'Homeschoolers are only good for cleaning toilets'

Homeschooling is in the news. Because of the Coronavirus, the schools are shut down and parents must now homeschool their children. Long before this happened, a number of radical Leftists teaching at some of our nation’s most “prestigious” educational institutions, are calling for the elimination of homeschooling or severely regulating it. See my article “Leftists HATE Home [...]

Leftists HATE Homeschooling, and What They Hate, You Should Love

Leftists HATE Homeschooling, and What They Hate, You Should Love

You may not have seen the article in Harvard Magazine with the title “The Risks of Homeschooling” written by Erin O’Donnell. Risks to whom? Risks to the Messianic State. There can’t be any competition with the State and its total-control agenda by any other government, including the family, and the family is a government. The following image went along with the article: Two observations. When the [...]

The Day Governments Made the Earth Stand Still

The Day Governments Made the Earth Stand Still

One of my favorite science fiction films is the 1951 classic The Day the Earth Stood Still starring Michael Rennie, Patricia Neal, and Billy Gray who went on to star as Bud in Father Knows Best. The film is based on Harry Bates’s 1940 short story “Farewell to the Master.” The film version differs considerably from the short story. The setting is the Cold War era. There is a Cold War reference by F [...]

How Essential is the Federal Government?

How Essential is the Federal Government?

My friend Darren Doane, creator of the film Collision and producer of many of my videos on eschatology, posted the following on Facebook: Here was my response: The fact that the Federal Government has not been able to stop the spread of a virus means it’s not essential. My comment seems to have hit a nerve. Someone made a meme out of it: Defining someone’s job as “non-essential” is the epitome of [...]

The Mark of the Beast and Buying and Selling

The Mark of the Beast and Buying and Selling

In a recent sermon, Pastor David Jeremiah called the COVID-19 pandemic “the most apocalyptic thing that has ever happened to us.” Really? Not the black plague that killed 30 to 60 percent of Europe’s population, two world wars, ((Some 75 million people died in World War II, including about 20 million military personnel and 40 million civilians, many of whom died from deliberate genocide, massacres [...]

How Atheists Lie About History

How Atheists Lie About History

In 2000 Years of Disbelief: Famous People with the Courage to Doubt the author makes the following claim: For anyone scanning the past and surveying the current world scene, it is nearly impossible to find any outstanding person—except for popes, archbishops, kings, and other rulers—who says the purpose of life is to be saved by an invisible Jesus and to enter an invisible heaven. But it is easy t [...]

What Will Prophecy Speculators Think of Next?

What Will Prophecy Speculators Think of Next?

For some Christians, the plain sense of the Bible has become irrelevant when it comes to prophetic speculation. They ignore the obvious and dwell on the superfluous. Actually, the utter ridiculous. The late David Chilton told the story about a discussion he had with a woman on the topic of Bible prophecy. He wasn’t getting anywhere with her, so for fun, he told her that the publisher for som [...]

Christians Around the World are Rejecting Last Days Madness

I’ve witnessed a seismic shift in prophetic thinking over the past 40 years. It’s happening every day in every part of the world. On April 10, 2020, I did a two-hour interview with Georges Ruapene co-founder of Faith & Grace ministries based in Australia. That interview has led to other interviews. I’ve traveled to Guatemala and spoke to a hundred pastors on the topic. This n [...]

How Should We Live When It Seems there's Nothing to Live For?

How Should We Live When It Seems there's Nothing to Live For?

My wife and I watched The Dust Bowl on Amazon Prime over the weekend. It’s a fascinating period in our nation’s history. The United States was hit with a double whammy with the stock market crash of 1929 and nearly ten years of drought and devastation that was the Dust Bowl. The series begins with some words from folk singer Woody Guthrie who was famous for his Dust Bowl Ballads, based [...]

The Economics of Toilet Paper Shortages

The Economics of Toilet Paper Shortages

There are numerous ways to teach your children about economics. One way is to average grades. If one child has a B average and another has a C average and one has an A, then give everyone a B. The C-average child will be happy, but the A-average child will not. Next time around, the A-average child might not work as hard and get a B, while the C-average student might do less work, because he will [...]

50 Percent of Pastors “Believe Jesus will Return in their Lifetime.”

50 Percent of Pastors “Believe Jesus will Return in their Lifetime.”

When will Christians learn? It’s no surprise that less than 25 percent of Christians have a biblical worldview. On Bible prophecy, it’s around five percent. That’s my estimation. A new study has determined by a new LifeWay Research survey that a “majority of pastors say specific current events are a sign of the End Times and Jesus’ return.” Of the poll of 1,000 evangelical pastors, 50 percent “bel [...]

Richard Dawkins Slams Day of Prayer And Hides How an Atheist Should Respond to a Killer Virus

Richard Dawkins Slams Day of Prayer And Hides How an Atheist Should Respond to a Killer Virus

Richard Dawkins is one of the world’s most famous atheists. He’s smart, a great writer, and sticks it to Christians whenever he can. His latest jab is seen in the following image: If there’s a God, and God answers prayer, then why didn’t God stop the spread of the virus after Pres. Trump called for a National Day of Prayer? Not all praying is about getting God to do things [...]

Is Gnosticism Making a Comeback in the Church?

Is Gnosticism Making a Comeback in the Church?

If you want to get a picture of how some Christians understand the nature of their Christian walk, it’s what we are experiencing being cut off from the world while others take control of our lives and we are content to be helpless to do anything about it or should do anything about it. Christians should “let go and let God.” This is not the biblical view. Not long ago, I received [...]

‘Gary DeMar Does Not Understand Biblical Eschatology’

‘Gary DeMar Does Not Understand Biblical Eschatology’

That’s what someone on Facebook said about me after reading an article I posted. It may be true that I don’t understand biblical eschatology but regurgitating dispensational talking points will not prove the assertion. What will prove it is by searching the Scriptures daily to see if what I claim the Bible teaches is true (Acts 17:11). Here’s how he started: Christians are not looking forward to a [...]

Recent Survey Claims Only 6 Percent of Americans Possess a Biblical Worldview

Recent Survey Claims Only 6 Percent of Americans Possess a Biblical Worldview

Many Christians struggle with how to interact, give wise council, and offer sound solutions when difficult situations arise like we are experiencing with the spread of a virus that is impacting our health, the economic, and our civil government. It’s not surprising since according to a survey “recently launched Cultural Research Center based at Arizona Christian University, called the American Wor [...]

Are Christians Anti-Science?

Are Christians Anti-Science?

The article below is written by E. Calvin Beisner and originally published at Cornwall Alliance. Cornwall Alliance is “a network of over 60 Christian theologians, natural scientists, economists, and other scholars educating for Biblical earth stewardship, economic development for the poor, and the proclamation and defense of the good news of salvation by God’s grace, received through faith i [...]

Anti-Christian Journalist Accuses Evangelicals of ‘Christian Nationalism’ for a Sinister Reason

Anti-Christian Journalist Accuses Evangelicals of ‘Christian Nationalism’ for a Sinister Reason

In an earlier article, I responded to a portion of Katherine Stewart’s opinion piece in The New York Times, “The Religious Right’s Hostility to Science Is Crippling Our Coronavirus Response.” You can read my original article here. She goes on to write the following: Today, the hard core of climate deniers is concentrated among people who identify as religiously conservative Republicans. And some l [...]

Does the Bible Teach that the Temple Will be Rebuilt?

Does the Bible Teach that the Temple Will be Rebuilt?

As usual, I found myself dealing with a prophecy expert who assured me that I am wrong because I am not reading the Bible properly. That may be true, but I must be shown from the Bible where I have missed the mark. He assured me that the temple will be rebuilt and many other standard end-time events. Here’s what he wrote: There is [sic] tons in scripture concerning these things. [...]

Leftist Journalist Attacks Evangelicals for “Crippling … Coronavirus Response.”

Leftist Journalist Attacks Evangelicals for “Crippling … Coronavirus Response.”

Leftist are at it again. They are trying to make Christians a scapegoat for all that’s bad in the world. The latest attempt is by Katherine Stewart, the author of The Power Worshippers: Inside the Dangerous Rise of Religious Nationalism. She has written for nearly a dozen left-wing publications. She has it in for Trump voters. Here’s the lead paragraph of her opinion article “The Religious Right’s [...]

Turn the Other Cheek, Self-Defense, in a Sinful World

Turn the Other Cheek, Self-Defense, in a Sinful World

A man armed with a knife was up a tree making a disturbance outside a home… Deputies headed to the home after receiving a 911 call … On their way to the scene a second alert came in … The man was trying to break in by throwing a brick through a locked glass door that led to an enclosed porch … After getting to the porch, the man beat on the glass door to the home screaming to [...]