I’m Waiting for Christianity Today to Evaluate the Democrats by the Ten Commandments

I’m Waiting for Christianity Today to Evaluate the Democrats by the Ten Commandments

Mark Galli, an editor at Christianity Today, wrote the following about Pres. Trump in an article that took the internet by storm and received hundreds of responses by evangelical writers, including me: That [Trump] should be removed, we believe, is not a matter of partisan loyalties but loyalty to the Creator of the Ten Commandments. According to Galli, there is a God and the Ten Commandments are [...]

The First Church of Christian Gnosticism

The First Church of Christian Gnosticism

Many Christians believe and teach a form of factual neutrality where some subjects, for example, science, geography, politics, mathematics, can and should be taught without any regard to religion since “facts speak for themselves.” This is most evident in education where a self-conscious sacred-secular divide is maintained and supported by Christians. Ninety percent of Christian parents send their [...]

'Public Goods' and The Welfare Trap

'Public Goods' and The Welfare Trap

Congress’s new crop of socialist representatives who have never owned a business and have absolutely no knowledge of how an economy works could make permanent economic policies that could destroy the productive base of the United States. For example: Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s promise to boost federal funding for social programs should not be considered “free stuff,” b [...]

Eschatological Pessimism With a Rapture Kicker

Eschatological Pessimism With a Rapture Kicker

Christian social irrelevancy manifests itself in several ways even while claiming to be fully biblical. There are those who believe the church is an earthly parenthesis—the “church age” to give its proper designation—and the world is destined for an inevitable eschatological showdown with the antichrist but only before the church is “raptured” out of the world. Look at most prophecy books that hit [...]



Traducido al español por Pedro Camino con permiso del autor. No solemos pensar en la Navidad como un evento político. Le puedo asegurar que Herodes el Grande sí lo pensó de esa manera, así como también Roma. Hubo un impuesto involucrado en dicho evento (Lucas 2:1). Herodes no habría estado tan preocupado por el anuncio de que un niño había nacido, si hubiera enterado de que dicho ser sería el salv [...]

How We Got Into This Mess

How We Got Into This Mess

The latest dustup over Pres. Trump by the editor at Christianity Today magazine has a long history. It didn’t start with Trump in 2016. As the song “A Change Is Gonna Come” goes, “It’s been a long time coming.” There are many reasons for it. Here’s one consideration: In terms of Christian theory, privatization means that the grand, global umbrella of faith [...]

The Birth of Jesus Was the Greatest Political Event in History

The Birth of Jesus Was the Greatest Political Event in History

We don’t usually think of Christmas as a political event. I can assure you that Herod the Great thought of it that way as well as Rome. There was a tax involved (Luke 2:1). Herod would not have been troubled by an announcement that a child was born if he had learned that He would be the Jews’ personal savior who would save them from their sins and when they died they would go to heaven [...]

The New Christianity Means 'Joining the Losing Side' This Side of History

The New Christianity Means 'Joining the Losing Side' This Side of History

Tremper Longman III is the Distinguished Scholar of Biblical Studies at Westmont College in California where he served as the Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies from 1998 until he retired in 2017. He is opposed to Pres. Trump and wants him impeached. He believes it is wrong from Christians to support the President. He thinks the impeachment of Pres. Trump will be good for the church ev [...]

The Culture War Rages With the 'Moral Case' Only Being Made Against Trump

The Culture War Rages With the 'Moral Case' Only Being Made Against Trump

The Christianity Today article calling for the impeachment of Donald Trump and blasting evangelicals for supporting him got massive exposure by the mainstream media and Facebook. I’ve never seen an article move so fast on blogs and websites. In addition, I’ve never seen so many published responses or reactions, both pro and con in such a short amount of time. I wrote a response: “CHRISTIANITY TODA [...]

'Christianity Today' Magazine Dumps on Trump and the Left Is Filled with Glee

'Christianity Today' Magazine Dumps on Trump and the Left Is Filled with Glee

A seminary professor from what would be considered a conservative Christian college posted the following on Facebook in response to a Christianity Today article that supports the removal of Pres. Trump from office: Christianity Today has just called for Trump’s removal from office. They are calling us to remember who we are and whom we serve. Amen. Like clockwork, media outlets referenced th [...]

Why a Wealth Tax Is Anti-Biblical, Immoral, and Destructive

Why a Wealth Tax Is Anti-Biblical, Immoral, and Destructive

Peter Daou is the former adviser to Hillary Clinton and John Kerry. In typical Marxist fashion, he asked this question: “Can you give me a good reason one person should have a BILLION dollars??” His question implies an answer. No one should have a billion dollars. There is a political action attached to his implied answer: Someone should be empowered (him and those who think like him) [...]

The Unintended Consequences of the Trump Presidency

The Unintended Consequences of the Trump Presidency

Most people evaluating the Trump presidency focus on policy issues, the economy, and the courts. For conservatives, these are mostly favorable. The attacks on Trump have netted a boatload of unforeseen benefits, the major one being the exposure of the tactics of the Democrats to a watching world. They are being seen as vile, liars, and hypocrites. Of course, they’ve always been this way, but [...]

Can You Pass This Observational Test?

Can You Pass This Observational Test?

You may have seen the following observational test on Facebook. If you could find the one dog out of eight that is different from all the other dogs, you must be a genius. Invariably people demonstrated their genius aptitude by claiming they had found the dog that was uniquely different. The difference is in what dog is not missing characteristics missing on the other dogs. There’s only one [...]

An Alabama Sheriff Gets it Right and Tells Atheists to Take a Hike

An English teacher I had in high school was from Jasper, Alabama. That was an oddity for someone living in Pittsburgh, PA. We rarely if ever ran into a Southerner. A teenager visiting one of my neighbors mesmerized us with her Southern accent, especially the way she said “Norfolk.” We were boys and easily impressed and still idiots. Now we come to a Southern hero from Jasper, Alabama, [...]

The Rapture and the Fig Tree Generation

The following is from the Introduction to my new book The Rapture and the Fig Tree Generation that will be available from American Vision in January 2020 Mark Hitchcock has written a free eBook for Dallas Theological Seminary titled The Truth and Timing of the Rapture that has been promoted on Facebook. When Hitchcock writes about the “rapture,” he is referring to a pre-tribulation “rapture of the [...]

Does the Bible Predict that There Will be a Future Rebuilt Temple?

Dispensational premillennialists need a future “tribulation temple” so their idea of antichrist can take his seat (2 Thess. 2:4), place a statue for people to worship (Rev. 13:14–15), and proclaim himself to be god (2 Thess. 2:4). But what the dispensationalists really need is a verse that states that there will be another rebuilt temple since there’s already been one. Rebuilt-temple advocates Tom [...]

Jesus 'Meek and Mild' and Easy to Cage

For years liberals have turned the Christmas story into a political lecture. The birth of Jesus is political and everything else. Herod the Great was the first to understand the threat to the political and economic status quo: After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod [the Great], Magi from the east came to Jerusalem and asked, “Where is the one who has been b [...]

Let's Stop Calling Theft by Government Socialism. There's a Better Term to Use.

It seems that a high percentage of millennials believe that socialism is better than capitalism. What is socialism? Socialism is said to be “state control of the means of production.” But this definition doesn’t explain what is taking place politically and governmentally in our nation. You can’t just say “socialism” and expect people to understand the significan [...]

“My Life is More Important to Me than an Unborn Fetus” or Anything Else

My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare The lone and level sands stretch far away. – From Percy Shelley’s “Ozymandias” If you’ve ever wondered why some people do horrible things in the name of some higher calling, all you must do is pay attention to the statements of peo [...]

The ‘This World Is Not Your Home’ Fallacy

I saw the following posted on Facebook. A number of Christians responded with “Amen”: “This world is not your home. God is your father. Heaven is your home. You’re going there. Be hopeful.” – John Piper Too many Christians are caught between “This World Is Not My Home” (false) and “This Is My Father’s World” (true), and it’s destroying the impact the church could be having on this worl [...]