It's Never Been About "Just the Facts"

It's Never Been About "Just the Facts"

If this past election has taught us anything, it tells us that facts don’t matter. Showing an image of a nearly full-term baby in his mother’s womb to members of Congress did not dissuade the Democrats from supporting abortion until and even after a baby’s birth. Democrats ignore the science and the empirical data behind the transgender movement. The ACLU has declared that there is no advantage fo [...]

Netflix and Disney Support Aborting Future Customers

Netflix and Disney Support Aborting Future Customers

The Apostle Paul writes in his second letter to Timothy: Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so these men also oppose the truth, men corrupted in mind and disqualified regarding the faith. But they will not get very far, for their folly will be plain to all, as was that of those two men (2 Tim 3:8-9). Netflix and Disney Studios are in the filmmaking business to make money. In order to make m [...]

The New Paradigm: We Suck

The New Paradigm: We Suck

Not every historical event can fit into a history curriculum. Historians are selective in what they choose to add to a history curriculum. This means that there is no neutrality when it comes to the study, research, compilation, teaching, and the “so what?” of history. Some historical facts and events are added, and some are left out. This is inevitable. The most crucial factor to understand writi [...]

Until the Times of the Gentiles are Fulfilled

Until the Times of the Gentiles are Fulfilled

Eschatology is still big business. It’s not that a lot of people are making money with it, although some are, but because many Christians can’t seem to think in other terms. When things go bad, many Christians immediately conclude that we’re living in the last days even though this type of thinking has been around for many centuries with the same results. We’re still here fighting the same battles [...]

When Religious Activism was Praised

When Religious Activism was Praised

The civil rights movement of the 1960s was influenced by those who brought morality to bear on issues related to race and equality. “For the first time in history, a single Protestant‑Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and Jewish testimony was presented to Congress in support of legislation. Congress became aware that the religious community was aroused in a startlingly way. The participation of the religi [...]

Transgenderism will destroy women's sports

Transgenderism will destroy women's sports

“Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY) challenged President Joe Biden’s Education Secretary nominee on his statement it is ‘appropriate’ to allow boys to compete in girls’ sports by asking, ‘What planet are you from?’” Democrats claim to be “about the science” until the science gets in the way of a political agenda. Will Paul’s impeccable logic make a difference? No! Damn the morality and science—full steam ahead [...]

Leftist Bosses Demand We Get Our Minds Right

Leftist Bosses Demand We Get Our Minds Right

“‘There are millions of Americans, almost all white, almost all Republicans, who somehow need to be deprogrammed. It’s as if they are members of a cult,’ Washington Post columnist Eugene Robinson said of Trump supporters on January 12. Former CBS news anchor Katie Couric agreed. ‘How are we going to really, almost, deprogram these people who have signed up for the cult of Trump?’ she asked Bill Ma [...]

The 1776 Report v. the 1619 Project

The 1776 Report v. the 1619 Project

The day Joe Biden was sworn in as President of the United States, The 1776 Report by former Pres. Donald Trump’s Advisory 1776 Commission disappeared from the White House website. The 1776 Report was a needed response to the New York Times Magazine 1619 Project that claimed that slavery was the foundation upon which the United States was founded. The United States was unofficially founded in 1776 [...]

The Days of Noah and Postmillennialism

The Days of Noah and Postmillennialism

Through a comment on Facebook, I learned that Ed Dingess posted a 45-minute critique of a message that James White gave on the topic of postmillennialism that served as a response to a sermon that John MacArthur gave. You can listen to the Dingess’ “rant” (as he calls it) titled “James White’s New Dance with Postmillennialism” here. I’m not going to offer a response to it. James White is more than [...]

The Violent History of Leftist Politics

The Violent History of Leftist Politics

Most people don’t realize it but today’s Leftist politics was birthed and incubated in violence against the system. The violent rhetoric and action of the 1960s and ending with the Kent State shootings in 1970, drove the radicals underground. They were the same radicals but they exchanged their bombs for college degrees, suits, and political ascendency. They became the system they said they despis [...]

How to Sink the Deep State

How to Sink the Deep State

Christians are in a quandary as to what to do given the direction of the nation. It’s been staring us in the face for decades. An article on Christian Post by Livingstone Knowles reads, “A Christian parent’s case for public school education.” This is the wrong answer. It’s the major problem. A vast majority of Christians and conservatives are sending their children to the schools that are operated [...]

Christian Ministry Extols 'Biblical Values' of AOC's Democratic Socialism

Christian Ministry Extols 'Biblical Values' of AOC's Democratic Socialism

When George W. Bush was running for President, I debated Jim Wallis, who is the founder of Sojourners, a leftist ministry masquerading as a Christian ministry. I don’t remember everything about our debate, but the one thing I do remember is that he could not answer this one question I asked: You mention that numerous places in the Bible address the poor. Can you supply one verse that states that c [...]

The Anti-Science Extremism of the Left

The Anti-Science Extremism of the Left

President Joe Biden nominated a man to be his assistant secretary of Health and Human Services who thinks, dresses, and acts like he’s a real woman. The party of science is willing to ignore science when it needs to cater to a voting contingency—the Alphabet People. When I mentioned the anti-absurdity of this nomination, someone posted the following in the name of science: “Transgender” occurs als [...]

10 Reasons why being Short, Black, Female, Pretty, and Athletic are Examples of ‘Privilege’

10 Reasons why being Short, Black, Female, Pretty, and Athletic are Examples of ‘Privilege’

Liberals have developed dozens of terms to position their ideological brand and subvert their ideological enemies. Here are more than 20 of them: Tolerance, choice, safe space, micro-aggression, gender fluidity, gender reassignment, multiculturalism, diversity, fairness, inclusion, empowerment, global cooling, global warming, climate change, climate change deniers, hate speech, dreamers, paying yo [...]

Minimum Wage Facts Democrats Don't Want You to Know

Minimum Wage Facts Democrats Don't Want You to Know

Biden and Co. want to raise the minimum wage to $15 per hour. First, like so much of government regulation, this is theft. Only governments (and the mafia) can force people to pay more money for work they don’t do. Second, it’s a job killer for young people trying to get work experience. If you listen to Democrats, most Americans are working at jobs for minimum wage pay. It’s not even close to the [...]

Poking Holes in the Prophetic USA Titanic

Poking Holes in the Prophetic USA Titanic

A popular metaphor for prophetic irrelevance is the sinking Titanic theme. “This metaphor was made famous, of course, by the 1950s radio preacher J. Vernon McGee, who warned his listeners with the rhetorical question, ‘Do you polish brass on a sinking ship?’ (Quoted in Gary North, Rapture Fever: Why Dispensationalism is Paralyzed (Tyler, TX: Institute for Christian Economics, 1993), 100.) Apparent [...]

To whom will we be in bondage?

To whom will we be in bondage?

The Bible is clear: God’s image-bearers can only attain lasting freedom when they are in bondage to Jesus Christ and His commandments which are not burdensome. We are bondservants by nature as creatures. The only question is: To whom will we be in bondage? To be outside of Christ is to be in slavery. The world today is outside of Christ, and never has slavery been more widespread or more specific. [...]

Is Earth just a Way Station to Heaven?

Is Earth just a Way Station to Heaven?

Most Christians have a limited view of what constitutes a biblical worldview. I suspect that many believe that the Christian’s earthly life is a holding pattern for heaven. Earth serves as a way station for true living after death. Is this why God created us? We’re born, we live out our lives the best we can, and then we prepare for heaven. In the interim, the Christian’s goal is to evangelize the [...]

Big Tech as Saviors: What Could Go Wrong?

Big Tech as Saviors: What Could Go Wrong?

As I was making my way through the channels to watch an episode of King of the Hill, I stopped on a channel that was showing the film I, Robot (2004). One of my favorite scenes was about to come on—Dr. Calvin’s exchange with V.I.K.I., the supercomputer that runs every other computer and all the robots in this futuristic dystopian world. V.I.K.I. is an acronym for Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intell [...]

Commenting on Amillennialism

Commenting on Amillennialism

I came across the following post on Facebook: “Prof. D. J. Engelsma gives a devastating rebuke to the Postmil notion of ‘Christianizing the world.’” The poster asked for comments. Here was my first comment: “David Engelsma is fixated on the common grace argument. That’s a Christian Reformed Church amillennial problem. Engelsma uses almost no Scripture. His eschatology is closer to dispensationalis [...]