certain prophecy topics. Here are parts one and two. GDD: Your claim that “both sides will not change their view” is off the mark. Many people have changed their views after studying preterist works. I changed my view after reading J. Marcellus Kik’s commentary on Matthew 24. Many hav [...]

Answering a Homosexual Who Claims to be a Christian and Believes Jesus is On His Side

Graeme Codrington grew up in the conservative Baptist context of South Africa and graduated from the Baptist Union Seminary in Johannesburg. For a number of years, he has championed same-sex marriage while identifying himself as an evangelical Christian. Codrington wrote the following as a defense of same-sex sexuality after his debate with James White that took place in South Africa. James White [...]

Proof That Facts and Sound Arguments Aren't Always Persuasive

Facts do not come with interpretation tags, telling us how to view them. . . . Both sides haggle over the facts. Both sides search for new facts to add to their arsenals. Both sides raise accusations, yet it’s a rare day indeed when both sides acknowledge that their differences stem from something much more basic than facts. Their differences are rooted in opposing worldviews, which in turn are pe [...]

My Facebook Dialogue with a Confused Prophecy Seminary Graduate

After posting my article “Prophecy Writers Making Predictions Again,” it got quite a few comments. One particular commenter (TDS) was very frustrating to deal with because he refused to acknowledge facts that are not in dispute. This is not unusual. Facts don’t speak for themselves. They are always interpreted. I often see Christians going to extraordinary lengths to hold onto a prophetic system e [...]

Bernie Sanders Should Thank the Oil Industry that Saved the Whales and So Much More

Bernie Sanders tweeted the following: Fossil fuel executives should be criminally prosecuted for the destruction they have knowingly caused. Bernie should take the time to investigate how many lives have been saved as a result of fossil fuels. The automobile eliminated horse pollution. Can you imagine what our streets and highways would be like if we were still using horses or transportation? See [...]

Some Brief Comments on Ron Rhodes' New Book

I received Ron Rhodes’ new book New Babylon Rising: The Emerging End Times World Order the other day. Rhodes seems to be the go-to guy when it comes to prophetic speculation of the dispensational premillennial variety. I’ve dealt with some of them here and here. In 2010, Rhodes wrote The Coming Oil Storm: The Imminent End of Oil … and Its Strategic Global Role in End-Time Prophecy. The book’s titl [...]

Premillennialism Among the Ante-Nicene Fathers

The place to begin to evaluate the assertion that premillennialism was the only view of the early church would be to survey the writings of the Ante-Nicene Fathers, the writings of the early church prior to the drafting of the Nicene Creed in A.D. 325. The thing of it is, we don’t have all the writings or opinions of Christian pastors and/or writers of that era. There were no printing presses, rec [...]

AOC Lied When She Took an Oath to Uphold the Constitution

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., described the Electoral College a “scam” and claimed that it disenfranchises people of color. “The Electoral College has a racial injustice breakdown,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “Due to severe racial disparities in certain states, the Electoral College effectively weighs white voters over voters of color, as opposed to a ‘one per [...]

Elizabeth Warren's Plans to Separate Law-Abiding Citizens from their Second Amendment Rights

What present laws would have stopped the latest murder sprees? What about future laws? Red flag laws wouldn’t have stopped any of the shooters, but they might bring a cadre of gun-toting government law enforcement agencies down on your house if you are a conservative blogger. All it takes is some disgruntled Leftist (is there any other kind?) who reports a person he or she considers to be da [...]

Al Mohler Disses Postmillennialism

Al Mohler has written “Evolving Standards of Decency? How Progressivism Reshapes Society.” My question: “Where were Christians when the Supreme Court codified “evolving standards of decency”? Mohler writes that we share with progressives a belief “in a linear view of history…. We also believe that history doesn’t go forward and backward in time. But we do not believe as Christians that the world i [...]

The Dark Agenda is Darker Than You Know

The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers take counsel together, against the LORD and against his Anointed, saying, “Let us burst their bonds apart and cast away their cords from us.” (Psalm 2:2-3) I followed David Horowitz on Chris Arnzen’s “Iron Sharpening Iron Show” on August 14, 2019. Horowitz was interviewed about his book Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian Amer [...]