The Goal is to Keep Racial Grievances Alive Forever

The Goal is to Keep Racial Grievances Alive Forever

Every revolution begins with lofty concerns but most often ends in violence, bloodshed, loss of freedom, and long-term despotism — from the French Revolution to the Cuban Revolution and every revolution in between and since (China and Venezuela). David Chilton writes the following in Part One of his review summary of James H. Billington’s Fire in the Minds of Men: In many ways, the French Revoluti [...]

Tearing Down What’s Left of Christian Civilization

Tearing Down What’s Left of Christian Civilization

First it was the removal of Confederate statues and monuments. Next, it was Christopher Columbus. Then it was George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and even Abraham Lincoln. More are to come, and they will never be finished. The next target? John Nolte says Mount Rushmore may not survive. All pictures of white Jesus because Shaun King says Jesus was not white, thus, a white-looking [...]

Chick-fil-A’s Dan Cathy Should Stop Shining Shoes and Start Schools

Chick-fil-A’s Dan Cathy Should Stop Shining Shoes and Start Schools

Dan Cathy, current CEO and the son of Chick-fil-A founder S. Truett Cathy, said that white Christians should repent for racism and fight for their black brothers and sisters. He punctuated his demand by shining the shoes of a black man. “That will stop racial injustice,” I said sarcastically. If you are racist. Repent. If you are not a racist, there is no requirement to repent. If you [...]

SCOTUS Must Prove There are More Than Two Genders for the Latest Ruling to be Law

SCOTUS Must Prove There are More Than Two Genders for the Latest Ruling to be Law

The latest Supreme Decision Bostock v. Clayton County (Georgia) on homosexual/transgender rights turned Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 on its head by declaring that same-sex sexual behaviors and transgender claims are comparable to a person’s race and that there are more than two sexes. The Civil Rights Act was well intentioned but would later open a Pandora’s Box of unintended (and int [...]

Judge Gorsuch’s Wrong-Headed Opinion on Homosexuality Was no Surprise to Me

Judge Gorsuch’s Wrong-Headed Opinion on Homosexuality Was no Surprise to Me

Judge John Roberts showed his colors on Obamacare. He was never a man to be trusted. Judge Kavanaugh was always a wild card, but on his latest vote, he surprised me. I never trusted Gorsuch, and I said so when he was first nominated. The following is some of what I wrote on why he was not going to be a good choice for the court. On a side note, the latest ruling regarding a new definition of “sex” [...]

My Wife and I Had to Call 911 Last Night

My Wife and I Had to Call 911 Last Night

It was 10:45 PM. My wife thought she heard the doorbell ring. She thought she was dreaming. Now wide awake, she heard it again. I had my noise-cancelling headphones, so I didn’t hear anything. I got up. Retrieved my gun and made my way slowly to the front door. Our property has a number of bright lights so it’s easy to see what’s going on outside without having to turn on our por [...]

How Black Americans Can Save Our Nation

How Black Americans Can Save Our Nation

What we are seeing happening in and to our nation is nothing new. The ideologies driving the revolution have been around for a long time. The universities are filled with ideological radicals aligned more with Marx and Marcuse than Burke and Kirk. Their radical ideas have trickled down to the high school level where multiple generations have been polluted with dangerous and counter-productive idea [...]

It's Long Past Time to Take the Red Pill

It's Long Past Time to Take the Red Pill

“For the LORD is our judge, the LORD is our lawgiver, the LORD is our king: He will save us” (Isa. 33:22). I started watching the opening few scenes of The Matrix to get to the blue pill/red pill scene. The truth is difficult to accept when you’ve believed something for so long and it turns out not to be real. How many of us would have taken the red pill when the world around us seems [...]

'You Say You Want a Revolution.' You Might Want to Think about That

'You Say You Want a Revolution.' You Might Want to Think about That

We all want to change the world. But there is a great deal of disagreement on how to do it without blowing it up. In years past, idealistic revolutionaries turned to The Beatles for inspiration. For example, “The People’s Summit” held in Chicago during a Bernie Sanders rally kicked it off with The Beatles’ song “Revolution.” A laughable idea to anyone who knows how to read or listen to lyrics. (Re [...]

There’s So Much We’re Not Being Told on Purpose

There’s So Much We’re Not Being Told on Purpose

Let’s keep in mind that the George Floyd incident took place in a Democrat-controlled police department within a Democrat controlled city within a Democrat-controlled state. How this is Pres. Trump’s fault or the fault of white people generally is beyond me. There is a huge double standard designed to radicalize the United States: President Trump has been criticized and accused of being racist for [...]

Trump, Cuomo, Pelosi, and the Bible

Trump, Cuomo, Pelosi, and the Bible

You knew it would happen. Trump stands in front of the historic St. John’s Church, often called the Church of the Presidents, that was just firebombed and holds up a Bible. The pastors of the very liberal church denounced him even though the sign says, “ALL ARE WELCOME,” unless you’re Donald Trump holding a Bible. I guess this means it’s only the Church of Some Presidents. “Rioters are welco [...]

Son of Famous Christian Apologist Has Become the Tool of the Radical Left

Son of Famous Christian Apologist Has Become the Tool of the Radical Left

I haven’t heard much from Frank Schaeffer, the son of Francis and Edith Schaeffer, for some time. It’s probably because I don’t frequent his new world of leftist politics and anti-Christian screeds. But there he was. Attacking all things Trump and all his supporters in a seven-minute video. What we are seeing is an attempt of a coup d’etat at every level of society, from popular radicals lik [...]

Are We Living in “The Days of Noah”?

Are We Living in “The Days of Noah”?

A friend sent me a link to a podcast by Dr. R. Scott Clark on an eschatology series titled “As It Was in the Days of Noah.” Dr. Scott has taught at Westminster Seminary California since 1997 and at Wheaton College, Reformed Theological Seminary, Jackson, Mississippi, and Concordia University, Irvine. I am a graduate of Reformed Theological Seminary, so I’m quite familiar with his view of esc [...]

In Light of the Present Crisis, Someone Asked, ‘Are You Still a Postmillennialist’?

In Light of the Present Crisis, Someone Asked, ‘Are You Still a Postmillennialist’?

As usual, some Christians are equating current events with signs of the end times. Some of what I’ve seen and read is downright crazy. Here’s one example that has been making the rounds: Someone sent me this: The prophetic signs of the return of Christ are all around. Here is the latest in case you missed it. The name of the SpaceX/NASA Space Shuttle that was successfu [...]

Atheist Trolls Who Think They Know the Bible

Atheist Trolls Who Think They Know the Bible

Atheists have found a home on Facebook, and they think they know the Bible. They claim to have discovered discrepancies in the Bible. One such atheist claims to have discovered how the resurrection accounts do not add up. Like the birth narratives in Matthew and Luke and other New Testament events, there are differences among the four resurrection accounts. Biblical skeptics see these difference a [...]

‘We Should all Have an Equal Share of Belongings’

‘We Should all Have an Equal Share of Belongings’

My wife and I had some of our grandchildren over for a visit while their parents spent time together for a deserved night out. The children wanted to watch a movie, so I had them watch the animated version of George Orwell’s Animal Farm. It’s very good, even for very young children. You can watch it for free here: The theme is well known. The promise is equality for ev [...]

It’s the 'Accounting For' That Makes the Difference

It’s the 'Accounting For' That Makes the Difference

Is God needed for morality to exist? Billboards have been plastered about claiming that God is not needed for non-believers to be moral. Atheists often respond by claiming, “I’m as moral as the next guy. I have a conscience.” These may be true. The issue is not whether atheists can do moral things, it’s how they account for morality in a matter-only chance universe. It&rsqu [...]

Liberals, Atheists, and Leftists Say the Damnable Things

Liberals, Atheists, and Leftists Say the Damnable Things

Kids Say the Darndest Things was a comedy series hosted by Bill Cosby from January 9, 1998 to June 23, 2000. The idea of the show stemmed from Art Linkletter’s radio show House Party and television series of the same name. “The show’s best-remembered segment was ‘Kids Say the Darndest Things,’ in which Linkletter interviewed schoolchildren between the ages of five and ten. During the segment [...]

What Millennials Don’t Know About Socialism and Communism Will Hurt Them

What Millennials Don’t Know About Socialism and Communism Will Hurt Them

“The majority of millennials would prefer to live in a socialist, communist or fascist nation rather than a capitalistic one, according to a new poll…. The most popular socioeconomic order was socialism, with 44 percent support. Communism and fascism received 7 percent support each.” (Washington Times). The most egregious political stupidity comes from people whose families escaped socialism and c [...]

Are We Following in the Steps of Pre-Nazi Germany?

Are We Following in the Steps of Pre-Nazi Germany?

We’ve been taught that fascism is a foreign-born ideology that spawned the political aspirations of Benito Mussolini and Adolf Hitler. In reality, fascism has a long history in America and has been resurrected by people who believe that power guided by good intentions can do no harm. They are ignorant of history and human nature. The transformation of the United States happening right before our e [...]