Some History, Corrections, and Additions to the History of Christian Reconstruction

Some History, Corrections, and Additions to the History of Christian Reconstruction

Dr. Gary North and I have been going back over some history of what has been labeled “Christian Reconstruction.” We’re are trying to retrieve all the documentation we can for an archive for future generations to understand what took place and the ongoing impact of the principles outlined in books, newsletters, and video. We’re working on a larger project that’s in its [...]

Famous Actress Thanks God For Killer Virus

Famous Actress Thanks God For Killer Virus

If there are any more Never-Trumper GOPers, pro-Biden Evangelicals, or Third-Party voters left, you need to pay attention to this message from the queen of Leftism, Jane Fonda. She fits all the criteria of a modern-day Leftist — privileged, rich, arrogant, and out of touch with reality. When the system comes crashing down on us, she’ll be above it all, looking down on all the paeons she has no use [...]

Selling One's Soul For Social Acceptance

Selling One's Soul For Social Acceptance

All of a sudden, Democrats have found religion. Religion is now OK … but only if you are a Democrat and you need religion to brainwash and woo ill-informed so-called Evangelical Christians and Roman Catholics to help win the White House. Biden is said to be a “good and faithful Catholic.” This is the same rhetoric that Nancy Pelosi has used for years. Hillary Clinton followed a similar strategy. I [...]

What I Said to Those Attending the Fight Laugh Feast Conference

What I Said to Those Attending the Fight Laugh Feast Conference

How did you get here? I don’t mean “did you fly or drive?” How did you come to believe and act upon the beliefs you now embrace? We need to remember that there has been a long history of quietism and pietism among Christians. Not only weren’t Christians on offense but they were hardly playing defense. For years we heard things like, Jesus didn’t get mixed up in politics. Politics is dirty. [...]

The First Fight Laugh Feast Conference

The First Fight Laugh Feast Conference

While the world seems out of control, God is still the Sovereign Lord of history. What we are seeing manifested in nearly every area of life is a manifestation of unsustainable ideologies working themselves out. Paul wrote, “they will not make further progress; for their folly will be obvious to all” (2 Tim. 3:9). There is a price to pay for this folly, some of which falls at the feet [...]

The Third-Party Dream that’s a Nightmare

The Third-Party Dream that’s a Nightmare

After the first debate between Pres. Trump and Joe Biden, I saw some people on Facebook say they are going to vote for third-party candidates. Really? How is that going to help? They claim it will send a signal to both political parties. Neither party cares unless it damages one party or the other. The most affected party wins the election. This is important: Only one of the two major parties wins [...]

Is There a Time to Stop Praying and Start Doing?

Is There a Time to Stop Praying and Start Doing?

For decades, Christians have been reluctant to get involved in politics. These Christians either don’t vote or when they do vote they do so in terms of what government can do for them. The government is seen as their earthly savior. They are more concerned about where their next flu shot is coming from rather than the appointment of judges who with one vote can turn the Constitution on its head. [...]

The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics

The Maker Versus the Takers: What Jesus Really Said About Social Justice and Economics

When I became a Christian in 1973, I did not know much about the Bible. I went to a Catholic School through the fifth grade and church every Sunday, but I was only able to pick up some basic knowledge about Christmas and Easter. My first reading of the Bible was for knowledge. What does the Bible say? That’s always the first step. But I felt like the Ethiopian Eunuch when Philip asked him, “Do you [...]

The New Control Word is ‘Health’

The New Control Word is ‘Health’

There are different ways to control people. Rarely do you find a tyrant begin by lining up people in front of a ditch and executing them. Many small steps led to the final solution. At first, the Jews were denigrated by being forced to wear a badge that identified them as Jews. Then they were publicly maligned: Nazi propagandists exploited pre-existing images and stereotypes to give a false portra [...]

SCOTUS Has become the Ruler of the Nation

SCOTUS Has become the Ruler of the Nation

In 1987, I wrote a book for the ten-volume Biblical Blueprint series titled Ruler of the Nations: Biblical Principles for Government. Inspired by the title of the book, my friend and musician Craig Pitman wrote the song “Ruler of the Nations.” I haven’t seen Craig for some time, but I follow him on Facebook. Recently he posted a great article about the battle over the Supreme Court that I think ca [...]

How Can Christians Vote for a Party That Wants to Blow Up the System?

How Can Christians Vote for a Party That Wants to Blow Up the System?

“Sedition: incitement of resistance to or insurrection against lawful authority.” Wikipedia’s definition is more comprehensive: Sedition is overt conduct, such as speech and organization, that tends toward insurrection against the established order. Sedition often includes subversion of a constitution and incitement of discontent toward, or resistance against, established authority. Charging membe [...]

The Left Hates Any ‘Dogma’ that Questions Their ‘Dogma’

The Left Hates Any ‘Dogma’ that Questions Their ‘Dogma’

Democrats are attacking the religious beliefs of some possible replacements for Ginsburg. Their first target is Judge Amy Coney Barrett who is Roman Catholic. In 2017, she was attacked by Sen. Dianne Feinstein and other Senators for her religious beliefs when she was nominated for a seat on the Seventh Circuit Court of Appeals. Here’s what Feinstein said:: Why is it that so many of us on this side [...]

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Was Made Into a Demigod Because of this One Thing

Ruth Bader Ginsburg Was Made Into a Demigod Because of this One Thing

It’s not what a person says that matters; it’s what a person does. The Bible is very clear on this: Beware of the false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. You will know them by their fruits. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. [...]

Mideast Peace Treaties and Preparation for the Antichrist?

Mideast Peace Treaties and Preparation for the Antichrist?

I knew it was going to happen. On September 16 I did an hour and forty-minute interview with Hank Hanegraaff for his “Hank Unplugged” podcast that is scheduled to air Tuesday, September 22nd. I mentioned that the various peace talks with Israel and Arab nations will be seen by some as an end-time event that will usher in the antichrist. According to some prominent prophecy writers, the antichrist [...]

What are Gun Sales Telling Us about the State of the Union?

What are Gun Sales Telling Us about the State of the Union?

When some loudmouth spouted off about how he was going to do so-and-so to this guy or that guy, a guy who was really tough would often say, “You and who else?” or “You and what army?” An opposing force is only as effective as its ability to win battles. “In the waning days of WW II, during a discussion of the future of Eastern Europe, British Prime Minister Winston Churchill cautioned Joseph Stali [...]

Cultural Marxism v. Cultural Christianity

Cultural Marxism v. Cultural Christianity

Today’s Marxism has little to do with Karl Marx. Marxism in its purest form is an attack on capitalism not culture. Once workers united against their capitalist exploiters the inevitability of Communism would be realized. During the panel discussion that I participated in at Liberty University during the Falkirk Faith Summit with Eric Metaxas, Mark David Hall, author of Did America Have a Christia [...]

What Did Peter Mean by "The End of All Things is Near"?

What Did Peter Mean by "The End of All Things is Near"?

While there has been a dramatic shift in Bible prophecy teaching since I started writing, speaking, and debating the topic when I was in seminary in the mid-1970s, there are still a lot of people who continue to push the belief that we are living in the last days. The following meme caught my attention, especially when there were a lot of “Amens” in the responses: What “end” was Peter referencing? [...]

Secular Nationalism is All the Rage ... And I Mean Rage

Secular Nationalism is All the Rage ... And I Mean Rage

On September 10, I attended and participated in the “‘Get Louder’ Faith Summit: Fighting for the Soul of the Nation” at Liberty University with Mike Huckabee, Eric Metaxas, Mark David Hall, Jay Reynolds, Tom Ascol, Rod Martin, Ralph Reed, Virgil Walker, Aubrey Shines, Charlie Kirk, former U.S. Rep. Dave Brat, Kim Klacik, Jenna Ellis, Kathy Barnette, and many others. The event was a great success b [...]

Some Dangerous Voting Trends Among Christians

Some Dangerous Voting Trends Among Christians

The 2020 election has brought forth a number of cantankerous Christian groupings when it comes to voting patterns. Some of these have a longer history. The first group contends that there is not a dime’s worth of difference between the two parties. It’s pretty clear that in 2020 there is more than a dime’s worth of difference even though the Republican Party has a lot of flaws. Republicans have sq [...]

Romantic Revolutionaries: The Myth that Order Arises Out of Chaos

Romantic Revolutionaries: The Myth that Order Arises Out of Chaos

The religion of something from nothing, order out of chaos origins is a popular creation myth developed out of thin air by materialist philosophers who can’t account for the matter they say gave rise to you and me. What we are seeing in cities that espouse the fundamentals of something from nothing scientism is a direct result of the rise of romantic revolutionaries who believe that chaos wi [...]