What Would Jesus Do at the National Prayer Breakfast?

What Would Jesus Do at the National Prayer Breakfast?

Some Christian writers have attacked Pres. Trump’s comments at the National Prayer Breakfast. Here’s what Cal Thomas wrote in his article “A Missed Opportunity”: For 68 years the National Prayer Breakfast has been a political oasis, a chance for Republicans, Democrats, national and world leaders to assemble and pray for each other and the nation. Not this year. Thomas and others lament that Pres. [...]

Muslims Celebrate! Harvard Declares Koran 'Best Book on Justice.' But is it True?

Muslims Celebrate! Harvard Declares Koran 'Best Book on Justice.' But is it True?

I found the following at FrontPage Magazine: Muslims around the world are thrilled at the recent news: “Harvard University ranks the Koran as the best book on justice,” is the January 20, 2020 headline of a report published by Youm7, a popular Egyptian news site visited by millions of Arabic readers. It writes (in translation): “The official website of the World Muslim Communities Council sa [...]

We're In an Ideological War That Could Have Grave Consequences Unless Christians Step Up

We're In an Ideological War That Could Have Grave Consequences Unless Christians Step Up

When entering a battle, you had better be equipped with the most effective weapons, a winning strategy, a commitment to prevail, and the assurance of victory. This is no less true for a spiritual battle where eternal destinies are at stake. The Bible describes the conflict between the Christian worldview and all opposing worldviews by using the metaphors of war (2 Cor. 10:3–6). Some might not like [...]

My New Book is Now Available: 'The Rapture and the Fig Tree Generation'

My New Book is Now Available: 'The Rapture and the Fig Tree Generation'

On January 21, 2020, I traveled to Dinosaur Adventure Land in Conecuh County, Alabama, where I debated the topic of the Rapture with Kent Hovind. Kent took the Post Trib/Pre-Wrath position while I took the position that there was no rapture since there is no future seven-year period in which the Antichrist makes and breaks a covenant with Israel. I based my arguments on Daniel 9:24–27, a sequence [...]

PayPal Suspended My Account and My Wife’s Account

PayPal Suspended My Account and My Wife’s Account

I received an email on January 22, 2020, from PayPal telling me that my account had been “permanently limited.” That’s a slick way of saying that PayPal cancelled my account. The reason? Supposedly I violated “PayPal’s Acceptable Use Policy.” And what is that? Anything PayPal wants it to mean. I posted on Facebook that this had happened. Many well-meaning people told me it was a hoax or a phishing [...]

Some Good News on the Political Front in Texas

Some Good News on the Political Front in Texas

The following is from my very good friend Steven F. Hotze, M.D. I’ve known Steve for around 30 years. He used my God and Government series to train young men on the biblical principles of government: self-government, family government, church government, and civil government. He has been at the forefront of applying these biblical principles to Texas politics. Steve sent me the following Pre [...]

How Well Can You Answer These Anti-Christian Objections to the Bible?

How Well Can You Answer These Anti-Christian Objections to the Bible?

When Don Lemon interviewed Matt Bevin, a Kentucky Republican gubernatorial candidate and later governor, and asked him some questions related to the Bible. Lemon, instead of studying the Bible for himself, played a clip from the TV show West Wing where Martin Sheen’s character shows his ignorance of the Bible by attacking the Bible. James White made some comments about the West Wing clip in a rece [...]

Pastors Must Address Politics (and everything else) From the Pulpit.

Pastors Must Address Politics (and everything else) From the Pulpit.

Several posts on Facebook are asking this question: Should pastors address politics from the pulpit? I don’t understand why this question keeps getting asked. If the Bible addresses politics (or anything else), then pastors must address politics and anything else the Bible addresses. It’s that simple. I became a Christian in 1973. That’s 47 years ago. What do 47 years of preaching and teaching loo [...]

The Constitution Is Clear on What Congress Should and Shouldn't Do, But Congress Doesn't Care

The Constitution Is Clear on What Congress Should and Shouldn't Do, But Congress Doesn't Care

The following comments are from radio host Jan Mickelson. I’ve been interviewed by Jan in the past. He’s a great spokesman for Christian and constitutional values. Rarely do voters vote in terms of the Constitution. First, they don’t know what it says. Second, they don’t know what it means. Third, they don’t care to know. Fourth, they vote their own special interests. [...]

States are Fighting Back Against Transgenderism and the Assault on Women's Sports

States are Fighting Back Against Transgenderism and the Assault on Women's Sports

Women of the #MeToo movement are rightly concerned about assaults on women. One area where they are strangely silent is the assault on women’s sports by men who claim they are now women. Some states are fighting back. Transgender girls and women would be barred from participating in sports on the team that aligns with their gender identity under a proposed Arizona law. The proposal announced [...]

Leftists Use Their Whacko Economic Theories to Control Us and Enrich Themselves

Leftists Use Their Whacko Economic Theories to Control Us and Enrich Themselves

Kenneth C. Davis has made a great living with his “Don’t Know Much About” books. It began with Don’t Know Much About History. It became a mega-bestseller. He went on to write books on the presidents, the Bible, geography, the Civil War, the solar system, mythology, and other subjects. Davis has not written on what people don’t know about economics. If he decides to write on the topic, he can begin [...]

Why Liberals Hate Conservatives

Why Liberals Hate Conservatives

“The most difficult subjects can be explained to the most slow-witted man if he has not formed any idea of them already; but the simplest thing cannot be made clear to the most intelligent man if he is firmly persuaded that he knows already, without a shadow of a doubt, what is laid before him.” — Leo Tolstoy, The Kingdom of God is Within You (1894). It’s not hard to find people who are ignorant o [...]

A Review of the DeMar/Hovind Debate on the Rapture

A Review of the DeMar/Hovind Debate on the Rapture

The following is a review of my debate with Kent Hovind on the Rapture written by Uri Brito. Uri is the Senior Pastor of Providence Church in Pensacola, Florida. The article first appeared at the Kuyper Commentary website on January 22, 2020. I and a few dear friends traveled in an intemperate cold evening somewhere in Alabama (I remain unsure) to hear a debate on the nature of the rapture in the [...]

Comments on the Rapture Debate With Kent Hovind from One of the Attendees and Link to the Debate

Comments on the Rapture Debate With Kent Hovind from One of the Attendees and Link to the Debate

The following are comments from Kevin Pulley who brought two of his children to the debate I did on the Rapture with Kent Hovind. Here’s the link to the video. http://bit.ly/38y6tKo My audio is out of sync. The audio work was done by Kent Hovind’s people. Here’s the link to the audio. There is no charge: ttps://store.americanvision.org/products/the-rapture-debate I went to a deba [...]

The Rapture and Daniel's 70 Weeks

The Rapture and Daniel's 70 Weeks

The following interview was held at the Atlanta G3 Conference with my good friends David Shannon, Toby Sumpter, and Gabe Rench from Cross Politic Studios. It’s always great to get together with them. The 30-minute interview was about my new book The Rapture and the Fig Tree Generation. A small crowd assembled around the booth as we discussed the book and related topics. The Rapture and the Fig Tre [...]

A Biblical Worldview Without the Bible. How Is That Possible?

A Biblical Worldview Without the Bible. How Is That Possible?

One of the most popular worldview books after Abraham Kuyper’s Lectures on Calvinism is Henry Van Til’s The Calvinis­tic Concept of Culture. Van Til, in his discussion of Augus­tine, wrote: Augustine believed that peace with God precedes peace in the home, in society, and in the state. The earthly state too must be converted, trans­formed into a Christian state by the perme­ation of the kingdom of [...]

Do We Need the Bible to Do Ethics or is Nature Enough?

Do We Need the Bible to Do Ethics or is Nature Enough?

As a student at Reformed Theological Seminary, I was taught that certain cultural applications flowed from a consis­tent appli­cation of the Bible. Simply put, I was told that the Bible applies to every area of life. To be a Christian is to make biblical application to issues beyond personal salvation (Heb. 5:11–14). No one ever questioned this theologi­cal frame­work until some of us actual­ly be [...]

On Mental Tests for Gun Ownership and Other Bad Anti-Second Amendment Arguments

On Mental Tests for Gun Ownership and Other Bad Anti-Second Amendment Arguments

Cardi B says she supports the Second Amendment but she believes gun owners should have to qualify to own a gun and have “mental check ups.” Listen, I do believe we have the right to bare [bear] arms however I do believe in order to get a gun we should get mental check ups, proper training and a older age limit to own one. If this is applied to the Second Amendment, why not the First Am [...]

Is the Bible the Original ‘Communist Manifesto’?

Is the Bible the Original ‘Communist Manifesto’?

Communism is in vogue. “A new survey released by the Washington, D.C., nonprofit Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation reflects that, if the younger generation gets out and votes in 2020, those running for office on the far left have reason to be hopeful.” This finding is based on “historical amnesia.” I think it’s worse than amnesia. To have amnesia is to know som [...]

If The Democrats Will Allow the Killing of Unborn Babies, They'll Also Allow for the Killing of Us

If The Democrats Will Allow the Killing of Unborn Babies, They'll Also Allow for the Killing of Us

The Virginia Democrat Governor Ralph Northam supported a law that would allow a woman to kill her unborn baby up until his or her (not “its”) birth and thereafter if the result of that birth did not meet the personhood guidelines of the mother. The Virginia government is now dominated by pro-abortion Democrats. They are good with snuffing out the most innocent of life. At the same time [...]