Pushing Back Against the Insanity

Pushing Back Against the Insanity

Gary discusses two recent news items about individuals pushing back against the prevailing ideology and newspeak. It’s been said that when people stop believing in God, they don’t believe in nothing, they believe in anything, no matter how absurd.[1] With the apparent death of rationalism and the questioning of how science and technology are used, the worldview of the irrational was born. “Twentie [...]

Galaxy Quest and Borrowed Capital

Galaxy Quest and Borrowed Capital

Gary talks about the film, Galaxy Quest, and the idea of borrowed capital. If religious skeptics have forsaken biblical presuppositions, why is it that they can think rationally, work in terms of the scientific method, and require some semblance of morality? The answer is simple. Unbelievers are philosophically schizophrenic. They don’t often live consistently with the governing principles of thei [...]

The Self-Refuting Worldview of Atheism

The Self-Refuting Worldview of Atheism

Gary responds to a lady that claimed the Bible was a book of fairy tales and that American Vision is a hate group. Some people want to know how we can defend the Bible as the Word of God or Christianity as a worldview. Dr. Cornelius Van Til (1895–1987) used to put it this way: Our apologetic is that unless Christianity is true, you can’t prove anything at all. To put it in a sophisticated way, the [...]

The Church's Self-Imposed Exile

The Church's Self-Imposed Exile

When we study the history of prophetic speculation, we soon realize that we’ve heard all of this before.For nearly 2000 years uninformed but assured Christians have predicted that “they were the generation that would see the end times … and the return of Christ.” In each and every case the prophetic prognosticators have been wrong. Seemingly not learning from this dismal t [...]

Teaching the Next Generation

Teaching the Next Generation

Gary continues his series on biblical government and how Christians should respond to the current overreach of politics into every area of life. The concept of the multiplicity of governments is as old as our country because the principles were extracted from biblical principles. Noah Webster’s definition of government in his American Dictionary of the English Language (1828) reflects the biblical [...]

Don't Let Anyone Deceive You

Don't Let Anyone Deceive You

Jesus warned the Church at Ephesus that He would come and remove their lampstand “unless you repent” (Rev. 2:5). He issued a similar warning to the church at Pergamum: “Repent therefore; or else I am coming to you quickly, and I will make war against them [i.e., the Nicolaitans] with the sword of My mouth (2:16; see 19:15). Sardis is forewarned using similar judgment language: “If therefore you wi [...]

Avoiding Israel's Mistakes

Avoiding Israel's Mistakes

“But that’s Old Testament law, that’s not for the Church.” How many times have you heard this, or even said this? Restoration of the Republic begins with the individual. Only the conversion of many can result in long-term societal restoration. God must be recognized as a God of love and justice—two inseparable attributes. Because God loves His people He sent Jesus, His only [...]

There's Work to be Done

There's Work to be Done

Gary DeMar and Gary North highlight the deep need for a comprehensive biblical worldview. Claims are often made that no government is the best government. That is, no civil government is the ultimate goal in pursuit of a just society. Some form of civil (or uncivil) government is inevitable. Gary North makes an excellent point: The anarcho-capitalist rejects all forms of civil government. He can p [...]

Ezekiel's Battle is History

Ezekiel's Battle is History

Gary interacts with a short video by Jack Hibbs discussing what’s happening in the Middle East and claiming it’s a fulfillment of Ezekiel 38 and 39, Gog and Magog. Getting the interpretation of prophecy right will help in dealing with those who are not familiar with the topic and see danger in some of the talk about an inevitable nuclear holocaust. When a prominent prophecy writer asso [...]

Eschatology is a Worldview

Eschatology is a Worldview

In this conversation between Gary and Kim Burgess, the two discuss their other podcast, Covenant Hermeneutics and Biblical Eschatology. The people in Jesus’ day saw the kingdom of God only in externals. They visualized the kingdom of God as coming, not through regeneration, but by revolution. Jesus said of His followers: “Truly, truly, I say to you, you seek Me, not because you saw signs, but beca [...]

What is Biblical Government?

What is Biblical Government?

Gary recorded a ten-part series based on his book God and Government a few years back and this episode is the first two parts of that series. Government within our American Christian heritage which was formulated from biblical principles, begins with the individual and extends outward to include all institutions. Presently, however, most Americans are unaware of the varied nature of government. Th [...]

Did the Jews Kill Jesus?

Did the Jews Kill Jesus?

Gary discusses an article and interview by Pastor Greg Laurie where he claims it is ridiculous to blame the Jews for Jesus’ death. Preterists believe that the events described in Matthew 24:1-34 were fulfilled in the events leading up to and including the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. “The guilt of all the righteous blood shed on earth, from the blood of righteous Abel to the blood of [...]

For The Glory of God and Advancement of the Christian Faith

For The Glory of God and Advancement of the Christian Faith

This article was originally published by David Lane of The American Renewal Project On December 22, 1620, the Puritans, one hundred and one in number, disembarked and set foot on land at Plymouth Rock. Thus began a new era in the history of the world. Their first act after leaving the Mayflower was to kneel, pray, and offer thanksgiving to God in the name and for the sake of Christ, taking possess [...]

Pushing Back Against the Ideology

Pushing Back Against the Ideology

Gary discusses several instances of people rejecting and opposing the current transgender push. A nation does not turn to the State for salvation overnight. There has been a general and gradual breakdown in society which finally leads a people to such desperate action. The historical circumstances of 1 Samuel 8 must be seen in the light of the period of the Judges where “every man did what was rig [...]

The Offense of the Old Testament

The Offense of the Old Testament

Gary examines two recent articles about biblical inerrancy and “pornographic” content in the Bible. Henry Morris explains in his book The Biblical Basis for Modern Science, that the Bible’s approach to worldview issues is comprehensive and includes science, technology, the humanities, commerce, law, civil government, and education, in short, every facet of human culture. There is nothi [...]

Did Jesus Drink Wine After His Resurrection?

Did Jesus Drink Wine After His Resurrection?

Gary looks into many verses in the New Testament about whether or not Jesus drank wine with his disciples after His resurrection. Jesus gave us the meal as a New Covenant meal. And He specifically said the covenant was in the cup—not bread, or meat, or water, or anything else, but the cup which He held. It contained “the fruit of the vine”—that is, wine. This wine was “the new covenant in my blood [...]

Teaching Simple-Minded People about Economics

Teaching Simple-Minded People about Economics

If you’ve ever been in a discussion with people on Facebook, you know there are a lot of simple-minded people. Worse, there are ignorant and arrogant people who spew some of the worst rhetoric. Some of it comes from Christians. The following is a short course in “How to Teach Simple-Minded People about Economics.” American Vision did not create it. The following is what I (Gary DeMar) know about i [...]

A Thousand Years Like a Day

A Thousand Years Like a Day

Gary responds to an interview with author Jerry Jenkins of Left Behind fame “But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day” (2 Pet. 3:8). This means, it is said, that “God’s arithmetic is different from ours,” so that when Scripture uses terms like “near” and “shortly” (e.g., Rev. 1:1, 3) or “at hand” (e. [...]

The Vengeance of the Left

The Vengeance of the Left

Gary discusses the recent school shooting in Nashville and the “response” from the media and leftists. The greatest offense to the unbeliever is the Christian’s insistence that there is only one truth. The statement that Jesus is the only way, the only truth, and the only light seems rather closed-minded. For secularists, it seems reasonable that if there is a “God,” people should be a [...]

Answering Listener Questions

Answering Listener Questions

Gary answers two listener questions Matthew 24:3 reads more accurately, “the end of the age” (aiōn), not the “end of the world” (kosmos) as some translations have it. The “end of the age” refers to the expiration of a period of time that specifically applied to the passing away of the Old Covenant era (Dan. 9:24-27; Matt. 15:24; Luke 24:27, 44). The writer of Hebrews described this time as “these [...]