Biden-Harris Pro-Abortion Presidency: A Modest Proposal

Biden-Harris Pro-Abortion Presidency: A Modest Proposal

“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, or you will also be like him. Answer a fool as his folly deserves, so he won’t be wise in his own eyes” (Prov. 26:4–5). The news is out, and it was expected. “Joe Biden is expected to roll back several of the Trump administration’s changes to sexual and reproductive health programs, undoing a large portion of the president’s executive actions on aborti [...]

New Laws Mean New Sanctions

New Laws Mean New Sanctions

Rejecting God’s laws and their moral implications does not mean that laws and their moral implications are done away with. With the rejection of God’s commandments new commandments replace the old and a new set of sanctions that go along with them. The more things change, the more things stay the same but with new masters and a different whip. These new laws and sanctions are implemented and enfor [...]

Prophecy Prognosticators are Part of the "Thought Collective"

Prophecy Prognosticators are Part of the "Thought Collective"

Like clockwork, when something bad happens in the world, Bible prophecy prognosticators start with their end-time claims. They are part of a “thought collective” where adherents share their beliefs in a closed system using the same language and shortcut responses to those who criticize their conclusions. When challenged with this question, “Where in the Bible does it say that?,” they avoid answeri [...]

Can an Evolved Brain be Trusted?

Can an Evolved Brain be Trusted?

Atheism is a worldview driven by faith in a system of thought supposedly generated by a brain that evolved from a pre-biotic soup of chemicals that randomly emits electrical impulses through its gray matter no different from a build-up of electrical energy that is discharged through a lightning strike. But how can a materialist know that an evolved brain can be trusted to know anything authoritati [...]

The Threat of Unhindered National Government

The Threat of Unhindered National Government

The following article is my third response to a journalism and political science major who sent me questions to answer for a research paper she was writing. (Read Part One and Part Two) Here’s the multi-part question: Roy Moore also landed himself in some controversy when he began refusing to recognize federal court orders regarding marriage equality. Does American Vision believe that Moore’s acti [...]

Being Honest with History Even When It Hurts

Being Honest with History Even When It Hurts

I’m generally a skeptical guy. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve become even more skeptical when I come across a story that seems too good to be true or even false. The 2020 election is a good example — everything from skewed poll numbers to reports of events that turned out to be fabricated. I learned my early skepticism by watching classic films about real people and events that weren [...]

The Ten Commandments in American Law

The Ten Commandments in American Law

The following is the second question I was asked by a journalism and political science major at a major university for a research paper (you can read my answer to the first question here): How did American Vision feel about former Alabama Judge Roy Moore’s display of the Ten Commandments at the Alabama Judicial Building in Montgomery in 2003? Did this display align with American Vision’s goal to r [...]

Is the Rapture Found in Matthew 24?

Is the Rapture Found in Matthew 24?

Almost daily I get questions about prophetic topics. In most cases, I’ve already dealt with them in my books Last Days Madness, The Early Church and the End of the World, Why the End of the World is Not in Your Future, Wars and Rumors of Wars, 10 Popular Prophecy Myths Exposed and Answered, The Rapture and the Fig Tree Generation, Prophecy Wars, Identifying the Real Last Days Scoffers, and Left Be [...]

My Response to College Student Majoring in Journalism and Political Science

My Response to College Student Majoring in Journalism and Political Science

I received a request for an interview from a college student majoring in journalism and political science who is doing research paper. Here’s some of what she wrote to me: I just wanted to reach out to your organization because I have noticed that American Vision has written extensively about some of the religious controversies in politics. I am writing a research paper about how religion has shap [...]

Politics as Power and Intimidation

Politics as Power and Intimidation

Most of us have heard of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington (1939), about a naïve Senator who ends up taking on the political establishment. It’s a reminder that there’s nothing new under the political sun. It stars Jimmy Stewart and Jean Arthur and was directed by Frank Capra who also directed Stewart in It’s a Wonderful Life. It’s one of AMC’s Top 100 films. It was not popular with the political estab [...]

The Messianic and Destructive Character of American Education

The Messianic and Destructive Character of American Education

Kevin DeYoung is the senior pastor of Christ Covenant Church in Matthews, North Carolina. Recently, he wrote a comprehensive review of Rousas J. Rushdoony’s little book Law and Liberty. DeYoung describes what is commendable about the book and what he considerers “Bridges Too Far.” DeYoung is correct when he writes the following: Throughout 32 chapters, Rushdoony makes a principled case for a limit [...]

One of the Most Despicable Senate Speeches Ever Given

One of the Most Despicable Senate Speeches Ever Given

Since Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton and the Democrats in 2016, Democrats have said some very bad things about him, his supporters, and the United States. The nomination and confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett has driven these people to the lowest of low when it comes to disparaging people they disagree with. How many times have you heard Democrats tell us that Joe Biden will unify the nation. Do [...]

Who Is Defending Classic Dispensationalism Today?

Who Is Defending Classic Dispensationalism Today?

Eschatology is the study of the “last things.” The more popular terminology is “Bible prophecy.” There are numerous schools of thought on the subject. The most popular version—dispensational premillennialism—teaches that particular prophetic events are on the horizon, that a “rapture” of the Church precedes a seven-year period that includes the rise of an antichrist, a rebuilt temple, and a Great [...]

The Apostle Paul and the Lesser of Two Evils

The Apostle Paul and the Lesser of Two Evils

Christians are still bringing up “I can’t vote for the lesser of two evils.” Somehow they believe it’s wrong to vote for someone like Donald Trump who is doing a number of things to stop abortion but it’s OK to sit back and let Joe Biden and Kamala Harris win in November knowing full well that abortion will continue unabated. Somehow saving some unborn babies is not OK but letting a po [...]

My Response to John Piper's 'Paths to Ruin' Article

My Response to John Piper's 'Paths to Ruin' Article

Pastors are supposed to be prophets, not in the sense of foretelling but in forthtelling. The Old Testament prophets were critical of the immoral—lawless—actions of Israel’s religious and civil leaders, and they were never nice about it (e.g., Jer. 2:20; 3:1–3; Jer. 5:7–8). Jesus was equally critical and used harsh language to call out the religious establishment of the day: Jesus said, “You brood [...]

Sexual Preference v. Sexual Orientation: Control the Language ... Control the Issue

Sexual Preference v. Sexual Orientation: Control the Language ... Control the Issue

The homosexual movement went from “sexual preference” to “sexual orientation” overnight when Amy Coney Barrett used “sexual preference” during her Supreme Court nomination inquisition. Homosexuality is now a protected class. The Orwellian editors of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary “added the word ‘offensive’ to its entry and usage guidance of ‘preference’ and ‘sexual preference’ when referring to s [...]

Does 2 Thessalonians 1 Support Amillennialism?

Does 2 Thessalonians 1 Support Amillennialism?

Vern Poythress wrote “2 Thessalonians 1 Supports Amillennialism.” It was originally published in THE JOURNAL OF THE EVANGELICAL THEOLOGICAL SOCIETY in 1995. The following is from the Abstract of the article: 2 Thessalonians 1 supports amillennialism because it is in tension with all the other major millennial views…. 2 Thessalonians 1 is in tension with postmillennialism. The text of verses 5–7 in [...]

Will There be Circumcision and Animal Sacrifices During the 'Millennium'?

Will There be Circumcision and Animal Sacrifices During the 'Millennium'?

It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery. Behold I, Paul, say to you that if you receive circumcision, Christ will be on no benefit to you. And I testify again to every man who receives circumcision, that he is under obligation to keep the whole Law. . . . For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision me [...]

Governments Create Poor People

Governments Create Poor People

What? There’s poverty in America? How is this possible? The Great Society policies under Lyndon Johnson were supposed to eradicate poverty. Two main goals of the Great Society social reforms were the elimination of poverty and racial injustice. The war on poverty became a war on the poor. Poverty was dropping when LBJ announced his program. Here’s what Ronald Reagan said in 1988 about the war on p [...]

“Are we Living in the Last Days?” An Interview With Gary DeMar

“Are we Living in the Last Days?” An Interview With Gary DeMar

Recently, I was interviewed by Hank Hanegraaff on the topic of eschatology. Why is this an important topic? Because millions of Christians are bound by it and live in terms of it in a negative way. Considering the following that was sent to me by a friend: I had a woman tell me today that it may work out better for Christians to vote for Biden because it would hasten Jesus’ return and his second c [...]