The Reasons Behind the ‘Anonymous’ Report About Pres. Trump

The Reasons Behind the ‘Anonymous’ Report About Pres. Trump

“The story is not true. It has become a very dangerous time when anonymous sources are believed above all else, and no one knows their motivation. This is not journalism. It is activism. And it is a disservice to the people of our great nation.” —Melania Trump Everyone knows by now that the ultra-liberal magazine The Atlantic that colludes with the Democrat Party has written an article that claims [...]

Anonymous Sources and Biblical Law

Anonymous Sources and Biblical Law

An article in The Atlantic claimed that President Trump said some nasty things about the military, “belittled fallen military members by calling them ‘suckers’ and ‘losers.’” There were other anti-military comments made as well as some other allegations regarding visiting cemeteries. The Atlantic article stated the following: “These sources, and others quoted in this article, spoke on condition of [...]

How Joe Biden Attacked Clarence Thomas and Revealed His Distaste for Moral Absolutes

How Joe Biden Attacked Clarence Thomas and Revealed His Distaste for Moral Absolutes

“Judges are like umpires. Umpires don’t make the rules; they apply them.” On the opening day of testimony before the Judiciary Committee, John Roberts used this baseball metaphor to describe his judicial philosophy. Sen. Joseph Biden stated that “the metaphor is not very apt, because in baseball a set rule defines the strike zone.” Biden went on to say: “Without any knowledge of your understanding [...]

Answering a Christian Never Trumper

Answering a Christian Never Trumper

I received the following email. I’m sure there are other Christians who hold a similar view: From my perspective it is no less despicable for Christians to hitch their wagon to Donald Trump and his Republican enablers than it is to give ground to the Democrats and their agendas. Trump is the most vile, dishonest, unprincipled, incompetent and abusive person ever to occupy the White House. He is an [...]

The “Good Old Days”—They Were Mostly Terrible

The “Good Old Days”—They Were Mostly Terrible

Yesterday I received Otto L. Bettmann’s book The Good Old Days—They Were Terrible (1974). When I wrote and produced the first volume of my three-book series God and Government, some of the images I used came from the famous Bettmann Archive collection of photographs and prints. Bettmann’s book is a collection of some of the archive’s images with commentary about how there was a lot of bad stuff go [...]

Black Sports Stars Squandering their Moral Capital

Black Sports Stars Squandering their Moral Capital

These “social conscience” sports stars have misdirected their financial and moral capital. Everyone knows that black-on-black crime is much more pervasive than white policemen killing black people, and that’s not something to be dismissed or made light of. Little or nothing is said or done about the daily murder rate among blacks in a city like Chicago. Every weekend we hear of multipl [...]

Sports Figures Squandering their Moral Capital

Sports Figures Squandering their Moral Capital

These “social conscience” sports stars have misdirected their financial and moral capital. Everyone knows that black-on-black crime is much more pervasive than white policemen killing black people, and that’s something to be dismissed or made light of. Little or nothing is said or done about the daily murder rate among blacks in a city like Chicago. Every weekend we hear of multiple sh [...]

Some Evangelicals are Urging Christians to Vote for Joe Biden

Some Evangelicals are Urging Christians to Vote for Joe Biden

I was shocked to read that Tremper Longman III, former professor at Westminster Theological Seminary who presently serves Westmont College as a distinguished scholar of biblical studies is urging Christians to vote for the Biden-Harris presidential ticket and with it all the apparatus of the Democrat Party. He wrote the following to me after I responded to his post: “[Biden] is a devout Christian [...]

‘Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn’

‘Some People Just Want to Watch the World Burn’

In The Dark Knight (2008) Batman meets up with his most diabolical enemy—the Joker, played fiendishly by the late Heath Ledger. There’s nothing funny about Ledger’s portrayal of the Joker. It’s not Jack Nicholson’s clownish Joker. This Joker is psychotic. Or is he? Alfred warns Bruce Wayne that the Joker is no ordinary criminal. Neither power nor money motivates him. We are never told what makes h [...]

Does this Biblical Story Apply to Today’s Churches and Government Shutdowns?

Does this Biblical Story Apply to Today’s Churches and Government Shutdowns?

There is always the danger of jurisdictional usurpation when civil government removes the jurisdictional boundaries and enters the domain of the Church. The Bible cites several examples of how the king sought to overrule the authority and jurisdiction of the Church. King Saul assumed the duties of the priests when he offered sacrifices. He stepped out of bounds from his kingly duties (1 Sam. 15:9– [...]

Darwinism’s Dirty Little Secret

Darwinism’s Dirty Little Secret

A review of Garry Wills’ Under God: Religion and American Politics carries the argument further. The reviewer is Mark A. Noll. There is much in Noll’s review that’s helpful, but his assessment of Wills’ evaluation of the 1925 Scope’s Trial was especially intriguing. Wills thinks that … later anti-evolutionists [i.e., Creation Scientists], because they shifted the focus of their concern from [...]

What I Owe Dr. D. James Kennedy

What I Owe Dr. D. James Kennedy

I was in Moscow, Idaho, speaking at the Grace Agenda Conference. There was a huge crowd, the largest one they’ve ever had. I got to meet a lot of people who have been influenced by the ministry of American Vision. During my first talk, I mentioned something of my background but was not able to describe it in detail. People are often curious about how I came to do what I’m doing today. [...]

Face Mask Laws are Designed to Make Us Compliant for More laws

Face Mask Laws are Designed to Make Us Compliant for More laws

Everywhere you go, people are dutifully wearing face masks. I was in Idaho over the weekend. I saw a woman wearing a face mask while riding a bike with not a soul anywhere near her. I’ve seen people wearing a face mask while driving. Joe Biden has called for all governors to mandate mask wearing for everyone who is outside in America. Then there’s this: A Wisconsin state agency is reportedly manda [...]

What Atheists Refuse to Admit

What Atheists Refuse to Admit

All worldviews are by definition belief systems, even atheism. Since we are all limited in knowledge and restrained by our inability to be everywhere (omnipresence) and know everything (omniscience), an atheist puts forth his claim that God does not exist in terms of a faith commitment. When the late Carl Sagan wrote “The cosmos is all that is or ever was or ever will be,” ((Carl Sagan, Cosmos (Ne [...]



We’ve come to the point in our nation’s history where the battle lines have been drawn. As always, it comes down to two operating propositions: God’s Law or Chaos. The time is long past time for Christians to understand how to approach the worldview war and put on the full armor of God for the battle. It begins by identifying the “touchstone proposition” of competing [...]

When Did Jesus 'Come on the Clouds of Heaven'?

When Did Jesus 'Come on the Clouds of Heaven'?

This is the fourth and final installment in this series (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3). In Luke 21:20 we find a similar audience reference: “When you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies, then know that her desolation is at hand.” Many prophecy writers who claim that Matthew 24 is about a yet future coming argue that Luke 21:5–24 describes the judgment on Jerusalem that took place in AD 70. Darrell L. [...]

Exegetical Gerrymandering to Overcome the Obvious

Exegetical Gerrymandering to Overcome the Obvious

This is the third part of my series on the use of the second person plural in Matthew 24 (Part 1 and Part 2). Preterists aren’t the only ones who identify the use of the second person plural as indicative of a first-century fulfillment. Anyone reading the passage for the first time would conclude that Jesus was referring to those of His generation, that’s why so much exegetical gerrymandering is n [...]

“His blood shall be on us and on our children!”

“His blood shall be on us and on our children!”

Part Two For Part One of this series read “The Use of the Second Person Plural (‘You’) in Matthew 24,” a response to an upcoming debate between Brock Hollett and Sam Frost on whether the abomination of desolation mentioned by Jesus in Matthew 24:15 is fulfilled prophecy or yet to be fulfilled. For a study of some of Brock Hollett’s shifting prophetic views, see my boo [...]

The Use of the Second Person Plural (“You”) in Matthew 24

The Use of the Second Person Plural (“You”) in Matthew 24

While doing my daily stroll down Facebook lane, I came across an advertisement for a debate on the timing of the “abomination of desolation” (Matt. 24:15) between two former full preterists. Brock Hollett has jumped the shark and rejected even a partial preterist position and adopted a form of premillennialism while arguing like a dispensationalist as I point out in my book Debunking a Debunker of [...]

Rocking the Foundation of Opposing Worldviews

Rocking the Foundation of Opposing Worldviews

In the 1950s, the John C. Winston Company, later to become part of Holt, Rinehart and Winston, published “Adventures in Science Fiction,” a series of juvenile hardcover novels that made up a collection of thirty-six books. Some of the world’s greatest science fiction writers got their start with the series: Arthur C. Clarke, best known for 2001: A Space Odyssey, Ben Bova, Lester Del Rey, Donald Wo [...]