Episode 30: Signs of the End Times

Episode 30: Signs of the End Times

Please help us reach $10K in donations for a matching grant Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 30 There are many signs mentioned throughout the NT by Jesus and others that are said to come during the “last days.” Why did Jesus treat the first-century generation of Jews so harshly? Why was their generation destined for destruction? They made up the generation that had to make a [...]

Doubling Down on Political Insanity

Doubling Down on Political Insanity

Please help us reach $10K in donations for a matching grant Gary discusses more recent craziness coming from politicians and celebrities about transgenderism and sports. This is a general truth about human nature. Though we think we are infallible about what we believe, we aren’t. In some psychologically high-stress or high-intensity situations, we are often prone to be wrong about what we believe [...]

Artificial Intelligence and Mental Atrophy

Artificial Intelligence and Mental Atrophy

Please help us reach $10K in donations for a matching grant Gary discusses several recent examples about people believing absurd things just because of something they saw online. For many religious seekers, belief in the supernatural is attractive, no matter what the source. “Human beings are spiritual creatures. We hunger for an encounter with the spiritual. We seem to know instinctively that the [...]

Episode 29: Putting Prophecy Into Perspective (Part Two)

Episode 29: Putting Prophecy Into Perspective (Part Two)

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 29 In this conclusion to his talk from a few years back, Gary gives a quick hermeneutics lesson using Matthew 24. Many dispensationalists assume that Matthew 24:1–34 describes a distant future tribulation, rapture, and physical return of Christ. This is a convenient interpretation for those who hold to a future orientation for all prophetic passages in S [...]

Government "Aid" is a Trap

Government "Aid" is a Trap

Gary discusses a recent comment by late night host Stephen Colbert about Christians helping the poor. Christians are commanded to be positively involved in the lives of people: “Seek justice, reprove the ruthless, defend the orphan, plead for the widow” (Isaiah 1:17). This is, in fact, the essence of Christian living: “This is pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God a [...]

Give Peace a Chance

Give Peace a Chance

Gary interacts with recent claims that outbreaks of peace in the world have significance for Bible prophecy. The “day of the Lord” was a day of God’s judgment and vengeance. As a result, there could be many such days. Luke describes the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 as “days of vengeance” (Luke 21:22), the fulfillment of Isaiah 61:2: “The day of vengeance of our God” (also see 63:4). In the [...]

Episode 28: Putting Prophecy Into Perspective (Part One)

Episode 28: Putting Prophecy Into Perspective (Part One)

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 28 In this talk given a few years back at a conference in Nashville, Gary introduces the topic of Bible prophecy and why it is important. At first reading, the New Testament seems to teach that the temple would be destroyed (Matt. 23:38; 24:2), Jerusalem would come under siege (Matt. 22:7), and the Old Covenant order would come to an end before the last [...]

The Martyrdom of Antipas

The Martyrdom of Antipas

Gary answers a listener question about the supposed historical fact that Antipas (mentioned in Revelation 2:13) was martyred in the mid-90s AD under Domitian. Francis Gumerlock, author of numerous English translations of ancient Latin commentaries, offers his conclusion based on the commentaries he surveyed: So in all of the Revelation commentaries that are extant from 200–700, not one of them sta [...]

Searching for Meaning and Purpose

Searching for Meaning and Purpose

Gary talks about the trend among young people where Bible sales are increasing and they are obviously looking for some sort of purpose. Imagine that you have a professor at school who holds a behavioristic view of man. He claims that our human behavior is determined by stimulus-response conditioning and that all human behavior is theoretically predictable if only we could know what the factors are [...]

Episode 27: Magog is Moscow and Gog is China

Episode 27: Magog is Moscow and Gog is China

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 27 Gary discusses new “research” that has now determined and revealed China’s role in Bible prophecy. Ezekiel was given a revelation that described his world. Consider the following description of the trading that was taking place among the various nations in Ezekiel’s day and note how these same nations are mentioned in Ezekiel 38. Spe [...]

Holding Government Accountable (It's In the Constitution)

Holding Government Accountable (It's In the Constitution)

Gary discusses DOGE and USAID and government overspending in general. The written Constitution “checks” the powers of the federal government by carefully delineating and specifying the powers of each branch. If the Constitution does not grant the federal government power to perform a particular activity, the government cannot legally perform it: “The powers not delegated to the United States by th [...]

To Have Children or Not to Have Children?

To Have Children or Not to Have Children?

Gary discusses recent articles about immigration, birth rates, and anti-natalists. Moral questions can only be answered in terms of ultimate presuppositions. What are the preconditions for morality? Where does the atheist go to account for his moral worldview? Why should I be concerned about the poor if Darwin’s “survival of the fittest” is fundamental to the undebatable theory? Raising moral ques [...]

Episode 26: Modern-Day Gaza is Not a Prophetic Fulfillment

Episode 26: Modern-Day Gaza is Not a Prophetic Fulfillment

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 26 No matter what happens in the Middle East—good, bad, or indifferent—it is claimed to be a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. The Bible shows that the events described in Matthew 24 were fulfilled in the first century and fell upon the generation of Jews who “did not recognize the time of [their] visitation” (Luke 19:44) and crucified “the Lord of glory” ( [...]

A Lightning Round of News

A Lightning Round of News

Gary runs through a few recent news stories and how the media is struggling to keep up with everything happening. The Bible directs us to submit to every human institution but with certain limitations. “Whether to a king as the one in authority, or to governors as sent by him for the punishment of evildoers and the praise of those who do right” (1 Peter 2:13). While Peter has civil authority in mi [...]

How Theological Differences Should be Handled

How Theological Differences Should be Handled

Gary responds to a recent article by Ken Gentry that called Gary out for his views on eschatology. The Nicene Creed and its anonymous cousin, the Apostles’ Creed, have been standards of orthodoxy for around 1700 years. A charge made by some Christians who ask questions about the creeds is that the creeds use “man’s language,” thus invalidating their authority. This is a harsh and mistaken claim si [...]

Episode 25: What About Progressive Dispensationalism?

Episode 25: What About Progressive Dispensationalism?

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 25 Gary answers a listener question about progressive dispensationalism. For centuries, theologians declared that the Papacy was the biblical antichrist, the man of lawlessness, and the beast all rolled into one. I have several books in my library that take this view. For example, Richard Hurd’s chapter “Prophecies Concerning Antichrist” in his book An I [...]

Gary's State of the Union

Gary's State of the Union

Gary discusses the current state of the country now that President Trump has taken office. Between the time of the Declaration of Independence (1776) and the United States Constitution (written 1787), the separate states operated under the Articles of Confederation (1781). These articles attempted to unite the independent states so that they could consolidate their powers in order to function more [...]

Deconstruction and the Christian Faith

Deconstruction and the Christian Faith

Gary discusses several recent (and not so recent) instances of individuals leaving the Christian faith after being in it for some time. Materialists don’t like TV shows that showcase paranormal events, even if the shows are fictional. X-Files is criticized by the late Carl Sagan because it “is skewed heavily towards the reality of alien abductions, strange powers and government complicity in cover [...]

Episode 24: Do Your Prophetic Homework

Episode 24: Do Your Prophetic Homework

Bible Prophecy Under the Microscope-Episode 24 Gary responds to several critics on Facebook that disagree with his interpretation of Bible prophecy. The temple, sacrifices, city, nation, land, and feasts found their fulfillment in the New Covenant “in reference to the Spirit”: Now on the last day, the great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, “If anyone is thirsty, let him come to [...]

The Story of How a Book American Vision Produced Was Suppressed

The Story of How a Book American Vision Produced Was Suppressed

The following article was written by David Chilton (1951-1997) in 1984. American Vision was a very new Christian ministry. I don’t remember how we got the contract to write Power for Living for the 1983 “Year of the Bible” campaign, but we completed the project on time and on budget. What you are about to read is indicative of what the church has been facing for more than 40 years. — Gary DeMar [...]